We’re gonna be just fine….

Nobody likes shit,.. So in a room full of shit people will tend to congregate around the turd that stinks the least.
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Forget this party or that party for a minute...forget which politician you hate or love or whatever. (I worship none). Does anybody recognize that things seem to be unraveling a bit in the Western world?
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Forget this party or that party for a minute...forget which politician you hate or love or whatever. (I worship none). Does anybody recognize that things seem to be unraveling a bit in the Western world?
Welcome to the post Covid, post globalization era. I hope you enjoyed your lengthy departure from reality.
What departure from reality? I've been watching it all.
You seemed surprised, like this all just dawned on you. This process is going to be ugly, and take a decade or more. Lot of geopolitical wrestling is going to continue to unfold as we step off our perch as world police.
You seemed surprised, like this all just dawned on you. This process is going to be ugly, and take a decade or more. Lot of geopolitical wrestling is going to continue to unfold as we step off our perch as world police.
No, I’ve been watching quietly for sometime and watching the back-and-forth here. The “ we’re going to be just fine” comment prompted my somewhat rhetorical question. Is it really that that many people aren’t paying attention or is it easier to just be in denial/survival mode?
We hit rock bottom when one party, turned fascist, and nominated donald j trump to run for president.

You are watching the hunger games and cheering for the Capitol, dipshit.
Holistically, what can be, unburdened by what has been.....holistically.

I wish neither were on the ticket...regardless of what side you are on, its sad that neither side truly wants their candidate in office because they are actually good, but rather just because they are better than the other one. "Yes, I would rather only have one scoop of sh*t on my sandwich, instead of two. Thank you"'s still a sh*t sandwich.
Republicans Nov. 6th if Harris wins: Wake up and get ready for work and schedule kids pickup and activities.

Democrats Nov 6th if Trump wins: Still awake from the previous day trying to figure out how to meet up with Antifa, BLM and Hamas to protest and burn shit down because something something democracy.
Not wrong