Uh, really? You don't?


HR King
Gold Member
From the QC Times article on a heroin/meth dealer murdered by other heroin meth dealers:

In a letter written to Sarah, Brian said he was working for the Quad Cities Metropolitan Enforcement Group and the Drug Enforcement Agency. Both agencies declined to comment on what Brian told his wife.

Sarah was left with grief,
coupled with not knowing why Brian was killed.

Gee, Sarah, let me take a stab at that puzzler.

I'm guessing it may have something to do with him WORKING FOR THE DEA.

Paywall. Still not much news on the 4 people beaten to death with a pipe in Marion a few weeks ago. Sounds like the killer called 2 of them to come over for drugs and he killed them as they walked through the door. Then he call the other two, rinse and repeat. He then went to the owner of the property and told him to call the cops, there was a gas leak in the shed. He then sat there with the bloody pipe waiting for authorities to show up. Thought it would make a great movie? Tarantino no doubt...
Welp, she apparently wasn't on meth. That's a positive.

fat honey boo boo GIF
Paywall. Still not much news on the 4 people beaten to death with a pipe in Marion a few weeks ago. Sounds like the killer called 2 of them to come over for drugs and he killed them as they walked through the door. Then he call the other two, rinse and repeat. He then went to the owner of the property and told him to call the cops, there was a gas leak in the shed. He then sat there with the bloody pipe waiting for authorities to show up. Thought it would make a great movie? Tarantino no doubt...
You misspelled Minneapolis.