Trump's Spiritual Advisor Robert Morris


HR Legend
Gold Member
Jul 11, 2007
Selected by Trump in 2016. Why isn't he in jail? The "young lady" as he called her was 12 years old. There is no Statute of Limitations in Texas for that crime. Why are GQPs always talking about pedophiles? Looks like we have another example of why... And, yes, Pepsi.

Btw, this is yet another problem Trump's got to deal with during the debate. Now a great look when your spiritual advisor turns out the be a kiddy rapist.
LOL, Trump barely knew the guy. He talked to him once or twice in the phone. He couldn’t pick him out of a crowded room. He made him his spiritual advisor as a favor for a friend
You sure about that? Who is the friend that was owed a favor?
No it was not. Trump has been constantly maligned by the Lame Stream Media by tying him to dopes and losers he barely knew. Michael Cohen was hired as a favor. He met Paul Manafort maybe once or twice, and didn’t even know he was his campaign advisor.
Now you've got me curious how many times Trump has met his son, Barron. I'm guessing 5-6 tops.