Walkers Brain Dead ACA Alternative


HB King
Jul 9, 2003
Of course, its short on details like how he would pay for tax credits that would be underfunded to begin with. Whats funny is that he compares this to a single payer. Is he kidding?

The ACA is not going to be repealed. Will parts of it be modified? Yes. Could it be improved? Yes.

What a waste of time and energy trying to repeal it. Even IF then win next November, they wont be able to clear it in the Senate. I wonder how many years this will go on.
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If the law was named, "You can't haul pre-teen kids to the curb like a sack of garbage for exceeding their benefit levels and you can't deny people with pre-existing conditions act", the law would be wildly popular. That is the problem the Republicans have. Put Obama in it and they have a winner of an issue. Start telling people what they'd lose and that the Republicans have no idea what to replace it with and they bog down quickly.
They are still trying to repeal SS. This fight will go on until your kids are dead.
Who is "they"? I know of nobody trying to repeal Social Security. I know some Democrats who are trying to abolish it and replace it with welfare -- Bernie Sanders for one -- but I know of nobody in either party who is trying to repeal it.
Sanders is very wrong on that too. SS is a program for everyone. We need reforms for sustainability. I am all for it. The Concord Coalition has laid it out, but congress is wayyy too beholden to special interests to get it done.
I liked that link, but all I saw are SS cuts, repeal double taxation - not any repeal of SS - And bringing up some right wing Bernie Sanders equivalent doesn't count
What do you think cuts are but an effort to gut the program. You need just a tiny bit of foresight and an open ear to see the goal of Rs has been to obliterate SS,Medicare and the rest of the safety net for years. Wake up, they aren't shy about the direction they want to move.
It's really simple. The Republicans don't care about healthcare. They don't care about coverage, cost, or keeping people healthy. Get these guys in office and you'll see a return to 50 million uncovered, denial for pre-existing conditions, and a shrugging of the shoulders that we have the world's most expensive healthcare.
It's really simple. The Republicans don't care about healthcare. They don't care about coverage, cost, or keeping people healthy. Get these guys in office and you'll see a return to 50 million uncovered, denial for pre-existing conditions, and a shrugging of the shoulders that we have the world's most expensive healthcare.

That's cuz conservatives are all about their free dumbs.
The Republican party is the Henry Ford of freedoms. You can whatever freedom you want so long as it's black (or red in the GOP's case).

I read an interesting piece in the Chicago Tribune recently where the guy put forth the idea that conservatism, with its name calling and crying of wolf nonstop, is making socialism acceptable in the US. Can't say I disagree.
Walker's proposal is 15 pages long, although five of those pages contain only stylized logos and three pages are devoted to tearing apart Obamacare.
The GOP-led House has voted 56 times to repeal or undermine the law, but zero times on a plan to replace it.
All of the 17 major Republicans running for president have promised they would repeal the law. But most of them have said relatively little about what they’d put in its place.

The above from a recent Washington Post article.

I'm not a huge ACA fan, but until someone proposes a better plan these campaign "proposals" are just noise coming from the right.
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The thing that people don't get is that the uninsured are still in the system and go to ER's mainly. Hospitals like UIHC take everyone and end up eating a lot of it from the uninsured. Where do people think that cost is passed along to? So all this crap about how it erodes freedom by forcing people to buy insurance ignores the fact that they were in the system driving up costs to everyone else. Who is that freedom for? Everyone seeks health care at one point or another. It does not have elasticity the same way an basic consumer product would.

I have criticisms of the ADA. I would prefer a true single payer, but the right offers nothing here except to the well heeled.
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