So I was getting ready to drive into work this morning. I was looking at podcasts and I saw the Walkons had a new one, I will listen if I’m interested in who the guest is. One released August 13th, didn’t have a guest but was titled Big Ten Realignment.
I find the realignment stuff interesting so I clicked it. Within probably the first 10-15 minutes they started talking about how someone on a message board made a thread trashing them. Turns out it was @gamedayron01 also, they said one of the best reply’s was someone who asked how a long snapper 5 years removed from the program is in the OP’s head so deep 😂
Link to the thread
I find the realignment stuff interesting so I clicked it. Within probably the first 10-15 minutes they started talking about how someone on a message board made a thread trashing them. Turns out it was @gamedayron01 also, they said one of the best reply’s was someone who asked how a long snapper 5 years removed from the program is in the OP’s head so deep 😂
Link to the thread