
Irvin 88

HB All-State
Nov 11, 2017
Why are we the ONLY team in the country going into year two with a "woke" message on our uniform? It makes the back of the uniform look too busy, and it is not necessary....I guess the school is still going overboard after the football spillout last year trying to say "Hey, look at us.....see how inclusive we are"....what a joke. So is that the basketball teams ANF that is forever there to stay???
I'm really not sure why it would bother anyone.
They look bad for one...and there is no reason to continue trying to show off how above the fray you are. Social messages do not belong on uniforms anyway!!! Especially in font the same size as the players name.
They look bad for one...and there is no reason to continue trying to show off how above the fray you are. Social messages do not belong on uniforms anyway!!! Especially in font the same size as the players name.

Well, they really don't look bad. And why don't social messages belong? Maybe the players like them or think they are important.

Honestly, if they piss people off, that's a good enough reason for me to keep them as is.
I'd prefer a small patch on the front of the jersey if it's something they want to maintain. It looked terrible aesthetically last year and the same this year on the back being so large. Or if it's really important put it in place of everyone's last name and get rid of those. Then the font size wouldn't look so odd. The NBA's messaging in the bubble looked kind of stupid in some cases too with various long phrases, but at least they made the players decide between their last name or their chosen message, not both together. It wasn't a cluttered mess like Iowa went with. Honestly Iowa's looked like "we already printed up everyone's jerseys, but now we have to tack on something last minute after they were finished and this was all we had time to do."
Why are we the ONLY team in the country going into year two with a "woke" message on our uniform? It makes the back of the uniform look too busy, and it is not necessary....I guess the school is still going overboard after the football spillout last year trying to say "Hey, look at us.....see how inclusive we are"....what a joke. So is that the basketball teams ANF that is forever there to stay???
So you've surveyed all 350 division 1 basketball teams and this was your conclusion? That's a lot of work. This must really bother you. 😕
I wish you could actually find an adult home or away one to buy....Can't find one for the life of me.
Get rid of all the slogans and don't replace them. The ANF thing is ancient history. Farmers have had many boom years since the farm crises of the 80s. Now it just seems corny and dumb. Plus, Iowa is not an ag and tech school. Its a liberal arts university.

I'm MAGA to the core and I emphatically do not want to see MAGA on any college jerseys ever. Leave politics when you walk on the floor or field. No fan attends to learn any player's thoughts on distributive justice or the meaning of "equality." We are watching to see sports. Maybe we can take just that little step back from the ****ing brink?

Plus, the lecturing bespeaks a really offensive sense of hubris. Who really informs their concepts of equality or distributive justice by an adolescent that leads a life of extreme privilege? Who cares what they think?

The uniforms in football and basketball are too busy and its no place for politics.
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Get rid of all the slogans and don't replace them. The ANF thing is ancient history. Farmers have had many boom years since the farm crises of the 80s. Now it just seems corny and dumb. Plus, Iowa is not an ag and tech school. Its a liberal arts university.

I'm MAGA to the core and I emphatically do not want to see MAGA on any college jerseys ever. Leave politics when you walk on the floor or field. No fan attends to learn any player's thoughts on distributive justice or the meaning of "equality." We are watching to see sports. Maybe we can take just that little step back from the ****ing brink?

Plus, the lecturing bespeaks a really offensive sense of hubris. Who really informs their concepts of equality or distributive justice by an adolescent that leads a life of extreme privilege? Who cares what they think?

The uniforms in football and basketball are too busy and its no place for politics.
Perhaps you should check out the equality message being delivered in the NFL. I have seen it on the back of helmets as well as in the end zone as a message. Saying you are MAGA to the core pretty clearly sums up where you are on the white supremacist continuum. It is no surprise you are offended by any message that supports racial or gender equity. You seem to have embraced the Deplorable moniker suggested by a former political candidate. I can only guess that you were outraged when she first used it, and now you wear it like a badge of honor. Talk about being on the brink!
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I don’t like it either. If they want to have equality on the jersey make it a small patch similar to a small sticker on the back of helmets or the small anf sticker.
its to big and dorky looking. So I agree with you op.
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There should also be nothing poarizing with Make America Great Again. Doesn't everyone want America to be great - we would all win then. MAGA doesn't say anything about discrimination or white supremacists. The dig on MAGA is all about hatred for Trump and nothing else.
There should also be nothing poarizing with Make America Great Again. Doesn't everyone want America to be great - we would all win then. MAGA doesn't say anything about discrimination or white supremacists. The dig on MAGA is all about hatred for Trump and nothing else.
Actually the saying implies America isn’t great anymore. I often ask people who espouse MAGA, how far back do you want to go to consider it “great”? 1964, 1864? What is it?
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Actually the saying implies America isn’t great anymore. I often ask people who espouse MAGA, how far back do you want to go to consider it “great”? 1964, 1864? What is it?
No. They want to go back to the '50's when the white man was king and everyone else was below him. Ward and June Cleaver world.
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There should also be nothing poarizing with Make America Great Again. Doesn't everyone want America to be great - we would all win then. MAGA doesn't say anything about discrimination or white supremacists. The dig on MAGA is all about hatred for Trump and nothing else.
You can’t be serious. “Equality” is a super broad term/concept that most (I hope) people agree is generally positive. “Make America Great Again” is a slogan used specifically and solely by the most polarizing American politician in recent memory, invoking strong emotions one way or the other depending on which side of the aisle you sit - extremely divisive
There should also be nothing poarizing with Make America Great Again. Doesn't everyone want America to be great - we would all win then. MAGA doesn't say anything about discrimination or white supremacists. The dig on MAGA is all about hatred for Trump and nothing else.
Nothing polarizing about let's go Brandon, either? Everyone knows MAGA really means MAWA just like LGB means FJB... and the concept of equality is disgusting to most of the MAWAs like OP evidently
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I personally would love it. Or "Let's go Brandon"
You the kind of guy who thinks athletes should not talk about politics? "Stay out of sports!"
Then you come back with wanting a political message saying f--- the president. You are one hypocritical tool.
Perhaps you should check out the equality message being delivered in the NFL. I have seen it on the back of helmets as well as in the end zone as a message. Saying you are MAGA to the core pretty clearly sums up where you are on the white supremacist continuum. It is no surprise you are offended by any message that supports racial or gender equity. You seem to have embraced the Deplorable moniker suggested by a former political candidate. I can only guess that you were outraged when she first used it, and now you wear it like a badge of honor. Talk about being on the brink!
Found the idiot
Actually the saying implies America isn’t great anymore. I often ask people who espouse MAGA, how far back do you want to go to consider it “great”? 1964, 1864? What is it?
About 1989 would be a more realistic number, things started really going to shit when Dutch left office.

Interesting choice of years, though. Weren't the Republicans fighting a war to end slavery and enact the 13th Amendment all over Democratic opposition in 1864?

Did you pick 1964 because that was the year the Republicans, and in all fairness, most northern Democrats finally overcame the southern Democrat filibuster, one the Dems were able to maintain since the end of Reconstruction, until JFK's death.

Both are great achievements for the Republicans against the Democrats' solidly racist ideology. We had others. A Republican Court desegregated the southern schools and a Republican President used military force to enforce that ruling. Republicans brought busing into education, although that has failed for reasons unrelated to race, at least the intentions were good.​

Who is the racist? The left wing demagoguery that their opponents are racists without any kind of factual support or the MAGA movement that observes that the conditions in American inner cities, the most dense populations of blacks in the country, are intolerable for the people living there and want to fix it. Its the left that runs those cities and there inexecrable school districts and law enforcement.
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Nothing polarizing about let's go Brandon, either? Everyone knows MAGA really means MAWA just like LGB means FJB... and the concept of equality is disgusting to most of the MAWAs like OP evidently
Just curious if you could cite any actual words spoken, in context of course, by any MAGA leadership or the actual policies that you think can only be explained through racism. Even more curious if you can do this without calling me or anyone in MAGA names or resorting to junior high snark.

By name calling I mean things like calling elected black MAGA office holders and candidates "the black face of white supremacy". Not that I don't want you guys to keep saying it, as loudly and often as possible, just not needed in an intelligent or informed response to my question.