Waterless Urinals


Oct 1, 2014
If I wanted to smell the hot piss of the twenty guys that went to the can before me, I would go to a football game.
Such a disgusting feature of the new office space concept.
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Urine crystalizes into a hardish mineral without water to thin it down. How they get around that problem?
The state of California is going to pass a bill for governor
Jerry Brown to sign......It will be mandatory for all public
buildings to have waterless urinals by 2020.
If I wanted to smell the hot piss of the twenty guys that went to the can before me, I would go to a football game.
Such a disgusting feature of the new office space concept.

F'ing liberals. Same people that designed the one-gallon toilet and made it a law that that is the only type of toilet that can be used and sold.
Urine crystalizes into a hardish mineral without water to thin it down. How they get around that problem?

But wouldn't your urine dissolve the crystals of the last guys and wash down the drain? I honestly don't know. I prefer to use the stall and piss on the seat.
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But wouldn't your urine dissolve the crystals of the last guys and wash down the drain? I honestly don't know. I prefer to use the stall and piss on the seat.

I hate you....

What the heck is with IT organizations always having the most disgusting bathrooms in the building?

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