UAW stiffleing GM and Ford's ability to compete in US


HB Legend
Nov 23, 2008
DETROIT (AP) - The leader of the United Auto Workers union has rejected a new level of lower wages for members who make auto parts ahead of contract talks with automakers that start in the summer.

There have been reports that General Motors Co. and Ford Motor Co. may propose a new pay level that is lower than the two existing groups.

Speaking Wednesday at the union's national bargaining convention in Detroit, which sets the agenda for the union's bargaining efforts with the auto companies and other industries, President Dennis Williams said the UAW already has too many tiers of lower wages.

Williams is under pressure from union members to end a second level of wages that starts around $15 per hour, about half the $28 per hour made by longtime workers.

"I'm thinking they got too many damn tiers now," said Williams, who received a standing ovation.

His rejection of a lower pay level comes as the current contract between Fiat Chrysler, GM, Ford and the UAW, which represents about 137,000 workers at the three companies, expires in September.

This year's contract talks are the first to come after the auto industry fully recovered from the Great Recession, and could be contentious as the union seeks a slice of the industry's billions of dollars in profits. Auto sales are expected to hit nearly 17 million in the U.S. this year, close to historic highs. They fell as low as 10.4 million in 2009.

Many at the convention spoke in favor of pay raises for veteran workers and of ending the second tier. Longtime UAW workers have not had an hourly pay raise since 2007, although they have received hefty annual profit sharing checks. But there's no guarantee of getting checks every year.

At a post-convention press conference, Williams said the union was not willing to add work to automaker factories at less than second-tier pay.

A third tier of wages already is in place at several GM factories in the Detroit area for a small number of workers, however. The work may otherwise have gone to Mexico or another country with lower labor costs.

Auto companies, mindful of the recession, are reluctant to increase U.S. labor costs and once again be at a cost disadvantage to foreign companies. They want to reduce labor expenses, contending that their costs already have grown above competitors.

An analysis done by the Center for Automotive Research, a think tank based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, shows that to be true, at least for GM and Ford.

GM's total hourly labor costs, including wages and benefits, total $58 per hour, followed closely by Ford at $57. Costs for Honda and Toyota are below $50 per hour, the analysis found. Chrysler, with costs totaling $48 per hour, is below Honda and equal to Toyota, but higher than Nissan, Hyundai, BMW and Volkswagen.

Mercedes-Benz had the highest labor costs in the U.S. at $65 per hour, while Volkswagen was the lowest at $38.

Williams also said he wants to keep Detroit companies competitive with foreign automakers.

Killing the host
Thanks to Obama, Ford and GM will now be able to just ship in a bunch of foreign scabs to make our cars. I can't believe R's don't like this President.

Originally posted by naturalmwa:
Thanks to Obama, Ford and GM will now be able to just ship in a bunch of foreign scabs to make our cars. I can't believe R's don't like this President.
Don't need to ship them in. They walk here everyday.

Just keep giving them amnesty. I'm sure they'll settle for a $28 an hour job without complaint.
Ford just announced a new factory 150 miles South of Shanghai and GM announced one to be built in Mexico.


As you may or may not recall, this is part of the solution I proposed back when GM filed bankruptcy. Keep the high-paying design, engineering, and marketing, jobs in the U.S. and outsource to foreign sites the lower paying manufacturing jobs.

They clearly feel that they made a mistake by not moving more aggressively at the time, and are now playing catch-up and going about it by stealth.

In any event, they have to get out in front of this issue or the unions will (finally) destroy their profitability.


Of course the other issue is the level of government regulation of their design (cafe standards ... transfer payments from one company to another ... that nonsense!) and in concert with this, the subsidies being paid to customers to buy certain types of cars.

The U.S. car industry will not be healthy until these issues are resolved. My guess is that G.M. will turn out to be a little too cozy with the federal government and will at some point go back into bankruptcy.

This post was edited on 3/26 12:22 PM by Titus Andronicus
UAW will definitely be tough on wages as both F and GM are paying sizable dividends and both looking at buying back stock due to excess capital on hand. BAU
"Longtime UAW workers have not had an hourly pay raise since 2007, although they have received hefty annual profit sharing checks. But there's no guarantee of getting checks every year."

This is a throwaway line in the story, but I would be very interested in knowing what these 'hefty' checks amount to.

To me this is the way most mfg business' should operate - tying the business down to long term contracts, guaranteed pay raises, etc, etc, is just dumb, pay out part of the profits instead. I could see negotiating percentages of profits way before negotiating a 'guaranteed' anything.

Also, no shi" there is 'no guarantee of getting checks every year'! Is there a guarantee of profitability every year?
Originally posted by stillh8unlv:

"Longtime UAW workers have not had an hourly pay raise since 2007, although they have received hefty annual profit sharing checks. But there's no guarantee of getting checks every year."

This is a throwaway line in the story, but I would be very interested in knowing what these 'hefty' checks amount to.
Last year, for Chrysler it was 2750 and Ford was 7K, GM was 9K. Plus employee pricing on cars.
Originally posted by stillh8unlv:

"Longtime UAW workers have not had an hourly pay raise since 2007, although they have received hefty annual profit sharing checks. But there's no guarantee of getting checks every year."

This is a throwaway line in the story, but I would be very interested in knowing what these 'hefty' checks amount to.

To me this is the way most mfg business' should operate - tying the business down to long term contracts, guaranteed pay raises, etc, etc, is just dumb, pay out part of the profits instead. I could see negotiating percentages of profits way before negotiating a 'guaranteed' anything.

Also, no shi" there is 'no guarantee of getting checks every year'! Is there a guarantee of profitability every year?
Agreed, all corporations should be converted to ESOPs just like the founding fathers envisioned. Then you don't need unions, you just made all workers capitalists. Win win.

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