University of Iowa event remembers draft card burning on campus 50 years ago


HB King
May 29, 2001
Tuesday marks a little known anniversary in the annals of University of Iowa history.

Fifty years ago, on Oct. 20, 1965, UI student and Marion vnative Steve Smith, 20 at the time, stepped to the podium on the ground floor of the Iowa Memorial Union before about 100 people at a then-campus tradition called the Soapbox Soundoff, a stage for political commentary.

“I feel that now is the time because of my own sense of dignity, my own sense of morality, to burn my draft card,” the sophomore English major was quoted as saying in the campus newspaper, The Daily Iowan.

He reportedly pulled his draft card and a lighter from his pocket and set it ablaze in protest of the Vietnam War.

David McCartney, a UI archivist, who’s been researching Smith’s acts of civil disobedience and how it influenced his later life, is holding a remembrance of the event on Tuesday at noon at the south entrance of the Memorial Union near Hubbard Park.

McCartney plans to read quotes from Smith, who died in 2009 after an at times rocky life. discuss his actions, and the context of the time. The event is open to the public.

“It was a significant event in recent university history regardless of how one feels about the decision,” McCartney said. “He definitely put the spotlight on the issue in a way that brought discussion to the debate.”

Smith, who was also active in civil rights causes and participated in a hunger strike, was the first person on a college campus and the second person in the nation by five days to burn his draft card after Congress stiffened penalties. Anyone who ”knowingly destroys, knowingly mutilates” a draft card faced up to five years in prison and a $10,000 fine.

The incident came when war opposition in the United States was still smoldering compared to wildfire protests of the late 1960s.

Occurring when it did in Iowa — a Midwestern public university campus — was significant and emblematic of the division of public opinion toward the war, McCartney said.

“This was not Berkeley or Columbia, or even University of Wisconsin, which had a larger history of protests,” he said.

Smith gained national attention. The North Vietnamese government even lauded Smith’s “brave new action” in a statement welcoming anti-war demonstrations by Americans, according to archives of The Gazette.

Around Iowa and campus. reaction was heavy but mixed.

A campus group called the Students for a Democratic Society praised Smith’s courage, while other criticized Smith for turning his back on his “heritage.”

His father, a World War II Navy veteran, criticized the younger Smith’s actions in news articles.

In the incident’s wake, State Rep. Chester Hougen, R-Cedar Falls, asked UI President Howard Bowen to expel any student taking part in demonstrations against government policy in Vietnam.

Cornell College President David Cornellian publicly rebuked Hougen, calling his request undemocratic and backed students’ right to protest, even if he disagreed with Smith burning his draft card.

The University of Iowa remained mostly silent in an official capacity. It offered a tepid condemnation of Smith at the time and launched an investigation.

“Defiance of law is never an action to be commended,” said Dewey B. Stuit, dean of the UI College of Liberal Arts, according to an archive of The Gazette from Oct. 21, 1965.

Willard “Sandy” Boyd, who was UI provost at the time and president from 1969-81, said the university was caught by surprise by the event. Their primary concern was potential aftermath, he said.

“People thought the demonstrations were led by people from outside the university, so it surprised people this was one of our own, from Iowa,” Boyd said.

The university didn’t believe its role was to enforce federal law, he said. The students had the right to free speech so long as it didn’t interfere with operations of the university.

Fifty years later UI has no official comment about the event. It appears an investigation never occurred.

McCartney said it likely became moot when Smith dropped out of school shortly after the draft card burning. He was arrested and went to trial, which ended in 1966 with three years of probation.

McCartney said it is important to remember Smith’s “bold act of civil disobedience” because social and military atrocities persist today. Those in decision-making authority shape the legacy we all live with for better or worse, he said.

“The 50-year anniversary of this protest reminds us these kinds of debates continue,” McCartney said. “I hope people remember there is a wide range of acts that may be considered patriotic.”
E. Jon Tracy was a grade ahead of Stephen L. Smith, but they attended schools together in Marion in the 1950s and the early 1960s.

Later, in college on Oct. 20, 1965, a friend urged Tracy to stick around the Iowa Memorial Union on the University of Iowa campus because a student was planning a provocative demonstration — burning his Vietnam draft card in violation of a new congressional ban — during the open mic called Soapbox Soundoff.

Tracy was trying to get to class but stayed. He then spotted Smith, and redirected his focus to catching up with the friend he hadn’t seen in years. But Smith was preoccupied.

“Steve said, ‘I am going up on stage and speak,’ ” Tracy, 70, recalled Tuesday. ‘Why don’t we talk after.’ ”

Smith, who died in 2009, climbed on stage, uttered a few words and set his draft card on fire. Jaws dropped, the room buzzed, and it set off a chain of events, the significance of which hadn’t sank in for Tracy.

Smith, a sophomore English major, was only 20 years old. He was acting on a moral conviction that came with a severe price.

Years later, that sense of courage still sticks with Tracy and other peers who came to pay their respects on the 50 year anniversary of the event. Tracy was among about 20 people who gathered Tuesday to read quotations from Smith and remember the incident, which in 1965 was a daring step of dissent against the government.

Congress banned draft card burning to stamp out this type of dissent, but such acts against the Vietnam War were still infrequent in 1965.

Smith acted alone without public opinion on his side. While some applauded Smith at the time, he faced harsh criticism in addition to criminal liability.

“I can imagine the sense of isolation he felt as a dissenter,” Shelton Stromquist, a former student and recently retired UI history professor.

Stromquist, who at the same time but separately from Smith, traveled to Mississippi in 1964 to register black voters. That period has been so “sanitized” in history that the stakes people faced in standing up for what they believed is largely covered up, he said.

Protesting against war or for social issues such as civil rights came at the risk of physical violence, defying the government and alienating friends or family, said Jim Walters of Iowa City, who also was on hand this day in 1965.

“This was not an easy thing to do,” he said of Smith.

The FBI had been calling to speak with Smith. News of the transgressions, which carried a fine of up to $10,000 and up to five years in prison, covered the front pages of Iowa newspapers and spread nationwide.

“I think there should be a plaque or a statue here honoring what he did,” said Tracy, standing on the ground floor of the student union where the Soapbox Soundoff was held and where a Java House now serves coffee. “This is something the university should do. They should not ignore what happened that day.”

After his arrest, Smith declared he would remain in jail until students contributed the money for his bail.

“I am doing this as a moral confrontation,” he said then. “I can’t help but think there are students who feel as I do. Your help in raising funds will be a vote of moral backing.”

Eventually, in 1966, he was sentenced to three years of probation.
I'm fairly certain we could not ever in the future have drafts. The people of today and in the future would not stand for it.
Everyone should have to serve two years in public service, not necessarily fighting the wars started to make big corporations even bigger, but to establish a sense of loyalty to the USA.
I'm fairly certain we could not ever in the future have drafts. The people of today and in the future would not stand for it.

I'm not so sure. While it seems unlikely that it could ever happen today, should we ever become involved in a conflict where there was a realistic chance that we could be defeated and our country taken over by our enemy or enemies I would like to believe that people would feel that it would be necessary to reinstate a draft. Of course, it would be even better to believe that one wouldn't be necessary due to the large numbers of people volunteering to serve in the military to help save the nation.
I'm not so sure. While it seems unlikely that it could ever happen today, should we ever become involved in a conflict where there was a realistic chance that we could be defeated and our country taken over by our enemy or enemies I would like to believe that people would feel that it would be necessary to reinstate a draft. Of course, it would be even better to believe that one wouldn't be necessary due to the large numbers of people volunteering to serve in the military to help save the nation.
our country was taken over , people did nothing

I'm fairly certain if that enemy was trying to bring freedom and liberty back to commie America, we may help them! hee hee
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This event was a couple of years before my time, but significant none the less. Iowa City in the late 60's was a hotbed for student and political activism. One of the high points of the University's history. THis act led yto others and lots of consternation between faculty, students, state administrators and the public. IC became a "Berkeley, West" to many residents of the state. Accurate or not....that is what it became and this act was primary in paving this road/.
I worked the summer of 1978 cleaning up Hillcrest and the Quad. On one of the floors in Hillcrest overlooking the river, a permanent staff member showed me where tear gas had melted some tile in one of the rooms. During one of the protests students had made a giant sling shot and were shooting stuff at the cops. They responded with the gas.
The most divided I have seen this country was in 1968 when the Vietnam War tore the country apart.