Trump sentencing July 11th, RNC convention July 15th

Too bad he installed his family and cronies as the RNC leadership. Imagine if they actually ran a legitimate candidate. Could’ve been a landslide for them. Reap what you sow shitheads.
Lol why would it be a landslide for them? The GOP is a useless shit show for decades now. Elaborate
Gov. Kim Reynolds released the following in response to Donald Trump’s verdict:
“America saw this trial for what it was, a sham. For years, Democrats like Alvin Bragg have been trying to put President Trump in jail with complete disregard for our democracy and the will of the American people. The only verdict that matters is the one at the ballot box in November where the American people will elect President Trump again.”

What a lyin' POS she is. She, and the entire Republican Party have lost their souls.