Wearing used mask might be worse than wearing no mask


HB Legend
Oct 22, 2003
Even with a newly developed coronavirus vaccine currently rolling out and another likely on the way soon, health officials are matching their optimism about the coming months with a reminder that it's still very important to follow basic health guidelines such as social distancing, washing your hands, and wearing a mask. But when it comes to your PPE, there may be one major mistake you're making that could be putting you at risk. According to a new study, wearing a used or worn-out mask could actually be worse than wearing no mask at all in some cases. Read on to make sure your face covering is protecting you, and for more on staying safe in the pandemic, check out You're More Likely to Catch COVID in This Surprising Place, Study Finds.

The new research, published on Dec. 15 in the journal Physics of Fluids, comes from a team of scientists at California Baptist University and University of Massachusetts Lowell, who used a computer model to measure how masks affected the airflow and passage of particles to and from the wearer. The model also showed where particles landed on one's face, in the nasal passages, and how they are distributed into the lungs and pharynx.

The research determined that a new three-layer surgical mask is 65 percent efficient in filtering particles, but if the mask is worn out, that number drops to 25 percent. In fact, the researchers found that a worn down mask led the wearer to inhale more particles than those wearing no mask at all. Those particles that escape the filtration of your mask can enter through your respiratory tract and instead infect you. As a result, the researchers concluded that wearing a mask with less than 30 percent filtration efficiency can be worse than going out without a face covering.

"It is natural to think that wearing a mask, no matter new or old, should always be better than nothing," study author Jinxiang Xi, PhD, associate professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at University of Massachusetts Lowell, said in a statement. "Our results show that this belief is only true for particles larger than 5 micrometers, but not for fine particles smaller than 2.5 micrometers."

But there's more to choosing the right masks than filtration prowess. Read on to see what to avoid when it comes to PPE, and for more on how to prepare yourself for your inoculation, check out The CDC Is Warning You to Prepare For These COVID Vaccine Side Effects.
Even with a newly developed coronavirus vaccine currently rolling out and another likely on the way soon, health officials are matching their optimism about the coming months with a reminder that it's still very important to follow basic health guidelines such as social distancing, washing your hands, and wearing a mask. But when it comes to your PPE, there may be one major mistake you're making that could be putting you at risk. According to a new study, wearing a used or worn-out mask could actually be worse than wearing no mask at all in some cases. Read on to make sure your face covering is protecting you, and for more on staying safe in the pandemic, check out You're More Likely to Catch COVID in This Surprising Place, Study Finds.

The new research, published on Dec. 15 in the journal Physics of Fluids, comes from a team of scientists at California Baptist University and University of Massachusetts Lowell, who used a computer model to measure how masks affected the airflow and passage of particles to and from the wearer. The model also showed where particles landed on one's face, in the nasal passages, and how they are distributed into the lungs and pharynx.

The research determined that a new three-layer surgical mask is 65 percent efficient in filtering particles, but if the mask is worn out, that number drops to 25 percent. In fact, the researchers found that a worn down mask led the wearer to inhale more particles than those wearing no mask at all. Those particles that escape the filtration of your mask can enter through your respiratory tract and instead infect you. As a result, the researchers concluded that wearing a mask with less than 30 percent filtration efficiency can be worse than going out without a face covering.

"It is natural to think that wearing a mask, no matter new or old, should always be better than nothing," study author Jinxiang Xi, PhD, associate professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at University of Massachusetts Lowell, said in a statement. "Our results show that this belief is only true for particles larger than 5 micrometers, but not for fine particles smaller than 2.5 micrometers."

But there's more to choosing the right masks than filtration prowess. Read on to see what to avoid when it comes to PPE, and for more on how to prepare yourself for your inoculation, check out The CDC Is Warning You to Prepare For These COVID Vaccine Side Effects.

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I am pretty sure the idea of the mask is to stop droplets, not particles.

Yes, and it's worn so that people with Covid (who are wearing a mask) are exhaling into the mask, thereby keeping a majority of the virus from spreading. The study linked in the article is talking about masks worn to protect the wearer. Plus, they are specifically talking about "3 layer surgical masks".

Not the same thing, but people see/hear "masks" and "ineffective" or "less effective" and they immediately tie them together.

The article further down talks about washing one's mask and that they do prevent the spread of Covid.

Link in the article that talks about the study - The mask matters: How masks affect airflow, protection effectiveness | EurekAlert! Science News

It appears the link to the actual study is broken
Group behind this article is probably a mask manufacturer trying to scare people into thinking they need to use a new mask every 30 minutes.
Yeah this is where the messaging was so effed from the beginning. The biggest benefit of the mask is not to protect you, the wearer. And when that becomes the focus, chaos
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My wife gets on me about wearing the same mask for days. She and the kids use a new one every time they leave the house. Mine sits in my car for a week or so. I guess I shouldn’t do that.
So what your saying is you are no better than the MAGAs who go maskless. Thanks for contributing to the spread.
I probably have over 50 cloth masks.
I wasn't being serious but to think that masks are silver bullets(as many on here and in the media have insinuated) to stopping a tiny virus from spreading is magic thinking. It may help a tiny bit but there have been studies showing the percentage of stopping transmission is very small. In reality, the mask debate has given people who think highly of themselves another excuse to ridicule their fellow citizens. Its how people who live through a political lense get their oxygen.
I wasn't being serious but to think that masks are silver bullets(as many on here and in the media have insinuated) to stopping a tiny virus from spreading is magic thinking. It may help a tiny bit but there have been studies showing the percentage of stopping transmission is very small. In reality, the mask debate has given people who think highly of themselves another excuse to ridicule their fellow citizens. Its how people who live through a political lense get their oxygen.
There have been studies to show they help, you not seen em? Or just ignore em?
Masks are a part of every load of laundry I've done since March. They hang by the back door so we grab a clean one on the way out. Dirty ones go in the washing machine upon return home. Wash and repeat. Wash and repeat. It's not difficult.
Did any of you morons actually read the article? Or do you just enjoy being purposefully obtuse?

The mask is to protect others from your droplets. Of course a surgical mask is less effective at filtering out inhalants for the wearer after it's been used. It still catches the droplets going out.
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I wasn't being serious but to think that masks are silver bullets(as many on here and in the media have insinuated) to stopping a tiny virus from spreading is magic thinking. It may help a tiny bit but there have been studies showing the percentage of stopping transmission is very small. In reality, the mask debate has given people who think highly of themselves another excuse to ridicule their fellow citizens. Its how people who live through a political lense get their oxygen.
This is completely untrue. Masking advocates have not suggested it's a "silver bullet" rather that it is a component to help stop the spread along with distancing and avoiding large gathers. Likewise, the benefit of a mask is not small, it's significant. What you stated is categorically untrue.
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I think we can all agree that California has been one of the most aggressive states in regards to mask mandates and restrictions.

"Confirmed coronavirus infections and virus-related deaths are soaring in California, the nation's most populous state, setting new records as hospitals struggle to keep up with the onslaught of cases.

On Thursday, California reported 52,281 new daily confirmed coronavirus cases and 379 new virus-related deaths, according to state data.

According to the Los Angeles Times, which compiling its own coronavirus tally for the state, the number of Californians hospitalized due to the disease has broken records for 18 consecutive days.

The number of people in intensive care units because of COVID-19 continues to set records as well, the newspaper noted, with 14 straight days of increases.

Much of California remains under stay-at-home orders triggered by regions in the state that have less than 15% ICU availability.

The orders, which went into effect on Dec. 5, will remain in effect for at least three weeks."
This is completely untrue. Masking advocates have not suggested it's a "silver bullet" rather that it is a component to help stop the spread along with distancing and avoiding large gathers. Likewise, the benefit of a mask is not small, it's significant. What you stated is categorically untrue.
The way mask kings/queens attack those that don't wear masks you would think it was a silver bullet. I mean there was a video of a man stalking a women yesterday in Wal Mart because she wasn't wearing a mask. It's a really weird thing to see in our society.
I think we can all agree that California has been one of the most aggressive states in regards to mask mandates and restrictions.

"Confirmed coronavirus infections and virus-related deaths are soaring in California, the nation's most populous state, setting new records as hospitals struggle to keep up with the onslaught of cases.

On Thursday, California reported 52,281 new daily confirmed coronavirus cases and 379 new virus-related deaths, according to state data.

According to the Los Angeles Times, which compiling its own coronavirus tally for the state, the number of Californians hospitalized due to the disease has broken records for 18 consecutive days.

The number of people in intensive care units because of COVID-19 continues to set records as well, the newspaper noted, with 14 straight days of increases.

Much of California remains under stay-at-home orders triggered by regions in the state that have less than 15% ICU availability.

The orders, which went into effect on Dec. 5, will remain in effect for at least three weeks."
That data doesn't matter. Only the data that drives home their cause.
The point isn't just about protecting the wearer from others. The point is that effectiveness goes down, and that can work both ways.

I support wearing masks, and wearing them effectively will provide better success. It's sad that so many people still want to dismiss everything that doesn't fit their agenda instead of keeping an open mind. People also believe in science until they don't.

Droplets vs particles? Really? Did we know that in the beginning? Does knowledge just stop when we get to a certain point? Distancing was originally 3 feet, then moved to 6 feet for 15 minutes. That's likely not true. Shields were effective, but now there are studies showing they aren't.

Just because we now believe droplets are the major physical method doesn't mean it can't be spread as particles. If wearing a mask is no big deal, wearing a clean mask should be no big deal, right?
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What about the ones that say they do very little to stop transmission?
Very little? So they help, you're saying....

At worse case they help a little best case they noticably help. And you still foolish enough to even try to argue the topic. Smh derpity derp
I've got a well used mask in the glove box of my pickup that I bought for $.99 at Menard's when this shit first hit the fan, last Spring,.. still works great.