University of Iowa faculty group calls for regents to be dismissed

You just proved you don't listen.

Rankings are often about admittance not about the classroom experience.

Guessing you mean read not listen. Waiting for the way to judge the faculty performance. Hearing crickets.
But thanks for proving my point.
Education and helping to prep people for careers. But, the goal is education not job placement.

Spoken like a person that is not familiar with the real world. Cost goes up, benefits of a degree goes down. That's a recipe for disaster, and shows outright ignorance of how or why people value a college education.
Spoken like a person that is not familiar with the real world. Cost goes up, benefits of a degree goes down. That's a recipe for disaster, and shows outright ignorance of how or why people value a college education.

Winner, winner fricking chicken dinner.
If you go out on a limb to hire a guy with no experience over someone who is very well qualified in the traditional sense, then you had better ensure that the process is completely above board.

I don't disagree and I'm not fighting for Herrald....but this reaction has been way over the top.
Fair enough.

But, that's kind of my point. Those rushing to defend Herrald are doing so just on conviction. He's from the private sector, he's going to trim the fat. He's going to hold people accountable! He's going to single handily fix higher education!

Could he do it. Sure. But, he hasn't said anything to support this thought. It's just conjecture. Maybe he comes here and goes boy we need to pay our teachers more and need more tenure to support education. We just don't know at this point. But, I don't get the (mostly) right wing approach to immediately defend the guy as some savior, fixer or whatever without any evidence.
This a happy time for HROT's toothless rednecks. Perfessers are upset. "Them there perfessers ain't got no common sense! Ejakated fools I calls 'em!" Fap fap fap...
This a happy time for HROT's toothless rednecks. Perfessers are upset. "Them there perfessers ain't got no common sense! Ejakated fools I calls 'em!" Fap fap fap...

I'd posit that most of us have very good degrees, very good incomes, and we are just pointing out whiny bitch ass professors when we see it.

But your idea is fine if that's what you believe.
They're "Iowa fans" who didn't go to Iowa. It's a football team, not a school. If they get to cheer lead a bunch of cronies sticking it to nerds it's just an added bonus.

Lol, I wish I cared how hard other ppl studied...
Harreld continues to remain in hiding. He is not doing himself any favors by not coming forth and handling questions. I know people keep crediting Harreld for being a great business leader, but it can't be for his communication skills. He's losing this war.
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link to something Harreld has said about real accountability? Or even better his plan. At this point there is only speculation that he will bring in some "real accountability."
The plan (or lack thereof of) has been discussed already. Accountability is present due to him not being previous academia.
Harreld continues to remain in hiding. He is not doing himself any favors by not coming forth and handling questions. I know people keep crediting Harreld for being a great business leader, but it can't be for his communication skills. He's losing this war.

Good point. The faculty seems very approachable and open minded.
What about the fear of accountability board of regents and mumbles bumstead? I have no problem with Harrell but the way they went about it was completely incomprehensible.
Barnstead can't do anything, seriously you expect him to wipe the board spots? What sort of precedence would that set ("if the wheels squeeks, grease it)?
A lot of people here missed the entire point. This isn't about who they hired, it's about the total lack of transparency from the BOR.
We're same group upset with lack of transparency by the Obama administration?
So it sounds like the BoR did a questionable job in the hiring process. Do people think they're going to go back on this hire? I didn't see any of the candidates as being a slam dunk. All the university president really does is fundraise and try not to make an ass of himself/herself. I mean Sally Mason constantly screwed up on the 2nd part, but consistently threw her underlings under the bus.

As an out of state alum, I just don't get why people are making a scene about this and actively rooting for this guy to fail. I really don't give a shit about the 'education' given at the UofI. Job placement and school rankings are far more important. I mean I'm sure the writer's workshop constantly brags about its ranking because the rankings don't matter.
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One thing that I do not think has been discussed relative to the UI and how things stand now v. what changes an "outsider" might bring to bear is this...the stats I have seen is that there are 31,000'ish students and 22,000'ish faculty and staff. Doesn't that ratio seem a tad heavy?

Granted, there is likely much more to that story and many of the students are not just students, but they are also residents in the dormitories. But, those numbers, which I have seen reported several times, seem a little out of least on the surface.

Is it possible that BOR is looking for the "new guy" to bring some change to that ratio?
Who said anything about caring how hard students try?

You said we were fans who didn't care about the school, only the football team....

I'm guilty, college is what you make of it. If you screw off it's no skin off my nose. I didn't get my degree from Iowa, yet I'm doing better than a lot of Iowa grads. Once again, I could give two rats squirts what you think of yourself and your degree. I like Iowa sports because I was born here, had I not been I doubt I would even care to look up where Iowa 'effing City is on a map.
Transparency only matters to liberals such as the IOWA Staff when Liberals are not in charge! This same group thinks Hillary's emails and illegals server are ok!
These faculty might have more of a leg to stand on if the last president, from the enchanted world of academia, didn't suck so hard during her tenure.
The 17 universities with the best faculty according to Rate My Professors:
  1. University of Mississippi
  2. University of Wisconsin - Madison
  3. James Madison University
  4. Washington University in St. Louis
  5. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  6. Pennsylvania State University
  7. Texas A&M University at College Station
  8. University of Georgia
  9. University of Notre Dame
  10. Vanderbilt University
  11. University of California Santa Barbara
  12. University of Texas at Austin
  13. Emory University
  14. University of Dayton
  15. Duke University
  16. Iowa State University
  17. Auburn University
I wonder if Terry and his henchmen will start picking off those who signed off on this motion one by one or fire them en masse?

Dozens of University of Iowa faculty members representing the institution’s largest college on Monday called for the “immediate resignation and/or dismissal of the existing State of Iowa Board of Regents” for its hiring of J. Bruce Harreld as 21st UI president.

In a motion of no confidence in the nine-member Board of Regents, the Faculty Assembly for the UI College of Liberal Arts and Sciences called on Gov. Terry Branstad to appoint new regents who will be “broadly representative” and uphold the board’s strategic plan and core values.

The motion, unanimously approved during a closed Faculty Assembly meeting last week and made public Monday, goes on to list the values it wants in a new board — ethical behavior, honesty, open and effective communication, public accountability, stewardship and service, and transparency.

The assembly — which includes about 70 member representatives of the college’s 39 departments and 700-plus faculty members — last week issued a “motion of censure” against Harreld himself for misrepresentations on his resume.

That censure specifically addressed Harreld’s representation of himself as managing principal of Executing Strategy, LLC, in Avon, Colo. — a company The Gazette first reported is not registered with any state. Harreld also was accused by faculty of not properly citing co-authors for his publications.

Since the Board of Regents on Sept. 3 selected Harreld to become the next UI president beginning Nov. 2, the UI Faculty Senate, UI Student Government, and the Graduate and Professional Student Government have issued no confidence votes in the board. The American Association of University Professors at Iowa State University and University of Northern Iowa also have issued statements of support for the UI faculty.

Harreld, who has a largely business background as a top executive at IBM and Boston Market Company, came under fire during his visit to campus as a candidate. Members of the community peppered him with harsh questions during a public forum about his intentions in applying, his experience, and his relationship with members of the Board of Regents.

And the Faculty Senate — along with a faculty-led poll of about 760 community members — expressed dismal support for Harreld as a presidential candidate. But the board chose him anyway, citing his fresh perspective and ability to turn around large organizations under trying circumstances.

Last week’s censure was the first against Harreld, and UI psychology professor Bob McMurray said the group unanimously agreed on the no-confidence vote at the same meeting but felt it important to separate the two.

“We felt the issue of intellectual honest was of paramount importance and did not want to see that message muddied by another motion,” McMurray told The Gazette.

The no-confidence motion made public Monday “expresses a lack of confidence in the Board of Regents in the ability to effectively govern this institution and calls for their immediate resignation or dismissal.”

Gov. Branstad did not immediately respond to the group’s call. A spokesman for the regents said the board declined to comment.
One thing that I do not think has been discussed relative to the UI and how things stand now v. what changes an "outsider" might bring to bear is this...the stats I have seen is that there are 31,000'ish students and 22,000'ish faculty and staff. Doesn't that ratio seem a tad heavy?

Granted, there is likely much more to that story and many of the students are not just students, but they are also residents in the dormitories. But, those numbers, which I have seen reported several times, seem a little out of least on the surface.

Is it possible that BOR is looking for the "new guy" to bring some change to that ratio?
There are 44,186 employees working for the University of Iowa, Iowa State University, the University of Northern Iowa (the three, state-supported universities) and the state’s "special schools" for blind and deaf students, but only 16,372 of those employees are paid out of the state’s general fund. This includes the University hospitals and clinics.
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Education and helping to prep people for careers. But, the goal is education not job placement.

Do think that last line would be put on the university brochure? Because I know I've seen college commercials over the years reference how may of their graduates get jobs once they leave.
There are 44,186 employees working for the University of Iowa, Iowa State University, the University of Northern Iowa (the three, state-supported universities) and the state’s "special schools" for blind and deaf students, but only 16,372 of those employees are paid out of the state’s general fund. This includes the University hospitals and clinics.

Do you know how the 16,372 breaks down? How many of those are ee's are serving the UI's 31K students?
Harreld continues to remain in hiding. He is not doing himself any favors by not coming forth and handling questions. I know people keep crediting Harreld for being a great business leader, but it can't be for his communication skills. He's losing this war.
The BOR did dirty to one of the best Presidents UIowa had and he didn't stick around long after that. Of course, not the same people on that BOR, but it seems to be a pattern. My main complaint for this new hire is that they met, boom, he's hired. Guess they wanted to go out and eat somewhere. PS, not really replying to your post, just to the whole thread. But you have a good point.
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