UNLV Pew Pew?

run discover GIF

Yet another reason to hate Vegas.
Shooter was a 67 year old college professor.
ROTFLMFAOOO! Not a single millennial, man bun wokester sissy on that campus could deal with a skinny, marxist, 67 year old bag of pus who had probably never touched a weapon until Trump “triggered” him yesterday? 😂😂😂💄🐑
Out of curiosity, how many mass shootings have we had where the shooter used a fully automatic weapon?

Make sure you understand what full auto means before responding. i.e. not semi-auto or bump stocks etc..
Out of curiosity, how many mass shootings have we had where the shooter used a fully automatic weapon?

Make sure you understand what full auto means before responding. i.e. not semi-auto or bump stocks etc..

Does anyone know if we have had any mass shootings done with a fully automatic weapon? Why would full auto weapons being illegal stop mass killers from acquiring them? Full auto is more lethal than semi-auto. Why do these killers always go for pistols or semi-auto assault rifles?
Does anyone know if we have had any mass shootings done with a fully automatic weapon? Why would full auto weapons being illegal stop mass killers from acquiring them? Full auto is more lethal than semi-auto. Why do these killers always go for pistols or semi-auto assault rifles?
Are full auto’s legal anywhere now?