Its almost like they keep trying to find the next biggest lie... And, the beneficiary always seems to be Putin.
Forbes reports:
Tulsi Gabbard Spreads Kremlin Lies About Bioweapons
March 13, 2022 Propaganda, RussiaForbes reports:
Tulsi Gabbard shared false information Sunday about U.S. involvement in Ukraine biological laboratories Sunday, giving credence to an unfounded Russian-backed conspiracy theory the U.S. has warned could serve as justification for Russia to use biological and chemical weapons against Ukraine.
In a two-minute video posted to her Twitter Sunday morning, Gabbard said there are 25 to 30 American-funded biological laboratories in Ukraine and called for an immediate ceasefire at the laboratories as they could spread dangerous pathogens.
Tulsi Gabbard Latest To Push Russian-Backed Conspiracy About U.S.-Backed Biological Labs In Ukraine
Known for her pro-Russia stances and frequent conspiracy theories, former congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard shared misleading information Sunday about the danger of biological laboratories in Ukraine.