Since you can get a voter ID card at each county board of registrars' office there is a place in each county where you can go.
Trying to make you think you can only go to these 4 places in the whole state was a silly argument.
I never made an argument that there were only 4 places. Did someone else?
Very simply, having fewer places to get the ID makes it harder to get an ID. Duh.
But does it make it equally harder for all people? No. Another duh.
If I have one of the remaining places close to me and you don't it's harder for you than for me. If I have a car and you don't, same thing. If I have a job that's easy to take time off during the hours IDs are available and you don't, again, easier for me, harder for you. If the lines are 3 hours long, maybe my employer is OK with that, but maybe yours isn't. If I'm already IDd with driver's license or passport or whatever, there's less chance I'll show up and be told I have to get some document and return.
We can go on for a long time on these. Statistically speaking, if things are even just a little harder, a small percentage of the affected demographic will give up or fail to complete the task. That's just reality.
So the only question is whether the demographics that are more negatively affected are more likely to vote D or R. What do you think?
You can say "it's not my fault" as some have done, and that's true. But so what?
You can say "it's their own fault" as many have done, and that may be true for some, but often isn't. And even if it is true, so what?
As has been pointed out so often that no one can really deny it, so-called voter fraud isn't much of a problem. But the "solution" - requiring IDs -
is a problem. And when you reduce the opportunity to get the required ID, you exacerbate the problem.
If this solution did NOT preferentially depress likely D voters, do you think the GOP would be pushing for it? Sure, some individual Rs would like the idea. Frankly, even though voter fraud is a trivial problem, I would be happy to eliminate it, too. But would the party be making a fuss about it if it helped Ds? Surely you don't believe that.
Note that when libs like me offer to compromise on having an ID if we also agree to make sure everyone who wants to vote and is eligible to vote gets an ID, our cons change topics. That would mean likely D voters aren't harmed. Heck, it might even encourage a few more to show up and vote. That is NOT what the GOP wants.