Warning: Conservatives Shouldn't Watch This

I saw it's another Michael Moore film, and that was enough. Amazing that some of you people still grant him credibility.
Originally posted by Lone Clone:
I saw it's another Michael Moore film, and that was enough. Amazing that some of you people still grant him credibility.
What's amazing is that so many Americans are thoughtful enough to see past your side's attack machine to enjoy and get value from MM's body of work.

That, by the way, includes some high-functioning conservatives - which apparently doesn't include you. Sad.
Originally posted by What Would Jesus Do?:
Originally posted by Lone Clone:
I saw it's another Michael Moore film, and that was enough. Amazing that some of you people still grant him credibility.
What's amazing is that so many Americans are thoughtful enough to see past your side's attack machine to enjoy and get value from MM's body of work.

That, by the way, includes some high-functioning conservatives - which apparently doesn't include you. Sad.
I think if you were truly familiar with Moore's work, even you would not defend him, Parser. He's not just a propagandist. He's incredibly dishonest.

It isn't prejudice that makes me ignore him. I read and view stuff from far-left sources all the time. But with Moore, I know ahead of time that whatever he's saying probably isn't true, and the man -- to my knowledge -- has never made an original point in his life.

So the question becomes: Why take the time?

This goes back far before his stuff on 911, etc. I thought "Roger and Me" was really funny and well done. But it was dishonest to the core. What's the point?
Fails to point out the Federal Reserve system as a whole(instead points the finger at Greenspan), ignores FDRs gold confiscation, ignores the currency crisis, and then blames Katrina's devastation on Capitalism?

A scientist should be smarter then this Parser. You want to pick on Cons fine, but I'll never take this seriously if you don't point out the real problems. Pathetic attempt by Moore.
Is the data presented inaccurate? When I see that, then see the collapse in the 2000-2008 time frame, I would be nervous if I were a Republican.
What a pile of steaming crap that was. Only lemmings would buy into that without a critical thought about it.

Both sides have had plenty of "politics" that aren't in the country's best interest, so lets stop pretending that Michael Moore is good at determining cause and effect (the bias is so think its palpable), and that only one side is responsible for the mess we're in.

A couple of factors causing a bifurcated economic class include increased divorce rates and the global economy (which hurts blue collar workers more than white collar). President Clinton signed NAFTA, and was presiding during the period when we started to loosen our mortgage rate standards which precipitated the housing crisis the the ensuing financial crisis and recession (not the only cause, but the beginning - see household ownership below to see the starting point).

Nothing will get fixed if people continue to put videos together like this and then have their street urchins like this market for them. I don't care for it when conservatives on this board do the same thing. It is not productive. People like Moore are like crack dealers selling stuff like this to their street corner dealers who happen to be addicted themselves. Total crap.

Originally posted by DanHawkPella:
What a pile of steaming crap that was. Only lemmings like WWJD would buy into that without a critical thought about it.

Both sides have had plenty of "politics" that aren't in the country's best interest, so lets stop pretending that Michael Moore is good at determining cause and effect (the bias is so think its palpable), and that only one side is responsible for the mess we're in.

A couple of factors causing a bifurcated economic class include increased divorce rates and the global economy (which hurts blue collar workers more than white collar). President Clinton signed NAFTA, and was presiding during the period when we started to loosen our mortgage rate standards which precipitated the housing crisis the the ensuing financial crisis and recession (not the only cause, but the beginning - see household ownership below to see the starting point).

Nothing will get fixed if people continue to put videos together like this and then have their street urchins like this market for them. I don't care for it when conservatives on this board do the same thing. It is not productive. People like Moore are like crack dealers selling stuff like this to their street corner dealers who happen to be addicted themselves. Total crap.

People who watch this stuff aren't "intelligent" by any stretch of the imagination.
Originally posted by DanHawkPella:
What a pile of steaming crap that was. Only lemmings would buy into that without a critical thought about it.

Both sides have had plenty of "politics" that aren't in the country's best interest, so lets stop pretending that Michael Moore is good at determining cause and effect (the bias is so think its palpable), and that only one side is responsible for the mess we're in.

A couple of factors causing a bifurcated economic class include increased divorce rates and the global economy (which hurts blue collar workers more than white collar). President Clinton signed NAFTA, and was presiding during the period when we started to loosen our mortgage rate standards which precipitated the housing crisis the the ensuing financial crisis and recession (not the only cause, but the beginning - see household ownership below to see the starting point).

Nothing will get fixed if people continue to put videos together like this and then have their street urchins like this market for them. I don't care for it when conservatives on this board do the same thing. It is not productive. People like Moore are like crack dealers selling stuff like this to their street corner dealers who happen to be addicted themselves. Total crap.

Try to stay on topic for a change. This was about Reagan (for the most part). Throwing up Clinton's failures and his capitulation to neoliberal forces as some sort of correction of bias is stupid. I happen to agree with those criticisms of Clinton and have raised them here MANY times, sometimes earning me disapproval from my fellow lefties. But, you see, that doesn't alter the criticisms of Reagan one whit.

Of course you know that. You are engaging in your usual strategy of deflecting with a sprinkle of data to add verisimilitude to your presentation. You're good at it, I'll grant you that. Especially in your oh-so-reasonable-sounding climate change denials. And you quickly get the cretins and weak-minded on board. But you aren't fooling those who think for themselves.

How often do you actually SPEAK that word?

By the way, this is what you've helped create. This separation of sides and insistence that one is superior is futility. You get a deflecting race to the bottom as to who is worse. How you people rejoice in that, and pretend to find some kind of solace that it is working, is beyond me. Maybe you don't. Maybe you know it's truly f*cked and all you have left is arguing with each other over which ones are more corrupt. In which case, ENJOY!

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