We might end up with no Vice President for a period of time


HR King
Dec 7, 2006
Let’s assume for a moment that Biden stays in the race and wins reelection. I just don’t see him finishing his second term. We’ve seen how much he has already aged in the past 3 1/2 years. His decline over the next 4 1/2 years is only going to accelerate as he gets closer to 86. At some point prior to January 2029 he’s going to have no choice but to step aside.

So Harris ascends to the Presidency and would then nominate her replacement as VP. That nominee has to be confirmed by a majority in both houses. If Republicans control either house, they can block anyone she nominates and the office of Vice President would remain vacant.

That could be significant for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that there would be no one to cast the deciding vote when the Senate ends up split 50-50 on something.
Let’s assume for a moment that Biden stays in the race and wins reelection. I just don’t see him finishing his second term. We’ve seen how much he has already aged in the past 3 1/2 years. His decline over the next 4 1/2 years is only going to accelerate as he gets closer to 86. At some point prior to January 2029 he’s going to have no choice but to step aside.

So Harris ascends to the Presidency and would then nominate her replacement as VP. That nominee has to be confirmed by a majority in both houses. If Republicans control either house, they can block anyone she nominates and the office of Vice President would remain vacant.

That could be significant for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that there would be no one to cast the deciding vote when the Senate ends up split 50-50 on something.
Yet another pitfall in nominating an 82 year old..
Let’s assume for a moment that Biden stays in the race and wins reelection. I just don’t see him finishing his second term. We’ve seen how much he has already aged in the past 3 1/2 years. His decline over the next 4 1/2 years is only going to accelerate as he gets closer to 86. At some point prior to January 2029 he’s going to have no choice but to step aside.

So Harris ascends to the Presidency and would then nominate her replacement as VP. That nominee has to be confirmed by a majority in both houses. If Republicans control either house, they can block anyone she nominates and the office of Vice President would remain vacant.

That could be significant for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that there would be no one to cast the deciding vote when the Senate ends up split 50-50 on something.
Your post helped me learn something. I looked up LBJ's vice president and was surprised to learn Johnson completed the remainder of Kennedy's term without a vice president because there was no process to fill a vacancy in the VP slot. Johnson served 425 days without a VP.
Your post helped me learn something. I looked up LBJ's vice president and was surprised to learn Johnson completed the remainder of Kennedy's term without a vice president because there was no process to fill a vacancy in the VP slot. Johnson served 425 days without a VP.
I did not know that. I just figured Humphrey replaced him shortly after the assassination.
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after kammy hairy and pence and dan quayle, I'm thinking ending up without a VP might be good for america. although pence was ok for 3.9 years
Your post helped me learn something. I looked up LBJ's vice president and was surprised to learn Johnson completed the remainder of Kennedy's term without a vice president because there was no process to fill a vacancy in the VP slot. Johnson served 425 days without a VP.
he had lady bird
after kammy hairy and pence and dan quayle, I'm thinking ending up without a VP might be good for america. although pence was ok for 3.9 years

Don’t forget the guy who was a member of JFK’s CIA assassination squad. He tried to take out Reagan and then between him and his son gave us 12 dreadful years highlighted by illegal wars, recession and a massive economic collapse
So Harris ascends to the Presidency and would then nominate her replacement as VP. That nominee has to be confirmed by a majority in both houses. If Republicans control either house, they can block anyone she nominates and the office of Vice President would remain vacant.

That could be significant for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that there would be no one to cast the deciding vote when the Senate ends up split 50-50 on something.

That would be pretty shitty of the GOP if that scenario presents itself, but F democracy right?
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Don’t forget the guy who was a member of JFK’s CIA assassination squad. He tried to take out Reagan and then between him and his son gave us 12 dreadful years highlighted by illegal wars, recession and a massive economic collapse
yeah I call them leftists, the bushes

probably gave us 9-11 too
Just not quite 'ok' enough to overthrow democracy. You are sick.
nobody wanted to overthrow anything, we all thought trump won. to overthrow that , would be to hand it to biden. pence was not on board with a trump victory. he became buddies with all the establishment. true democratic style voting means not cheating and using covid for an excuse for drop boxes. the dems cheated in 2020 then they staged jan 6th.
nobody wanted to overthrow anything, we all thought trump won. to overthrow that , would be to hand it to biden. pence was not on board with a trump victory. he became buddies with all the establishment. true democratic style voting means not cheating and using covid for an excuse for drop boxes. the dems cheated in 2020 then they staged jan 6th.

Go ahead and never reply to me again, weirdo.
So Harris ascends to the Presidency and would then nominate her replacement as VP. That nominee has to be confirmed by a majority in both houses. If Republicans control either house, they can block anyone she nominates and the office of Vice President would remain vacant.

That could be significant for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that there would be no one to cast the deciding vote when the Senate ends up split 50-50 on something.
Perhaps more important, that would put Mike Johnson next in line (assuming he's still Speaker).