uh oh dems.... repubs got the skull and bones on their side

ottumwan in tx

HB King
Oct 26, 2002
When I heard JD Vance was a Yale guy I typed in the question if he was/is Skull and Bones - of course google says "Yes".

keep in mind this is how bush and kerry and a bunch of people get to be pretty much a shoe-in into the office.
not a fan of bush , or kerry. but this reminds me of when politics was pretty much straight forward. not much funny business. except hanging chads in florida.
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Your google is broken then. Only junior class undergraduates at Yale are tapped to be S&B members. Vance got his undergraduate degree at tOSU then attended Yale as a graduate law school student. It doesn’t matter much anyway even if he was S&B.

What’s next from you? Will Rick Perry replace the Donald at the top of the ticket in a desperate attempt to appeal to even more white old men?

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