UI President Harreld calls for changing University culture.


HB Heisman
Feb 25, 2013
Uh oh, I have a feeling some on here will be a bit upset. Change is bad, no?

New University of Iowa President Bruce Harreld talked of respecting the university’s unique institutional culture but also adapting it to the challenges and opportunities of the future during a television interview Tuesday.

A former business executive who took over as president last week, Harreld has faced a barrage of skepticism from university constituencies and criticism that his background does not qualify him to lead a major research university.

But during his first appearance on Iowa Public Television public affairs program "Iowa Press," Harreld drew on his business background and managerial philosophy to argue that UI must change to remain competitive and successful — even if that means changing things that have long been viewed as strengths.

“My work says that the better an organization is, the more its culture actually replicates what made it so successful in the past,” Harreld said. “They start hiring people like those who made them successful and they start measuring things of the past. And as the world changes around them, they’re almost blinded and blocked by their inability to lift themselves out of that environment.”

As an executive at IBM, Harreld said he was forced to enact changes during a crisis. But even though UI isn’t in crisis — he referred to the university as “a pretty solid institution” — it still must reorient itself to the future.

“You actually need to shift all of the practices, policies, procedures and culture … to be in support of the future, not the past,” he said. “That’s what I’ve been doing all my life, and here we are again
No, change isn't necessarily bad and could be good. We'll have to wait and see what changes he will be proposing aside from those recommended by the TIER review. He also talked about raising faculty salaries. Here's how the Gazette handled his Iowa Press appearance:

Since being chosen as president of the University of Iowa in September, and with just one full week officially under his belt, Bruce Harreld said Tuesday he has met with about 60 faculty members and asked deans in every college to collect data on faculty pay.

He asked them to compare numbers with peer groups and color code the data: green where UI faculty pay is in the top third, yellow where it's in the middle and red where it's at the bottom.

“The one chart that I've taken a look at says that we've got an awful lot of red on that,” Harreld said during recording of Iowa Press at the Iowa Public Television studios in Johnston.

He also cited U.S. News & World Report rankings showing a UI slide of 25 positions from 2004 to 2016, and a drop by 26 positions when looking at specifically at faculty compensation.

Still, Harreld said the UI's reputation remains strong.

“Our brand and historical reputation is solid, so it's recoverable,” he said. “But we need to get to work here.”

That work, he said, hinges on faculty vitality and retention, and again stressed the importance of pay. He said the UI is not even in the top 100 in the U.S. News rankings on faculty compensation.

“We are losing faculty members here to other peer schools in the Big 10 and beyond,” he said. “And, secondly, we are having a hard time replacing them. There is a whole system here that is a little bit out of whack.”

Harreld said among the faculty he has met with are those who have been involved in protests over his hiring. “It's not fun,” to start his presidency with that pushback on campus, Harrels said, but he stressed his efforts to meet with constituents and listen to them.

“When you open that door, many — in fact almost all — of the faculty members … they will admit that we've got issues and they're saying, 'Are you going to get behind working on this?'” Harreld said. “Of course.”

Harreld said he's going to do that by changing the culture and pushing the Legislature to support his $4.5 million request for a “faculty vitality” initiative. And even if lawmakers don't come through, Harreld said his proposal won't die.

“I'll find another way to do it,” he said. “I'm going to have to do it because it's the right thing to do.”

Harreld, during the show's recording, was asked about a comment he made previously comparing university campuses with country clubs.

Harreld said he's “going to take a close look at what is really necessary.” If, he said, funding for such things as extracurricular amenities is taking away from faculty recruiting and support and student success, “We have to re-evaluate.”

“The balance might be out of whack,” he said.

In addressing racial tensions at the University of Missouri system this week that led to administrative resignations, Harreld said he doesn't know enough about that situation to comment on its specifics.

But he stressed the importance of communication, and said he has met with members of the UI's African American community about the importance of inclusion.

He also talked about discussions he has had with the UI football squad — not just about athletics but about players' roles as campus leaders. He talked to players on his first day after being named president about the problem of sexual violence on campus and asked them to step up and stop bad behavior when they see it.

“They weren't looking at shoes. They were eyes on,” Harreld said.

Harreld said he has been impressed by the strength of the leadership team in place on campus, and he has been “ripping off the i-word” in many cases — referring to the numerous “interim” roles in place.

Harreld declined to specify which positions he is making permanent rather than interim.
I have no problem with Harreld and I feel he will do a great job. I don't believe he will be the lackey for Bumstead and Rustnutter that the wing nuts think he will be. So, while the system which chose him was flawed, somehow they made the correct choice.
I have no problem with Harreld and I feel he will do a great job. I don't believe he will be the lackey for Bumstead and Rustnutter that the wing nuts think he will be. So, while the system which chose him was flawed, somehow they made the correct choice.
Well, I'm meeting with him Friday morning so I'll have a better idea of what his thought process is.
Well, it's good to see the anger has seemed to subside a bit. Hopefully he'll have a great run there.
Wow the selection of Valpo's president wasn't nearly this loaded with controversy and at Valpo controversy can spring up based on what Lutheran church the president attends.
I don't think the two situations are comparable.

I honestly have no idea what the controversy is at the University of Iowa. I just know a lot of people are posting about it and some of it appears to be political. Consider my comments being from the peanut gallery.
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The behavior displayed during this process by all involved would tell me that there is a rancid culture issue that needs to be addressed.
The behavior displayed during this process by all involved would tell me that there is a rancid culture issue that needs to be addressed.


“My work says that the better an organization is, the more its culture actually replicates what made it so successful in the past,” Harreld said. “They start hiring people like those who made them successful and they start measuring things of the past. And as the world changes around them, they’re almost blinded and blocked by their inability to lift themselves out of that environment.”

This is 100% spot on. And it is a major reason why successful companies miss big opportunities and end up playing 'catch up' in new (or existing) markets and/or fall into decline.
I am seeing a hunger strike and the football team looking to get an extra bye week for guys coming up. Better hold it together until after the season, you guys have a great shot at making the top four.
Uh oh, I have a feeling some on here will be a bit upset. Change is bad, no?

New University of Iowa President Bruce Harreld talked of respecting the university’s unique institutional culture but also adapting it to the challenges and opportunities of the future during a television interview Tuesday.

A former business executive who took over as president last week, Harreld has faced a barrage of skepticism from university constituencies and criticism that his background does not qualify him to lead a major research university.

But during his first appearance on Iowa Public Television public affairs program "Iowa Press," Harreld drew on his business background and managerial philosophy to argue that UI must change to remain competitive and successful — even if that means changing things that have long been viewed as strengths.

“My work says that the better an organization is, the more its culture actually replicates what made it so successful in the past,” Harreld said. “They start hiring people like those who made them successful and they start measuring things of the past. And as the world changes around them, they’re almost blinded and blocked by their inability to lift themselves out of that environment.”

As an executive at IBM, Harreld said he was forced to enact changes during a crisis. But even though UI isn’t in crisis — he referred to the university as “a pretty solid institution” — it still must reorient itself to the future.

“You actually need to shift all of the practices, policies, procedures and culture … to be in support of the future, not the past,” he said. “That’s what I’ve been doing all my life, and here we are again
Sounds reasonable, but he has to deliver.
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Change for change sake is a doubtful strategy for success. Change to achieve a desired result is a good thing more oft than not. First, consensus as to what changes need to be made has to be decided and then a method to reach the stated goals needs to be constructed. Constant monitoring of the process needs to be maintained until the goal is achieved. Then, repeat.....
"Well, the behavior displayed in this post would tell me that you have no idea what you're talking about;)"

That would be you CIGGY you just cut and past other people's biased thoughts!
You attack the man day after day! Give him a chance grow up!!