Trump Winning In 2020 Will Be Epic...

I don't think he has a chance in was really only about ~67,000 votes that got him that election, he won't come close to losing by that many. (add another zero, or two ,and that with will be what he loses by).
This is an example of what is wrong with Trump's cult - it is all about "owning" people, and nothing about the future of our country. Remember, it may take years before the effects of Trump's actions are felt. I'm sure these same people will be blaming whoever is President at that time.
This is an example of what is wrong with Trump's cult - it is all about "owning" people, and nothing about the future of our country. Remember, it may take years before the effects of Trump's actions are felt. I'm sure these same people will be blaming whoever is President at that time.
Republicans enjoyed 8 years of being called racists by the left whenever we disagreed politically with Obama. Transgender bathroom discussion led to calling conservatives Homophobic and bigots.
Trump is the resistance. He often says what many republicans think about the left.
I’m convinced Trump second term will be very bad for the country so I hope he loses in November.

But if he wins, I predict many of his supporters will start disagreeing with him more and challenging him publicly. They’ll try to act like they never really liked Trump all that much. Few will admit to having voted for him.
If Trump wins, it will be the fault of the lefty fringe that do nothing but spew hatred towards Trump and anyone who voted for him. Nothing will energize his base like being called every name in the book by the “other side”.

I really hope the dems nominate Amy or Pete.....otherwise it’s 3rd party for me.
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This is an example of what is wrong with Trump's cult - it is all about "owning" people, and nothing about the future of our country. Remember, it may take years before the effects of Trump's actions are felt. I'm sure these same people will be blaming whoever is President at that time.
Something else that is wrong with them...
"We won with poorly educated. I love the poorly educated."
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Meltdown? I’m pre melted (is that “tempering” my expectations?) I’m beginning to prefer Pete win the nomination so the left doesn’t shoulder ALL of the blame for Trumps re-election.
Republicans enjoyed 8 years of being called racists by the left whenever we disagreed politically with Obama. Transgender bathroom discussion led to calling conservatives Homophobic and bigots.
Trump is the resistance. He often says what many republicans think about the left.

Do you think that there were racist and xenophobic undertones towards the Obama administration? Do you think the made up stories calling him Kenyan had racist undertones? Or the made up stories calling him Muslim?
I’m convinced Trump second term will be very bad for the country so I hope he loses in November.

But if he wins, I predict many of his supporters will start disagreeing with him more and challenging him publicly. They’ll try to act like they never really liked Trump all that much. Few will admit to having voted for him.
Just in time to coincide with the economic crisis that is coming. Republicans are going to be accountable for this love affair with The Donald. It's going to leave a mark on them like Hoover in the 20s.
If Trump wins, it will be the fault of the lefty fringe that do nothing but spew hatred towards Trump and anyone who voted for him. Nothing will energize his base like being called every name in the book by the “other side”.

I really hope the dems nominate Amy or Pete.....otherwise it’s 3rd party for me.

Just like last time, the excuses are already starting. It’s not my fault trump won just because I voted for him, it’s the fault of all the people that didn’t vote for him!
Republicans enjoyed 8 years of being called racists by the left whenever we disagreed politically with Obama. Transgender bathroom discussion led to calling conservatives Homophobic and bigots.
Trump is the resistance. He often says what many republicans think about the left.
So... a bunch of feelings and identity politics kinda stuff. One thing you are not is complex.
Link the video of that crazy lib screaming


I seriously think the left is getting too unhinged. If Trump gets 4 more years I am concerned they can’t deal with it like adults

I share the same concerns.

I'm also interested in the Trumpturds response if he were to lose. Shoot, I'm interested in Trump's meltdown should he lose.
Republicans enjoyed 8 years of being called racists by the left whenever we disagreed politically with Obama. Transgender bathroom discussion led to calling conservatives Homophobic and bigots.
Trump is the resistance. He often says what many republicans think about the left.

All of that is true, but fomenting acrimony and division should not be traits people look for in a POTUS.
I’m convinced Trump second term will be very bad for the country so I hope he loses in November.

But if he wins, I predict many of his supporters will start disagreeing with him more and challenging him publicly. They’ll try to act like they never really liked Trump all that much. Few will admit to having voted for him.


If things go bad, it's Nancy Pelosi's fault.
I don’t think there will be melt down. What happened in 2016 was really really abnormal. So nobody really on either side was prepared for the outcome. I think it comes down to the nominee. Many Democrats, myself included, know he can absolutely win again if we nominate the wrong person.

I will also say that I am 99% sure for mental and physical health reasons that Trump will not be president for even close to 5 more years.
I wish I was lying on beach drinking a mojito. Possibly reading a book. Maybe go for a ride on the jet ski later.
Link the video of that crazy lib screaming


I seriously think the left is getting too unhinged. If Trump gets 4 more years I am concerned they can’t deal with it like adults
Like Obama and the Clintons were dealt with? God you're dumb
I’m convinced Trump second term will be very bad for the country so I hope he loses in November.

But if he wins, I predict many of his supporters will start disagreeing with him more and challenging him publicly. They’ll try to act like they never really liked Trump all that much. Few will admit to having voted for him.
I think we are once again at the lesser of two evils, and until the dems offer a viable alternative...…...things wont change. The powers that be may want four more years of Trump.
Do you think that there were racist and xenophobic undertones towards the Obama administration? Do you think the made up stories calling him Kenyan had racist undertones? Or the made up stories calling him Muslim?
There were some....but not a great idea to paint all republicans as racist. What happens in 2016 if HIllary doesn’t make the deplorables comment? I personally knows democrats that were really upset about that
There were some....but not a great idea to paint all republicans as racist. What happens in 2016 if HIllary doesn’t make the deplorables comment? I personally knows democrats that were really upset about that
Check this out about mayor Pete. I believe God will punish the USA if this dude would somehow get elected. And yes I will laugh at the responses I get from the wild eyed Leftys.