We Need to Treat Our Vets Better

Don't tell Musk and DOGE...we're all about to get screwed.
To be fair Elon said we'd all need to feel a bit of a pinch. He's right there with you vets.
At least you'll be able to go to the bathroom without a trans person peeing in the stall next to you. You might not get the care you earned, but you'll be safe in the bathroom.
To be fair Elon said we'd all need to feel a bit of a pinch. He's right there with you vets.
At least you'll be able to go to the bathroom without a trans person peeing in the stall next to you. You might not get the care you earned, but you'll be safe in the bathroom.
Thank God Ugh GIF by Gogglebox Australia
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The moment this country takes mental illness seriously, is the moment we will take a positive turn in these and a lot of other situations. The problem is, they need to decide who's going to get filthy rich first, then we'll figure it out
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The absolute, unimaginable anger that comes with understanding of how our government has let down our vets is abominable.

I honestly have a hard time putting it into words.

Regardless of your personal political positions. I look at our current history and wonder how anyone could could come to any other conclusion.
The absolute, unimaginable anger that comes with understanding of how our government has let down our vets is abominable.

I honestly have a hard time putting it into words.

Regardless of your personal political positions. I look at our current history and wonder how anyone could could come to any other conclusion.
We’re defending Europe under 80 year old postwar policies that allow Germany and European countries to allocate their budgetary resources to outstanding medical care for all their citizens and our vets come home to find they have to depend on the VA.
What’s wrong with this picture?
I read the article in OP’s post and it seemed to infer that he hid some of his issues so he wouldn’t be retired. Sad/bad decision.
No, it wouldn't. There shouldn't be a profit motive in the VA.
Just because something is nonprofit doesn't mean nobody's making money. Private and "for profit" are not synonymous.

Think of it this way. Where do people get better care, have better technology, access to alternative or cutting edge treatments, etc.?

One thing I didn't specify in my original comment. When I say private, I more just mean non-federal government run. I would consider the numerous university hospitals throughout the country private sector, although they are technically government owned if they are state universities.

Having grown up around Iowa City and hearing from various sources, I'm 100% certain the UIHC is better resourced than the VA hospital down the street.
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Just because something is nonprofit doesn't mean nobody's making money. Private and "for profit" are not synonymous.

Think of it this way. Where do people get better care, have better technology, access to alternative or cutting edge treatments, etc.?

One thing I didn't specify in my original comment. When I say private, I more just mean non-federal government run. I would consider the numerous university hospitals throughout the country private sector, although they are technically government owned if they are state universities.

Having grown up around Iowa City and hearing from various sources, I'm 100% certain the UIHC is better resourced than the VA hospital down the street.

Americans pay the highest amount for healthcare by far compared to other developed nations. Our system is absolutely rapacious because of the privatization of it all. It's the number one cause of bankruptcy in the US. Do your cost savings theory has to be based on dogma and faith. On top of that it's all most standard operating procedure that when the government subsidized programs meet the private sector that people find a way to take advantage to maximize profit.

Vets overall are happy with the VA. I know I am. I know a lot of vets are sweating now because they don't trust the oligarchs to have their best interest with care. The VA called me weekly for 40 weeks to consult with me while we worked through the titration of my anti-nightmare medication which I am on an extreme dosage of. I would not get that in the privatized system and if I was it certainly would not be cheaper.

I don't know if you don't have pattern recognition or what. Some 20 year wars, off the books, that cost trillions of dollars for no real reason, and now some of you want to put veterans care at risk. Pretty despicable.
Americans pay the highest amount for healthcare by far compared to other developed nations. Our system is absolutely rapacious because of the privatization of it all. It's the number one cause of bankruptcy in the US. Do your cost savings theory has to be based on dogma and faith. On top of that it's all most standard operating procedure that when the government subsidized programs meet the private sector that people find a way to take advantage to maximize profit.

Vets overall are happy with the VA. I know I am. I know a lot of vets are sweating now because they don't trust the oligarchs to have their best interest with care. The VA called me weekly for 40 weeks to consult with me while we worked through the titration of my anti-nightmare medication which I am on an extreme dosage of. I would not get that in the privatized system and if I was it certainly would not be cheaper.

I don't know if you don't have pattern recognition or what. Some 20 year wars, off the books, that cost trillions of dollars for no real reason, and now some of you want to put veterans care at risk. Pretty despicable.
Speaking of nightmares. I had a dream I was making out with a model and I woke up and my dog was licking my mouth 🤮
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Americans pay the highest amount for healthcare by far compared to other developed nations. Our system is absolutely rapacious because of the privatization of it all. It's the number one cause of bankruptcy in the US. Do your cost savings theory has to be based on dogma and faith. On top of that it's all most standard operating procedure that when the government subsidized programs meet the private sector that people find a way to take advantage to maximize profit.

Vets overall are happy with the VA. I know I am. I know a lot of vets are sweating now because they don't trust the oligarchs to have their best interest with care. The VA called me weekly for 40 weeks to consult with me while we worked through the titration of my anti-nightmare medication which I am on an extreme dosage of. I would not get that in the privatized system and if I was it certainly would not be cheaper.

I don't know if you don't have pattern recognition or what. Some 20 year wars, off the books, that cost trillions of dollars for no real reason, and now some of you want to put veterans care at risk. Pretty despicable.
But really, I'm happy the VA is working well for you.
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Vets overall are happy with the VA. I know I am. I know a lot of vets are sweating now because they don't trust the oligarchs to have their best interest with care. The VA called me weekly for 40 weeks to consult with me while we worked through the titration of my anti-nightmare medication which I am on an extreme dosage of. I would not get that in the privatized system and if I was it certainly would not be cheaper.
I am very happy with my healthcare--VA for me and TriCare for the family. When I see what the civies are paying for deductibles and caps, I'm like, damn! You don't even have healthcare. It's terrible for the average person.
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Privatization has already started within the V.A. They can't keep providers. In less than 5 years, my primary provider has changed 5 times.

I do think that a vast majority of VA employees have the Vet's best interests at hand, but things aren't perfect. Better than private insurance I suppose.. I'm grateful.
My late Mother in law was one of a very few women veterans residents at the (then new) VA Home in Murfreesboro TN and my Sister in law said it was really nice. She had zero complaints with staff or facilities. I know there were reports of some very inferior facilities in other cities though.
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My late Mother in law was one of a very few women veterans residents at the (then new) VA Home in Murfreesboro TN and my Sister in law said it was really nice. She had zero complaints with staff or facilities. I know there were reports of some very inferior facilities in other cities though.

Yeah, it is hit or miss on some of the facilities. I won't complain. I'm a terrible patient on following instructions. But then again, if you are there, you probably not the most cognizant. Glad your MIL had a good experience.
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MY WWII father ( who died last March at 96 ) was well taken care of by the VA through all administrations whether R or D. They even spent thousands of dollars to keep him in his own house near the end. I tore out a tub/shower and replaced it with a no step accessible unit and they covered the entire expense. Later provided him with a new hospital bed at home when he need it. People stopped at the house weekly to check on him. They provided for him for almost 75 years...
As a vet I have to say I’m pretty grateful for the benefits I’ve gotten through the VA and elsewhere. Honestly no complaints.

Things really changed in that regard after the first gulf war.

Korea and Vietnam vets got the shaft. Unfortunately some of them never got what they deserved.

Tried to help a Vietnam era vet get benefits for agent orange exposure. He never got them because he wasn’t in country. He washed C-130’s that were coated in the shit but couldn’t provide proof he was TDY in Okanawa….guess aircraft cycled through there 😔
As a vet I have to say I’m pretty grateful for the benefits I’ve gotten through the VA and elsewhere. Honestly no complaints.

Things really changed in that regard after the first gulf war.

Korea and Vietnam vets got the shaft. Unfortunately some of them never got what they deserved.

Vets still need to be their best own advocates. I'm not the best at doing that. But that is a me thing.
We’re defending Europe under 80 year old postwar policies that allow Germany and European countries to allocate their budgetary resources to outstanding medical care for all their citizens and our vets come home to find they have to depend on the VA.
What’s wrong with this picture?
I read the article in OP’s post and it seemed to infer that he hid some of his issues so he wouldn’t be retired. Sad/bad decision.
I'm not sure you understand who pays for what in Europe, and how much. And, some of the countries have their own health care issues, the UK for one. The difference is they are more focused on it. We pay a lot in the US, and don't always get the best care. My wife and I do, but we pay a lot and via her employment at UIHC have excellent access.
Second point, paying a portion of the defense of Europe has also kept Europe stable, which has been very, very good for the US.
I'm not sure you understand who pays for what in Europe, and how much. And, some of the countries have their own health care issues, the UK for one. The difference is they are more focused on it. We pay a lot in the US, and don't always get the best care. My wife and I do, but we pay a lot and via her employment at UIHC have excellent access.
Second point, paying a portion of the defense of Europe has also kept Europe stable, which has been very, very good for the US.
A lot of the NATO members have underspent on defense since the end of the Cold War. They’re correcting that now. Even you can admit that.

Obama said as much if that helps…

A lot of the NATO members have underspent on defense since the end of the Cold War. They’re correcting that now. Even you can admit that.

Obama said as much if that helps…

I never said otherwise about defense spending, and it's rebounding. That doesn't explain why people like Goldy don't understand how other nations prioritize and pay for health care.
Stop making this guy out to be a victim. He's not a victim. He's a selfish coward who tried to kill others as he killed himself. He deserves no sympathy.
That is great. He should file a disability claim. Tininitus is 10% to start with.
Another friends wife (NoPic) served back in the day and has been taken care of through out her life after serving. Nothing but positive remarks from the family. Unfortunately she has just about every kind of brain disease known to man and the diabetes has put her in dire shape. I have only known her for about 10 years and I wish I had known her my entire life.
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Another friends wife (NoPic) served back in the day and has been taken care of through out her life after serving. Nothing but positive remarks from the family. Unfortunately she has just about every kind of brain disease known to man and the diabetes has put her in dire shape. I have only known her for about 10 years and I wish I had known her my entire life.

I wish I had a grant to interview Vets. Their stories need to be told.
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