We Played to Win...and Won


Nov 22, 2007
Compared to the last few ISU games this was the most aggressive--on both sides of the ball--that we have seen. Loved it. And I have been critical of KF last few years--rightly so on most of it--but playing scared was my biggest gripe and yesterday didn't see that.

Used to get tired of KF using field position as an excuse to go conservative on offense for a posession, and dismiss it with "well given the field position, odds of a score were..." Yah, that woulda got us beaten yesterday.

Nice job Captain--liking the overhaul...
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Compared to the last few ISU games this was the most aggressive--on both sides of the ball--that we have seen. Loved it. And I have been critical of KF last few years--rightly so on most of it--but playing scared was my biggest gripe and yesterday didn't see that.

Used to get tired of KF using field position as an excuse to go conservative on offense for a posession, and dismiss it with "well given the field position, odds of a score were..." Yah, that woulda got us beaten yesterday.

Nice job Captain--liking the overhaul...

I noticed it too. Very refreshing.
I like the aggressive changes, but the end of the first half was botched. Poor clock management (again) to try a fake that had to go to the end zone or bust. Yeah it almost worked but it was not executed properly from a time standpoint.
Agree completely that Ferentz and Company deserve huge praise for fomenting positive changes within the program. Very impressive. I love the intensity of this team, the camaraderie, and the new-found fearlessness. The failed first half fake field goal attempt was disappointing in outcome but also signaled a sense of bravado to the team and to the opponent. WE ARE NOT AFRAID!
I was a big Ferentz detractor these past five seasons like many. Ferentz heard a lot of negative and constructive feedback during the off season for good reason and credit to Ferentz he listened and has come out with a much more aggressive playing style. He didn't have to but he did. Watching these last few games has made me even prouder to be a Hawk. Last game Ferentz getting a standing ovation for attempting a fake field goal showed the passion and support of Hawkeye faithfull. Then yesterday seeing Ferentz get choked up at the end of the game was awesome to see. If he continues this more aggressive style of play he is well on his way to winning the fan base back, he almost has me back.
I like the aggressive changes, but the end of the first half was botched. Poor clock management (again) to try a fake that had to go to the end zone or bust. Yeah it almost worked but it was not executed properly from a time standpoint.

It was 2nd and 2 with 50 seconds left. We ran twice, not getting the 1st down. KF let the clock wind down to 1 second.

You (anyone on this board) is head coach. How do you end the 1st half?
It was 2nd and 2 with 50 seconds left. We ran twice, not getting the 1st down. KF let the clock wind down to 1 second.

You (anyone on this board) is head coach. How do you end the 1st half?
I like the fact that Kirk is willing to roll the dice in the 1st two games against teams not named Wisconsin, Nebraska, etc.

That said, the fake field goal was a boneheaded move the way it was executed for sure. If you're going to do something like that, AT THE VERY LEAST you put the ball in the hands of someone who can outrun or possibly juke a Defense who is surely going to catch up to a kicker in the open field. Let the kicker throw a short pass, or a shovel pass. ANYTHING but let him run 45 yards on his own. Dumb. Very Dumb.
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Agree completely that Ferentz and Company deserve huge praise for fomenting positive changes within the program. Very impressive. I love the intensity of this team, the camaraderie, and the new-found fearlessness. The failed first half fake field goal attempt was disappointing in outcome but also signaled a sense of bravado to the team and to the opponent. WE ARE NOT AFRAID!

You just just expressed the point I tried to make about the fake field goal in another thread only much better. I like the attitude change even if it comes with moves at times that seem overly or needlessly aggressive. Change starts at the top and IMO we have begun to witness the full manifestation of Kirk wanting to go out a winner. It gives the program a much-needed shot in the arm.