Trump tries to correct record on his claim Christians won't need to vote again after 2024 election

Project 2025 is all about consolidating and enhancing power in executive branch.

They aspire to be dictators for many years, not just a day.

The other comment on not having to vote after this fall is more reflective of his natural selfish .."if my name is not on the ballot , I don't give a crap if you ever vote" away from this guy on Nov 5.
I thought it was pretty obvious what he meant the first time he said it (though he wouldn't be able to deliver).

It was also pretty obvious the left would say "See he's a fascist and it means we won't have elections anymore!!!!!"

Trump being Trump, libs being libs... Next grievance please.
  • Haha
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It was obvious what he was saying the first time around lol reminder that project 2025 was mentioned zero times at the rnc but was discussed over 100 times at the DNC. Weird.. it's almost like they're making shit up to talk about since their candidate is a ghost and after 40 days has zero posted policy or interviews still. Pathetic.
Dude is a mess on every front. Sexual assaulter, fraudster, lousy father, cheated on his wife, tried a coup, will try another. Rs should have run away from this loser a long time ago.
They had so many chances and couldn't bring themselves to do it. If they had dumped him when he was being impeached, it's not like MAGA was ever going to vote Democrat. They'd still have Trump's base voting for them. They're just cowards.
We all knew what he was saying the first time and we all knew the left would try to turn it into something else.
We all knew what he was saying the first time and we all knew the left would try to turn it into something else.
What exactly was he saying? Constitutional changes? Or? FWIW, I don't believe he was saying he would stay in office beyond his term. I just don't believe he is coherent enough to say what he really means. That in itself, is a problem.
Evangelicals and NRA supporters don’t vote?
Yeah. It was obvious from the start that this was just another line of BS from Trump. He might as well have started with a story about some big, burly, gun-toting evangelical coming up to him, with tears in his eyes, and calling him “sir”.

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