Unhinged leftist now working for the Trump Administration

Menace Sockeyes

HB Legend
Sep 2, 2010
...Oops, I meant totally sane Evangelical Conservative Paula White is now on the federal payroll. This isn’t a scary video at all...

Nutcases: Democrats reject them while Republicans elect them.
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It's gotta be fun as hell to do that type of shit.

If an unclean-looking homeless-looking person was doing the same exact shit on some street corner, those same people nodding along to this woman would think her unkempt-looking counterpart looney.
BUMP, since a few people here need a refresher of actual crazy people, now pulling from the taxpayer at the behest of another sociopathic grifter of the taxpayer, our current President.
I've always thought it was strange when Presidents....any/all of them...had 'spiritual advisors'. Most of these advisors are a little wacky, or at least the ones I remember.
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With her husband.

Looks like an ad for a mult-level marketing scheme...or a three-way.

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