University of Iowa fraternities booted from campus for alcohol, hazing violations


HB King
May 29, 2001
Four fraternity chapters have been removed from the University of Iowa, following a two-month investigation spurred by multiple alcohol-related incidents, including one death. School officials announced the chapter removals during a news conference Thursday night.

Delta Chi, Sigma Nu, Sigma Alpha Epsilon and the UI chapter of Kappa Sigma International Fraternity were banned from operating as student organizations at the University of Iowa.

The Kappa Sigma chapter, called the Beta-Rho chapter, was also removed from the national organization following allegations of hazing. University officials declined to elaborate on the hazing events that provoked the removal of Beta-Rho Thursday.

The news is the latest in a crackdown on drinking violations at University of Iowa fraternities. Fraternities have been banned from holding events with alcohol after a University of Iowa student died at an out-of-state fraternity formal in 2017.

Twelve chapters were temporarily suspended in September and October for violating that moratorium.

In issuing the suspensions, university officials cited complaints to police and complaints about tailgating events hosted by the fraternities during football seasons. According to notices sent to students, police reported concerns of overdoses and alcohol poisoning at the various tailgates. At some tailgates, Iowa City police reported criminal mischief, loud parties, beer cans being thrown and unconscious individuals.

Following the two-month investigation into the allegations, two fraternities, Phi Kappa Psi and Sigma Chi, were cleared. According to officials, there was not a “preponderance of evidence to find the chapter responsible for allegations, including tailgates.”

Six other fraternities — Acacia, Beta Theta Pi, Pi Kappa Apha, Pi Kappa Phi, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Sigma Pi and Phi Delta Theta — were placed on probation following the initial investigation results. Phi Delta Theta was placed on deferred suspension.

The fraternities have until Jan. 11 to appeal the investigation findings.

Melissa Shivers, vice president for Student Life, said the timing of the news was not ideal, but university officials wanted to give students living in the fraternity residences time to make other living arrangements if needed.

Fraternity houses are not operated by the university.

In the midst of the investigation and subsequent punishment, students and faculty have been working on a "Strategic Plan" to improve fraternity and sorority life on campus, including improving "risk management, health and safety."

The plan will be announced no later than spring 2019.
Four frats are removed and six frats are placed on
probation. It sounds like the University of Iowa
administrators are getting serious about improving
the quality of life on campus.

Bottom Line: "Animal House" was a funny movie
but the social consequences of too much alcohol
and hazing can put human life in jeopardy.
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There are always those who push things too far and ruin it for everyone else.

Four frats are removed and six frats are placed on
probation. It sounds like the University of Iowa
administrators are getting serious about improving
the quality of life on campus.

Bottom Line: "Animal House" was a funny movie
but the social consequences of too much alcohol
and hazing can put human life in jeopardy.

It's fraternity not frat. You wouldn't call this country a **** so don't call a fraternity a frat.
Four frats are removed and six frats are placed on
probation. It sounds like the University of Iowa
administrators are getting serious about improving
the quality of life on campus.

Bottom Line: "Animal House" was a funny movie
but the social consequences of too much alcohol
and hazing can put human life in jeopardy.
Getting soft you mean. Yes, it's one of the primary goals of liberalism.
Somehow I missed this little nugget from a couple of months ago.

"Around the same time University of Iowa officials publicly sanctioned Sigma Chi following the death of one of its members, officials quietly issued sanctions to another fraternity.

The punishment came in response to a financial hole Sigma Nu members found themselves in following a weekend of partying in Illinois.

The University of Iowa Sigma Nu chapter rented out several properties in the Galena Territory, a lakeside community from March 24-26 in 2017. By the end of the weekend, they caused more than $100,000 in damages.

The company that managed the property asked for $107,855 for the cleanup and repairs, which according to UI officials, was paid by the chapter. "

Somehow I missed this little nugget from a couple of months ago.

"Around the same time University of Iowa officials publicly sanctioned Sigma Chi following the death of one of its members, officials quietly issued sanctions to another fraternity.

The punishment came in response to a financial hole Sigma Nu members found themselves in following a weekend of partying in Illinois.

The University of Iowa Sigma Nu chapter rented out several properties in the Galena Territory, a lakeside community from March 24-26 in 2017. By the end of the weekend, they caused more than $100,000 in damages.

The company that managed the property asked for $107,855 for the cleanup and repairs, which according to UI officials, was paid by the chapter. "

And I was worried about this guy's guitar.
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