Watching "Mississippi Burning"

Originally posted by IMCC965:
You Democrats/Liberals did awful things to black people. How could you do such things?
Yeah. Liberal Democrats.
This is a stretch, even for you.
Originally posted by IMCC965:
You Democrats/Liberals did awful things to black people. How could you do such things?
Because we could.

All of us Iowa and Kansas Liberals were down there raising hell. The South will never be the same.
This post was edited on 3/19 9:04 PM by wildcatdad
Originally posted by IMCC965:
You Democrats/Liberals did awful things to black people. How could you do such things?
You are a liar and a deceiver.

It may have been democrats, but not even close to liberals. Totally conservatives.

Do you enjoy lying?

Originally posted by IMCC965:
You Democrats/Liberals did awful things to black people. How could you do such things?
In 1964, southern democrats were most certainly NOT liberal.

Need to get your facts straight.

Great movie by the way.

It's just like the republicans of today are not the same as the GOP of 50+ years ago; heck, even 30 years ago. Mitt Romney, a republican, is not at all like his dad was. His dad was actually pretty liberal for the time.
Love the Dems reasoning on this: Those Dems/progressives were Republicans so we can't be blamed for any of that WAAAYYYYYY back then.

Personal responsibility is a virtue that certainly lacks in the Progressive party.
Originally posted by IMCC965:
Love the Dems reasoning on this: Those Dems/progressives were Republicans so we can't be blamed for any of that WAAAYYYYYY back then.

Personal responsibility is a virtue that certainly lacks in the Progressive party.
It's hard to believe you are as stupid as you appear to be. The conservatives in the south were democrats because Lincoln was a republican.

When liberal democrats (along with a few liberal republicans) voted for civil rights the conservatives in the south switched to the republican party. It is really not that difficult except for the truly stupid.
Originally posted by mstp1992:

Originally posted by IMCC965:
You Democrats/Liberals did awful things to black people. How could you do such things?
In 1964, southern democrats were most certainly NOT liberal.

Need to get your facts straight.

Great movie by the way.

It's just like the republicans of today are not the same as the GOP of 50+ years ago; heck, even 30 years ago. Mitt Romney, a republican, is not at all like his dad was. His dad was actually pretty liberal for the time.
+1 The old GOP passed the voting rights act, the current one wont bring it up for a vote. I know cons love to live in the past, but that point makes the stark reality of the present pretty clear.
Originally posted by naturalmwa:
Originally posted by mstp1992:

Originally posted by IMCC965:
You Democrats/Liberals did awful things to black people. How could you do such things?
In 1964, southern democrats were most certainly NOT liberal.

Need to get your facts straight.

Great movie by the way.

It's just like the republicans of today are not the same as the GOP of 50+ years ago; heck, even 30 years ago. Mitt Romney, a republican, is not at all like his dad was. His dad was actually pretty liberal for the time.
+1 The old GOP passed the voting rights act, the current one wont bring it up for a vote. I know cons love to live in the past, but that point makes the stark reality of the present pretty clear.
Kind of hard to live in the future, wouldn't you say?
Originally posted by IMCC965:

Originally posted by naturalmwa:
Originally posted by mstp1992:

Originally posted by IMCC965:
You Democrats/Liberals did awful things to black people. How could you do such things?
In 1964, southern democrats were most certainly NOT liberal.

Need to get your facts straight.

Great movie by the way.

It's just like the republicans of today are not the same as the GOP of 50+ years ago; heck, even 30 years ago. Mitt Romney, a republican, is not at all like his dad was. His dad was actually pretty liberal for the time.
+1 The old GOP passed the voting rights act, the current one wont bring it up for a vote. I know cons love to live in the past, but that point makes the stark reality of the present pretty clear.
Kind of hard to live in the future, wouldn't you say?
But, you can plan for the future and perhaps make it a better place than it was in the past. That's called being proactive and progressive. I think that's a much better approach.
Originally posted by Torg:
Originally posted by IMCC965:
Love the Dems reasoning on this: Those Dems/progressives were Republicans so we can't be blamed for any of that WAAAYYYYYY back then.

Personal responsibility is a virtue that certainly lacks in the Progressive party.
It's hard to believe you are as stupid as you appear to be. The conservatives in the south were democrats because Lincoln was a republican.

When liberal democrats (along with a few liberal republicans) voted for civil rights the conservatives in the south switched to the republican party. It is really not that difficult except for the truly stupid.
It does beggar the imagination. However, he is consistent in his views. I don't think I've ever agreed with him. On anything.
Originally posted by BrentJDiekman:
Originally posted by Torg:
Originally posted by IMCC965:
Love the Dems reasoning on this: Those Dems/progressives were Republicans so we can't be blamed for any of that WAAAYYYYYY back then.

Personal responsibility is a virtue that certainly lacks in the Progressive party.
It's hard to believe you are as stupid as you appear to be. The conservatives in the south were democrats because Lincoln was a republican.

When liberal democrats (along with a few liberal republicans) voted for civil rights the conservatives in the south switched to the republican party. It is really not that difficult except for the truly stupid.
It does beggar the imagination. However, he is consistent in his views. I don't think I've ever agreed with him. On anything.
I'm sure you have. You just have to go back MANY years to recall it.
Originally posted by IMCC965:
Racist organization. So, no.
You are a member of the NAACP? If not what civil rights organization do you belong to? On several occasion you have taken strong, I mean strong Civil Rights stances. And don't think we are not appreciative. Are you and ACLU guy? Come on, lets get out of the closet not one is going to hurt you. Are you a member of HCORA?

I am in Georgia and one of people I want to meet while I am down her is John Lewis. Would you like me to say hi for ya? Its good to know we have a proud civil rights supporter up there in Iowa. I think Mr. Lewis will be happy to know you are a good friend to the black and minority folks. Lots of civil rights supporters here is Augusta I am finding out. They have a large NAACP Chapter.

We have lots of work to do on Civil Rights. Glad to know you are with us. Can we put you down for donation, maybe some volunteer time?

Let me know if I can introduce you to some Civil Rights Activists. Maybe you can help us there in Iowa and Missouri. Its come to our attention that Civil Rights violations are taking place not far from you according to the Justice Department. We want to give those our due attention.

Again thanks for your support of Civil Rights. We need all the help we can get.

In case you are not a member:
This post was edited on 3/23 3:24 AM by wildcatdad
Originally posted by naturalmwa:
Originally posted by mstp1992:

Originally posted by IMCC965:
You Democrats/Liberals did awful things to black people. How could you do such things?
In 1964, southern democrats were most certainly NOT liberal.

Need to get your facts straight.

Great movie by the way.

It's just like the republicans of today are not the same as the GOP of 50+ years ago; heck, even 30 years ago. Mitt Romney, a republican, is not at all like his dad was. His dad was actually pretty liberal for the time.
+1 The old GOP passed the voting rights act, the current one wont bring it up for a vote. I know cons love to live in the past, but that point makes the stark reality of the present pretty clear.
But didn't our Great Leader remind us:
"Lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ," the president said. "In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ."

Dems like to live in the past too. And, the "stark reality of the present" can escape the libs also.
Originally posted by pepsicock:

Pepsicock; I don't know if you are southerner or a transplant. But if you are a southerner and have studied your history you know there is more to George Wallace than a few images and soundbites. And the issue of race is far more complex than what political party one supports. It amuses me that race is such a political issue when in fact it never really was that way. And southerner who has ever been up north has to laugh at any northerner who likes to point south and say they are the bad guys. They forget about their own history of racism and segregation.

IMCC is just using race as a game. He really is not that funny and I am most certain he would not go over well in any southern state I have ever been.

Alabama is good state. I like the people there. True they are more conservative than I, but heck I am from Kansas and one of the most conservative counties in the state. I have and can live with conservatives so long as they are not just looking at me and saying oh you must racist because you are a progressive. I don't find that in the south. That's IMCC outlook on the world, a very childish outlook at that.

This post was edited on 3/23 1:54 PM by wildcatdad