What do Leftists have against Football, all the sudden?


Nov 17, 2015
Lefty-loon journos have made some head-way in convincing Low info types
(DemocRat voters) that Football is bad, bad, bad

In fact, it may be worse than their global warming hoax.

Is it because Lefty-loon journos were typically raised in a home were Mommy said 'Johnny you might get hurt playing foosball'?

Football has been played by millions of guys for over 100 years. It's a lot less dangerous than
driving a car in Chicago rushhour, or watching PMSNBC (is that network still on?)

Just kind of a head-scratcher, really. Lefties think smoking dope doesn't affect their small brain-size, but
Football could hurt it. Seems very strange. Liberals: Smoke your Blunts, if you got em.
Lefty-loon journos have made some head-way in convincing Low info types
(DemocRat voters) that Football is bad, bad, bad

In fact, it may be worse than their global warming hoax.

Is it because Lefty-loon journos were typically raised in a home were Mommy said 'Johnny you might get hurt playing foosball'?

Football has been played by millions of guys for over 100 years. It's a lot less dangerous than
driving a car in Chicago rushhour, or watching PMSNBC (is that network still on?)

Just kind of a head-scratcher, really. Lefties think smoking dope doesn't affect their small brain-size, but
Football could hurt it. Seems very strange. Liberals: Smoke your Blunts, if you got em.

USAToday's Nancy Armour is leading the charge.
Lefty-loon journos have made some head-way in convincing Low info types
(DemocRat voters) that Football is bad, bad, bad

In fact, it may be worse than their global warming hoax.

Is it because Lefty-loon journos were typically raised in a home were Mommy said 'Johnny you might get hurt playing foosball'?

Football has been played by millions of guys for over 100 years. It's a lot less dangerous than
driving a car in Chicago rushhour, or watching PMSNBC (is that network still on?)

Just kind of a head-scratcher, really. Lefties think smoking dope doesn't affect their small brain-size, but
Football could hurt it. Seems very strange. Liberals: Smoke your Blunts, if you got em.

No lady basketball games on tonight tough guy?
I always get these banned cons mixed up? Is this Arb? Which one is Arb? Go back to the Omaha shootings.
Football makes money; lots of it. The Left sees football (college and pro) as another deep pocket they can blackmail into paying them to go away.
Would you let your sons play football? I won't

Hell, they beat the crap out of each other with their fists enough, how could football have been worse?

My sons really weren't interested in playing sports, and I didn't pressure them to do so.