Two Different Views Of Human Life


HB Legend
Nov 30, 2011
In our secular culture, human life is viewed as a
biological fact. We sustain that life by our very
sophisticated technology and advanced medicine.
Our educational and economic systems enable us
to attain material possessions and personal success.

In contrast, there is also the Biblical view of a gracious
and loving God who created us and gives us the
breath of life. God calls us to trust in Him with all our
heart and allow Him to guide our lives. We believe
that everything we have is a gift from God.

One view is secular and one is sacred. How do these
two views of human life clash in our current culture?
In our secular culture, human life is viewed as a
biological fact. We sustain that life by our very
sophisticated technology and advanced medicine.
Our educational and economic systems enable us
to attain material possessions and personal success.

In contrast, there is also the Biblical view of a gracious
and loving God who created us and gives us the
breath of life. God calls us to trust in Him with all our
heart and allow Him to guide our lives. We believe
that everything we have is a gift from God.

One view is secular and one is sacred. How do these
two views of human life clash in our current culture?

Does it matter? Everyone can believe what they want, but hopefully we all treat each other with respect and dignity. No need to “clash”.
Does it matter? Everyone can believe what they want, but hopefully we all treat each other with respect and dignity. No need to “clash”.
Stop it. Lute needs lots of self-affirmations. You see Lute has his religion tribe thing and his republican tribe thing. These two things frame his identity, which requires lots of upkeep. To feel good about these tribes he needs to find, and often manufacture, reasons to believe less of those not in his tribes.
In our secular culture, human life is viewed as a
biological fact. We sustain that life by our very
sophisticated technology and advanced medicine.
Our educational and economic systems enable us
to attain material possessions and personal success.

In contrast, there is also the Biblical view of a gracious
and loving God who created us and gives us the
breath of life. God calls us to trust in Him with all our
heart and allow Him to guide our lives. We believe
that everything we have is a gift from God.

One view is secular and one is sacred. How do these
two views of human life clash in our current culture?
Until you are willing to raise or pay for all those aborted babies, STFU.
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I see more materialistic greed amongst “devout” Christians than any secularists or secular humanists, that’s for sure. Gotta love Lute, though. He’s good at inventing the reality he needs, avoiding the reality he doesn’t.
Rudolph is blathering and bloviating
as is his custom. IF you do not want to
believe that you are part of God's own
creation, then that is your choice.

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Lute blathers but presents it like a type of prose. It’s full of shit, but presented with care.
Lol. Oversimplification based on stereotyping (also a type of oversimplification). Result? Another dumbass post by Lute.

Secular life: We all believe everyone has equal rights under the Law.

Bible life: If you don't believe in the same God as me, then God wants me to either kill you for being a non-believer, or convert you to my beliefs.
In our secular culture, human life is viewed as a
biological fact. We sustain that life by our very
sophisticated technology and advanced medicine.
Our educational and economic systems enable us
to attain material possessions and personal success.

In contrast, there is also the Biblical view of a gracious
and loving God who created us and gives us the
breath of life. God calls us to trust in Him with all our
heart and allow Him to guide our lives. We believe
that everything we have is a gift from God.

One view is secular and one is sacred. How do these
two views of human life clash in our current culture?

Preach on Lute and know that some of us appreciate your words of truth.

Everyone is free to choose what they believe but there is only one truth.
Rudolph already has 5 posts on this
thread. So someone must have
rattled his cage at Glen Oak Zoo in
Peoria, Illinois.
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In our secular culture, human life is viewed as a
biological fact. We sustain that life by our very
sophisticated technology and advanced medicine.
Our educational and economic systems enable us
to attain material possessions and personal success.

In contrast, there is also the Biblical view of a gracious
and loving God who created us and gives us the
breath of life. God calls us to trust in Him with all our
heart and allow Him to guide our lives. We believe
that everything we have is a gift from God.

One view is secular and one is sacred. How do these
two views of human life clash in our current culture?
I believe in the breath of life demarcation. I wish more religious people did too.
Until you are willing to raise or pay for all those aborted babies, STFU.
It was actually a pro choice post. Breath of life means you are a living being with a soul the moment you draw your first breath. Before that, you are a husk with minimal value and no rights. That’s what the Bible actually teaches and what Christians believed for a thousand years.
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Secular life: We all believe everyone has equal rights under the Law.

Bible life: If you don't believe in the same God as me, then God wants me to either kill you for being a non-believer, or convert you to my beliefs.
Secular life: We all believe everyone has equal rights under the Law.

Bible life: If you don't believe in the same God as me, then God wants me to either kill you for being a non-believer, or convert you to my beliefs.
Where do you get this junk thinking. You go to Joe's place in Iowa city for your understanding of the world?
I see more materialistic greed amongst “devout” Christians than any secularists or secular humanists, that’s for sure. Gotta love Lute, though. He’s good at inventing the reality he needs, avoiding the reality he doesn’t.
In his defense, Lute has posted often about the evil of the prosperity gospel teachings that permeate American Christianity.
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It was actually a pro choice post. Breath of life means you are a living being with a soul the moment you draw your first breath. Before that, you are a husk with minimal value and no rights. That’s what the Bible actually teaches and what Christians believed for a thousand years.
So do you disagree with someone being charged with a double-murder for killing a woman that is, say, 8 months pregnant?
In our secular culture, human life is viewed as a
biological fact. We sustain that life by our very
sophisticated technology and advanced medicine.
Our educational and economic systems enable us
to attain material possessions and personal success.

In contrast, there is also the Biblical view of a gracious
and loving God who created us and gives us the
breath of life. God calls us to trust in Him with all our
heart and allow Him to guide our lives. We believe
that everything we have is a gift from God.

One view is secular and one is sacred. How do these
two views of human life clash in our current culture?

The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled. So the Lord said, “I will wipe from the face of the earth the human race I have created—and with them the animals, the birds and the creatures that move along the ground—for I regret that I have made them.

Dunno, sounds like an asshole to me

Also I thought God was omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient? God should have known that man was going to turn out to be a POS since, you know, God created man. Seems weird that this God, according to scripture, made a huge mistake and didn’t see this outcome in advance. The alternative, of course, is that God did foresee what would happen and said **** it, this appeals to my sadistic natures.
The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled. So the Lord said, “I will wipe from the face of the earth the human race I have created—and with them the animals, the birds and the creatures that move along the ground—for I regret that I have made them.

Dunno, sounds like an asshole to me

Also I thought God was omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient? God should have known that man was going to turn out to be a POS since, you know, God created man. Seems weird that this God, according to scripture, made a huge mistake and didn’t see this outcome in advance. The alternative, of course, is that God did foresee what would happen and said **** it, this appeals to my sadistic natures.
You’ll notice the nature of Yahweh changes over the course of the Bible. In the beginning books there are other gods and Yahweh is just the god of the Jews. That version is also more limited needing to send angels out to gather information and letting himself be talked out of his plans by humans. As the sequels piled on, Yahweh acquired more superpowers. Just like most human superhero stories.
God had divine foreknowledge of what
would happen to Adam and Eve in the
Garden of Eden. Yet, he gave them
free will to obey or disobey His will. God
did not create puppets and try to pull their
strings. Today, men and women are free
to believe or not believe in God.
The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled. So the Lord said, “I will wipe from the face of the earth the human race I have created—and with them the animals, the birds and the creatures that move along the ground—for I regret that I have made them.

Dunno, sounds like an asshole to me

Also I thought God was omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient? God should have known that man was going to turn out to be a POS since, you know, God created man. Seems weird that this God, according to scripture, made a huge mistake and didn’t see this outcome in advance. The alternative, of course, is that God did foresee what would happen and said **** it, this appeals to my sadistic natures.
God had divine foreknowledge of what
would happen to Adam and Eve in the
Garden of Eden. Yet, he gave them
free will to obey or disobey His will. God
did not create puppets and try to pull their
strings. Today, men and women are free
to believe or not believe in God.
What is the scriptural basis for thinking Yahweh knew what would happen in a garden?

Additionally, do you take the Adam and Eve story literally or do you think it’s an allegory? I assume literally or there can’t be any knowledge of a fictional event, but I thought you were more mainstream than that.
Does it matter? Everyone can believe what they want, but hopefully we all treat each other with respect and dignity. No need to “clash”.

This. Unless you follow biology and abide to the whole two sexes thing...then you should be fired and burned to death immediately.
In his defense, Lute has posted often about the evil of the prosperity gospel teachings that permeate American Christianity.
And I've given him enthusiastic likes when he has. Lute's evangelism often implicitly and sometimes explicitly aims to demonize others who don't share in his religion. I like to challenge that. It deserves to be challenged.

The "bottom line" is that secular and the religious wouldn't clash much if the religious would stop evangelizing. Let people come to their religion on their own. We separated church and state (theoretically) for a reason. Unfortunately that line is contended, encroached upon more and more and more by the religious—but really not for the cause of religion but rather for the cause of power, simply using religion (and the religious) as a useful means.
Adam and Eve are referred to in the
New Testament as real people. The
evidence is substantial that they did
bring sin into the world by their own
disobedience of God's Will.

Bottom Line: Adam and Eve brought
sin into the world. Every human being
since then has been contaminated by
sin at their birth. Of course Jesus had
to die on the cross to forgive our sins.
And I've given him enthusiastic likes when he has. Lute's evangelism often implicitly and sometimes explicitly aims to demonize others who don't share in his religion. I like to challenge that. It deserves to be challenged.

The "bottom line" is that secular and the religious wouldn't clash much if the religious would stop evangelizing. Let people come to their religion on their own. We separated church and state (theoretically) for a reason. Unfortunately that line is contended, encroached upon more and more and more by the religious—but really not for the cause of religion but rather for the cause of power, simply using religion (and the religious) as a useful means.
You know my personal views match yours. But I like to argue so I’ll point out that Lute and most Christians think they are instructed by their god to evangelize. Further, they think we heathens need to hear them for our own salvation. So I try to see the evangelizing as a sort of kindness. Just as I think I’m being kind when I push back and try to free them of their fantastic world views.
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@naturalmwa......One of God's many
attributes is that He is omniscient (all-
knowing). This is explained in Psalm
But that seems to be a different version than is presented in genius. In that book Yahweh isn’t omniscient. Yahweh must have grown into that power.

Were Adam and Eve real people in history in your opinion? Is the Noah story real? How old do you think the planet earth is? Is the theory of evolution basically true? Help me understand your faith. Thanks in advance.
Adam and Eve are referred to in the
New Testament as real people. The
evidence is substantial that they did
bring sin into the world by their own
disobedience of God's Will.

Bottom Line: Adam and Eve brought
sin into the world. Every human being
since then has been contaminated by
sin at their birth. Of course Jesus had
to die on the cross to forgive our sins.
I missed this post. Apologies. Where is there evidence that they brought sin into the world? Where is there even evidence that sin exists as a real thing outside of theology?

In my view, sin is just a human concept. There could be evidence of when man first thought of it and recorded it. But it doesn’t exist independent of the human mind.
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You’ll notice the nature of Yahweh changes over the course of the Bible. In the beginning books there are other gods and Yahweh is just the god of the Jews. That version is also more limited needing to send angels out to gather information and letting himself be talked out of his plans by humans. As the sequels piled on, Yahweh acquired more superpowers. Just like most human superhero stories.
Dude, this is either some Grade A horsepucky you regurgitated by some farce of a professor you once had or, if by chance part of your own chicanery, a real disaster of understanding told with word salad with diarrhea dressing.

Bravo I guess for the effort. Beginning books, other Gods! Ha! Christ is patterned, promised, and present starting in early Genesis throughout the rest of the Old Testament. I’m sure you know this.
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Dude, this is either some Grade A horsepucky you regurgitated by some farce of a professor you once had or, if by chance part of your own chicanery, a real disaster of understanding told with word salad with diarrhea dressing.

Bravo I guess for the effort. Beginning books, other Gods! Ha! Christ is patterned, promised, and present starting in early Genesis throughout the rest of the Old Testament. I’m sure you know this.
Oh my, it always shocks me how little believers know about their own religion.

Yay, you’re still up. Educate me on those many gods oh wise one! :). I’ll hang up and listen.
What’s to tell? The Bible makes mention of their existence. It’s not like I believe they’re real either. But the authors thought other tribes had gods other than Yahweh and they thought those gods were real enough to include in the text. You must know the Jews didn’t start out as monotheistic, that was a journey.