University of Iowa settles with former HR director of its largest college


HB King
May 29, 2001
The University of Iowa has agreed to “settle fully and finally all differences” with its former College of Liberal Arts and Sciences senior human resources director by reassigning her and continuing to pay her until the end of the year or until she finds another job — whichever comes first.

Julie Rothbardt, who in 2021 started as senior HR director for the university’s largest college, this month signed the settlement along with UI Liberal Arts and Sciences Dean Sara Sanders.

Per the agreement, Rothbardt will “immediately” resign once she finds “alternate employment, but in no event later than Dec. 31, 2024.” Until that time, or until she gets a new job, she will be reassigned to University Human Resources — earning the same $150,753 salary — and receive “duties to coordinate critical initiatives as assigned.”

If she doesn’t find a new job before the deadline, the university would continue her medical and dental benefits and also provide coaching and outpatient services from a UI vendor “only until employee attains alternate employment, but in no event later than June 30, 2025,” according to the July settlement.

“A material term of this agreement is employee’s obligation to notify her UI supervisor immediately on acceptance of alternate employment,” according to the settlement, which didn’t detail the specific grievances that led to the deal.

The settlement — committing Rothbardt not to sue the state, Board of Regents, university or any of its employees — also made clear it wasn’t an admission of wrongdoing: “Employee further agrees that employee has no entitlement to or right to recover damages against university relating to the subject matter of this agreement.”

Although many UI settlements bar the departing employee from applying for future jobs on campus, this one stipulates that Rothbardt can apply for employment with the university but won’t “propose or accept engagements with UI or any of its units for speaking, lectures, or instruction before the separation date.”


Both the university and Rothbardt included statements as part of the agreement.

“Julie Rothbardt … has managed the college’s HR needs since her arrival at the UI in 2021,” according to the UI statement. “She has accepted a position with University HR, where she will begin her work effective approximately July 19, 2024. (The college) is thankful for Julie’s service to the college these last three years.”

In Rothbardt’s statement, she said, “I am thankful for the opportunity to work in (the college) these last three years, helping to strengthen HR systems in the college, and I look forward to building on that work with University Human Resources now.”

The UI posted Monday on its jobs website an advertisement for a senior HR director for its Liberal Arts and Sciences College.

“As a member of the senior leadership team for the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and University HR, you will function as a strategic business partner — providing direction and input and serving as leader, consultant, resource and authority on HR policies, practices and resources,” according to the advertisement. “This position works collaboratively … to develop and advance HR goals and strategies to positively influence organizational performance and culture.”