Twitter founder Jack Dorsey says we are being programed by black box algorithms

Yes and it’s targeting AND influencing you and the other trumptards and elderly more than anyone else.
It’s just following fox’s lead.
This statement proves that you are clueless.

It is the Trump supporters who are actually paying attention to this stuff. The left has gone full speed ahead with their propaganda. The left support klause schwab who said we wont even need to vote in the future because ai will know who we will vote for and can do it for us.

The left and elite are the ones manipulating people. Think Google, Amazon, Facebook, CNN, msnbc. These are major players who are all pushing the same agenda and they are not supporters of trump.

Im not sure why you cant see the big picture here. Are you stupid or your just being a troll?
Too conspiratorial.

An algorithm in social media is just one of many affectors that might push a person towards certain behavior.

You could argue that free will is an illusion and that our behavior is merely the sum of our affectors.

But that's not to say it isn't worth scrutinizing and or modifying easily palpable affectors like a social media algorithm.
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This statement proves that you are clueless.

It is the Trump supporters who are actually paying attention to this stuff. The left has gone full speed ahead with their propaganda. The left support klause schwab who said we wont even need to vote in the future because ai will know who we will vote for and can do it for us.

The left and elite are the ones manipulating people. Think Google, Amazon, Facebook, CNN, msnbc. These are major players who are all pushing the same agenda and they are not supporters of trump.

Im not sure why you cant see the big picture here. Are you stupid or your just being a troll?
Both sides. Just like China and Russia want. We need compromise and moderates yet we get the likes of MTG and Ernst who will not budge for the sake of the people. Party over people. It’s not too late. Sink that MAGA ship and we have a chance. Haley would have cleaned Joe’s clock. Joe will beat Orange Julius. By a lot.
Both sides. Just like China and Russia want. We need compromise and moderates yet we get the likes of MTG and Ernst who will not budge for the sake of the people. Party over people. It’s not too late. Sink that MAGA ship and we have a chance. Haley would have cleaned Joe’s clock. Joe will beat Orange Julius. By a lot.

Tough to get people to sink a ship they’re on.
Jack Dorsey was a spook when he dumped Twitter to Elon. It doesn't look like he's moved any closer to reality since offloading Twitter
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I’ve certainly see it for you. You’ve gone full right wing ideals since Musk took over Twitter.

The propaganda Musk has implemented on Twitter is astonishing. My ‘for you’ feed is full of right wing extremist like MTG. I don’t follow these fools, yet it’s always in my feed.
This statement proves that you are clueless.

It is the Trump supporters who are actually paying attention to this stuff. The left has gone full speed ahead with their propaganda. The left support klause schwab who said we wont even need to vote in the future because ai will know who we will vote for and can do it for us.

The left and elite are the ones manipulating people. Think Google, Amazon, Facebook, CNN, msnbc. These are major players who are all pushing the same agenda and they are not supporters of trump.

Im not sure why you cant see the big picture here. Are you stupid or your just being a troll?

This is one of those times when “both sides” applies to a topic of debate.

Unless you really want to go with Trump supporters in no way, shape, or form are as easily influenced.
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What the algorithms do is push provocative content that you will react strongly to while reinforcing your beliefs.

For example, showing you all of the articles about Hillary's secret cabal because you click them every time and believe stuff like that. Then people share these same articles with their like-minded friends who they have aligned with based on similar beliefs.

Twitter/facebook/instagram/tiktok etc... all do this. Try it. Create a new account and start liking a bunch of stuff outside of your normal beliefs and suddenly most of the content you see will align to what the algorithm thinks you like.

It's hilarious some of you think the dems are behind all of this. The algorithm probably sent you an article that confirmed that for you.
What the algorithms do is push provocative content that you will react strongly to while reinforcing your beliefs.

For example, showing you all of the articles about Hillary's secret cabal because you click them every time and believe stuff like that. Then people share these same articles with their like-minded friends who they have aligned with based on similar beliefs.

Twitter/facebook/instagram/tiktok etc... all do this. Try it. Create a new account and start liking a bunch of stuff outside of your normal beliefs and suddenly most of the content you see will align to what the algorithm thinks you like.

It's hilarious some of you think the dems are behind all of this. The algorithm probably sent you an article that confirmed that for you.

I call “the algorithm” the warm cuddly blanket of confirmation bias.


I know it works, because I get boobs and not politics in my socials like most of the jabronis on HORT.
I’ve certainly see it for you. You’ve gone full right wing ideals since Musk took over Twitter.

The propaganda Musk has implemented on Twitter is astonishing. My ‘for you’ feed is full of right wing extremist like MTG. I don’t follow these fools, yet it’s always in my feed.
You mean if I searched a story on Hiking the black hills and start getting bombarded shortly after with hiking stories in my feed, it is not all coincidence and everybody isn’t looking to go hiking now? I’ll be damned…..
The left and elite are the ones manipulating people. Think Google, Amazon, Facebook, CNN, msnbc. These are major players who are all pushing the same agenda and they are not supporters of trump.
Tell me you've never watched FoxNews without actually telling me.


Not to mention how foreign actors manipulate the crap out of all this.

Russia, China, Iran (especially Russia), use a variety of tactics to influence Americans, including spreading disinformation and propaganda on social media (good Lord do they love MAGA boomers on Facebook) as well as hacking and leaking sensitive information. They also manipulate public opinion through state-controlled media, engage in cultural and religious influence, and exploit existing social and political divisions to create discord...just look at HROT.

Boomers often think they "got hacked" on Facebook when, in reality, their accounts have been cloned. Foreign operators have dedicated organizations that target social media feeds to spread misinformation. They use fake accounts and bots to share divisive content, stirring the pot on hot-button issues to get people riled up. This isn't just random; they know exactly what kind of posts will get the most reactions.

That's where @Hawki97 's confirmation bias comes in. We all have a tendency to pay more attention to information that confirms our existing beliefs. So, when these operators flood social media with content that aligns with what people already think, it gets shared via the cloned (not hacked) accounts and believed more easily. This creates YUGE echo chambers where misinformation spreads rapidly.

You don't think that same information isn't flowing through the feeds of employees of CNN, Fox, MSNBC, etc.? They, too, use this information to exploit confirmation bias. Most journalism organizations don't care about truth, they care about clicks and eyeballs.

From the RAND Corp - Russia's strategic goals:
  1. Undermining U.S. Democracy: Russia aims to weaken American democratic institutions and processes by sowing discord and distrust among the public.
  2. Creating Division: By exploiting existing social, political, and racial tensions, Russia seeks to polarize American society.
  3. Diminishing U.S. Global Influence: Russia strives to reduce the United States' influence on the global stage by portraying its political system as chaotic and dysfunctional.
Yes and it’s targeting AND influencing you and the other trumptards and elderly more than anyone else.
It’s just following fox’s lead.
It's ironic because leftists are actually more susceptible to programming like this. See the following narratives the NPC brigade couldn't lap up and repeat as truth quick enough:

Russian collusion hoax
Russian bounty hoax
Fine people hoax
Governor Whitmer kidnapping plot
Trump pee tape
Jessie smollet
Peaceful protests

I could keep going btw but it should be obvious to all that it is easier to manipulate people who behave predominantly off of emotion. Young people, women, democrat men.. All fit the bill.
i can't think of a funnier response to this topic than "...yeah, social media algorithms are bad, but it's really the people i disagree with that have the problem..."
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"This is true but only the people on the other side fall for it. Get rid of them and it'd be fine!"

Lol good grief

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