Went to the bowl game; my take aways

Football is entertainment. If it's not entertaining I'm not watching.
The only sporting events I watch regardless of entertainment value are those in which family is participating.
I'm an Iowa native, Iowa alum, with 2 kids who graduated from the U of I. That doesn't mean that I watch or spend money on whatever they throw out on the field.
There's no way I'm spending money to travel anywhere to watch this.
Yup. This is the tone deaf part of Kirk’s tenure and increasingly so, whether he likes it or not. Heck, we will go this entire spring practice not knowing if Lainez is getting snaps or updates on player progress. The lock down mentality tamps enthusiasm just as their robotic talking points deter interest. Say SOMETHING Kirk. Involve the fans in the journey if you want their $$.
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That's pretty standard for a bowl game. It's like a road game where you can only suit up a limited number, but they bring the other guys to the bowl that aren't on the travel squad.
This is not true per my experience. The bowls are a reward to the players, that is why the entire team travels and dresses if not injured or opting out. Also, if this was “standard”, not sure why the original poster would have brought it up anyhow.
OP is a lot closer to being spot on than you realize.
I first met Kirk my freshman year at IOWA. I have since had countless opportunities to spend time with him. I do not know him to be lazy or a conman. Nor have I known anyone who has played for him to hold that belief.
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30 guys not dressed? I had no idea there were that many. Was there a listing posted anywhere?
Those were probably those that do not normally travel. I think all players travel for a bowl game ,but can't all dress.
This is not true per my experience. The bowls are a reward to the players, that is why the entire team travels and dresses if not injured or opting out. Also, if this was “standard”, not sure why the original poster would have brought it up anyhow.
I was also under this impression until yesterday. I was told that dressing out for the bowl game is no longer the reward. The added practices and traveling are the rewards. No idea if this is an IOWA, B1G, or NCAA thing. I was surprised at both the low number of guys dressed and the high number of guys in jerseys but not in pads.
I was also under this impression until yesterday. I was told that dressing out for the bowl game is no longer the reward. The added practices and traveling are the rewards. No idea if this is an IOWA, B1G, or NCAA thing. I was surprised at both the low number of guys dressed and the high number of guys in jerseys but not in pads.
Must be an Iowa policy then as I know a true freshman on another Big Ten team and he was not in the travel squad for the regular season but traveled and dressed for the bowl game, as did all the other players that did not travel during the regular season.
So fire Kirk and see what you get. Ya I’m 60 and irrelevant so sure you youngins go hire the new hotness. Good luck! We live in a state with almost zero actual d-1 players each year and limited money to pay for them. I know it’s not “fun”, I was a 20 year season ticket holder. What we did do all these years though is win.
You're not much older than me, I get it, and I live in Indy.
Went to the game and spent way, WAY, too much 💰 for the results.

No one wins every game but you can't win with no points....
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I was at the game and had a blast. My observations/takeaways.....

1) Spent the entire day with 3/4 of my boys joking, laughing, tailgating, and watching IOWA football
2) Beautiful weather and we spent the day outside
3) Visited 3 of the best tailgates I have ever been to. IOWA fans do it right
4) Spent a large chunk of the day with an old high school buddy and his family who have a son on the team. Great insight provided al look behind the scenes but enjoyed spending time with an old friend even more
5) While not sitting in our assigned seats discovered we were sitting next to an old Hawkeye Report buddy who also wasn't sitting in his assigned seat
6) Everything starts up front. Our OL is weak in every sense of the word. That is 100% on the coaching staff. They need to recruit and build strength better. Ditto for our WRs. Lousy routes. No separation. No size. No speed. Not defending our QB play but I do believe it would improve if OL/WR play improved too.
7) Kirk's philosophy of winning the 4th quarter equates to winning the game is predicated on playing mistake free football. The moment penalties and turnovers come into play, as they often do, we are doomed. It is why bad teams beat us and good teams beat us down. Rarely do we have the talent to overcome mistakes.
8) I think IOWA fans overrate the lure of playing for IOWA. This has existed for years and is not something new or unique to Kirk. Hayden used to say the hardest part of recruiting at IOWA was getting the kid on a plane to visit the first time. I think NIL and the portal will only exacerbate the difficulty we have bringing kids in for a visit.
9) See #8 for a head coach. IOWA fans are unrealistic about the lure of Iowa City as a destination and not a transfer situation to something bigger/better.
10) I am back at work today wishing I could go to another IOWA game tomorrow. The scoreboard of yesterday's game has had ZERO impact on my day today. Or tomorrow. Meanwhile the experience of having gone to the game makes me smile as I sit here. HAWKEYE football brings people together. Anyone moaning, groaning, bitching, or complaining chooses to feel that way.
11) It's great to be a HAWKEYE (women's basketball fan)!!!
great post, spot on about being with friends and family. I think you are on to something about the myth of the lure of the hawks.
You're not much older than me, I get it, and I live in Indy.
Went to the game and spent way, WAY, too much 💰 for the results.

No one wins every game but you can't win with no points....
it was like they gave up when they saw how michigan blanked them in indy
I never did see where it was in the stadium
it looked like it was way down behind the benches or in the tunnel or something tucked away where the fans could not see it. probably a great idea because iowa fans would jump in the darn thing after getting down to their skivvies.
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So is the 92-0 against ranked teams which were L's.
IDGAF how you slice that, those results are completely unacceptable
yeah, you're going to come up against ranked teams all the time as in: osu, mich, penn st. etc. now usc washington. then the bowl. yep, need to beat some of those guys some of the time. not lose to all of them
Are you kidding? Everyone knew Iowa offense would be a no show.
Nobody expected the defense to do the same, at least not me. What happened there? Maybe it was the TV view, the TN receivers were catching the ball with no Iowa DBs in the picture. Were the assignments blown that badly or was it just the camera work. The run D wasn't much better. I looked to see the sacks, I'd think that someone 6'6" 206 would be susceptible to injury getting pounded as much as he did.
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30 guys not dressed? I had no idea there were that many. Was there a listing posted anywhere?
He is full of shiat…..

Here is what Chad L reported before the game:

Injury report: Only notable name is Ethan Hurkett being questionable.

Otherwise, everyone besides Luke Lachey, Reese Osgood and TJ Hall are good to go beyond the obvious injuries.

It is amazing the hoops KF apologists will jump through to try and justify the terrible losses.
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30 guys not dressed? I had no idea there were that many. Was there a listing posted anywhere?
Not sure if listed anywhere, but we were there for warmups and i counted… i kid you not, looking at Tenn, you wouldve thought they had 10 guys not dressed
Find me a player that mattered that doesn’t love BF. You can’t. What we think as fans doesn’t matter to the football people. We don’t know shit. They do, and the vast majority of players that have gone through Iowa have immense respect for Brian’s talent as a coach.
Akrum Wadley!
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He is full of shiat…..

Here is what Chad L reported before the game:

Injury report: Only notable name is Ethan Hurkett being questionable.

Otherwise, everyone besides Luke Lachey, Reese Osgood and TJ Hall are good to go beyond the obvious injuries.

It is amazing the hoops KF apologists will jump through to try and justify the terrible losses.
Amazing people like you continue to follow the program while Kirk is coach. I have said this before I disliked Kirk as much as some of you do, I would go take up pickle ball in the fall and rake leaves and be at peace rather than follow the program until he is gone.
He is full of shiat…..

Here is what Chad L reported before the game:

Injury report: Only notable name is Ethan Hurkett being questionable.

Otherwise, everyone besides Luke Lachey, Reese Osgood and TJ Hall are good to go beyond the obvious injuries.

It is amazing the hoops KF apologists will jump through to try and justify the terrible losses.
Im sure a majority were red shirt guys, but the swarm looked more like a flock
I wish it was just six hours but get your point. I have went to all three championship games in Indy. I did miss my first bowl game in Florida since 03 and first bowl game period since Pinstripe. I was so pissed off in 4th quarter in Indy when Iowa didn't replace Hill that I told my wife no way we are going to a bowl game this year. Had some regrets leading up to today, but not now. Same Deacon Hill shit show.
I went to all three and this year was hands down the least fandom as well as the worst game.

We looked much better than the 42-3 joke.
There were more hawk fans in Indy than I thought there would be. Not very enticing to drive 5-9 hours (depending where you live in Iowa) to watch a game that was a virtual certainty to be ugly. Mr. Ferentz could have helped the attendance by actually playing his best athlete at QB, giving Iowa fans a little bit of hope. Michigan fans had 1/2 the distance and knew they were going to win. The game broke the attendance record so Iowa did pretty well. I drove 8 hours to get to the game, then drove home right after. Orlando is a much easier drive from Tenn and a much cheaper flight and once again, Iowa fans knew what was in store when the QB decision was made. Costs a lot of money to make a trip like that from Iowa. I am sure thousands are thankful they did not throw out that kind of money to watch Mr. Ferentz embarrass himself on National TV.
That was hands down the worst crowd we have had in our three L's and it had to be close to 70/30 U.M.
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Not sure if listed anywhere, but we were there for warmups and i counted… i kid you not, looking at Tenn, you wouldve thought they had 10 guys not dressed
Agreed. This was a topic of conversation in my section. I can share a picture if someone smarter than I can post it. I will also include a picture of Brian walking off the field as incentive for the haters.
Find me a player that mattered that doesn’t love BF. You can’t. What we think as fans doesn’t matter to the football people. We don’t know shit. They do, and the vast majority of players that have gone through Iowa have immense respect for Brian’s talent as a coach.
Lotta players have loved shitty coaches.
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Then find another team? I dont get you jack balls. You love the team you have. Or go find someone else I guess. Does anyone actually think a new hot coach is coming in and making us #1? We are what we are, a good enough bunch to be top 20 every year but lacking resources to me top 5. With the new system of its “all what you can pay” we won’t be beating the assholes to the west soon.
Tennessee is not top 5 either. Our resources are not an excuse for incompetent offensive coaches. Did you see Liberty University's game?
ALL thanks to BF. His dedication, expertise and professionalism is going to be sorely missed.

Stay strong, Coach Ferentz. Do not let the barbs and arrows of fair weather fans detract from the mission.
This has to be satire. I was at the game in Orlando. In the second half, Iowa fans looked like refugees from a zombie
apocolaypse. Never seen a more demoralized Hawk crowd.

91-0 against high caliber opponents this year. Iowa’s offense is a national joke. Time for some major changes.
Agreed. This was a topic of conversation in my section. I can share a picture if someone smarter than I can post it. I will also include a picture of Brian walking off the field as incentive for the haters.
We had a citrus sports rep behind us and thought it was super shady the way Tenn with held their QB info. Said he did all the festivities and participated in all the hoopla prior only to pull out 3 days or whatever is suspicious
I thought they were about watching offense, and defense, and special teams. Iowa gives us two of the three. so tickets should be 1/3rd the price. and beers. and food. and hotels.
Nope. They are about cool cities, and invading a city, and yelling “Go Hawks”, and the Hawk decor in the Marriott, and shouting down “Tiger bait” with “Let’s go Hawks” in an Orlando bar, and so in.
I was at the game and had a blast. My observations/takeaways.....

1) Spent the entire day with 3/4 of my boys joking, laughing, tailgating, and watching IOWA football
2) Beautiful weather and we spent the day outside
3) Visited 3 of the best tailgates I have ever been to. IOWA fans do it right
4) Spent a large chunk of the day with an old high school buddy and his family who have a son on the team. Great insight provided al look behind the scenes but enjoyed spending time with an old friend even more
5) While not sitting in our assigned seats discovered we were sitting next to an old Hawkeye Report buddy who also wasn't sitting in his assigned seat
6) Everything starts up front. Our OL is weak in every sense of the word. That is 100% on the coaching staff. They need to recruit and build strength better. Ditto for our WRs. Lousy routes. No separation. No size. No speed. Not defending our QB play but I do believe it would improve if OL/WR play improved too.
7) Kirk's philosophy of winning the 4th quarter equates to winning the game is predicated on playing mistake free football. The moment penalties and turnovers come into play, as they often do, we are doomed. It is why bad teams beat us and good teams beat us down. Rarely do we have the talent to overcome mistakes.
8) I think IOWA fans overrate the lure of playing for IOWA. This has existed for years and is not something new or unique to Kirk. Hayden used to say the hardest part of recruiting at IOWA was getting the kid on a plane to visit the first time. I think NIL and the portal will only exacerbate the difficulty we have bringing kids in for a visit.
9) See #8 for a head coach. IOWA fans are unrealistic about the lure of Iowa City as a destination and not a transfer situation to something bigger/better.
10) I am back at work today wishing I could go to another IOWA game tomorrow. The scoreboard of yesterday's game has had ZERO impact on my day today. Or tomorrow. Meanwhile the experience of having gone to the game makes me smile as I sit here. HAWKEYE football brings people together. Anyone moaning, groaning, bitching, or complaining chooses to feel that way.
11) It's great to be a HAWKEYE (women's basketball fan)!!!
Good post. We always went to bowl games for the fun things to do around the city you are in as well as at the game itself. The outcome desired was always a win, but that wasn't the end all be all.

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