I listened to the first 5 minutes of the main video. This could have happened very easily because Georgia is a state that loves to kick black people off the voter roles or in some way negate their vote or chance to vote. I would like to hear of these examples from other sources, legal sources like the ACLU, etc before jumping on the bandwagon.
Any state where the Repub State Legislature passes a bill that says a committe can deny the votes in counties is a state that is looking to cheat and do voter fraud. And this is Georgia. When Gov Kemp beat Abrams for the gov seat Kemp was Sec of St and he scrubbed voters off the roles. Abrams barely lost, talk about a cheat in Kemp.
And if this guy is right that about 4-5 million mostly Dem leaning voters were blocked from voting then why havent we heard about this much more. I will try to find out.