what do you grade the 2023-24 season

What is your grade?

  • A

    Votes: 5 3.7%
  • B+

    Votes: 2 1.5%
  • B

    Votes: 4 3.0%
  • B-

    Votes: 14 10.4%
  • C+

    Votes: 23 17.2%
  • C

    Votes: 22 16.4%
  • C-

    Votes: 36 26.9%
  • D+

    Votes: 11 8.2%
  • D

    Votes: 8 6.0%
  • F

    Votes: 9 6.7%

  • Total voters
curious what you would give as a grade for the season, I'm sure a lot depends on your respective expectations.
So many hawk fans go with the "the team beat expectations..." BS without stopping to think about what they're really saying and the closed-loop nature of expectations. You have 25 years of no sweet sixteens and minimal tournament success, you become the source of your own low benchmark. /rant
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I think this team met expectations, but barely so I gave them a C. I could easily see it at a C- though. The fact that the freshmen improved noticeably over the course of the year is why I bumped it up to a C. Next year the bar will be far higher though, provided they keep everyone they need to keep here from leaving through the portal.

It's sad that this is where we are now with college sports.
I gave the team a C. They finished the Big Ten conference
season with 10 wins and 10 losses. That deserves to be
considered average and therefore rates a C.

I would also give Coach Fran a C. To achieve a 10 win
and 10 loss Conference record is average. Fran was
an average rated coach and nothing more this season.

The real question is: Are Hawkeye Fans satisfied with average?
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I expected us to be a bubble team, and that’s pretty much what we were, so relative to that expectation, I gave us a C+.

That said, relative to the flashes of strong play we saw from time to time this year, you can see that we missed numerous opportunities. So from that perspective, it’s more like a C-

And, relative to the big picture, which is another year failing to have a meaningful post-season experience, it’s more like a D.
When you have players that can't defend, or for that matter rebound, the team is in for a long season.
Bright spots were Payton's shooting, Dix becoming more aggressive, Owen Freeman starting and showing how good he is with shot blocking, great hands and will only get better, Brock Harding, Ladji Dembele, and Pryce Sandford have a bright future. I though Tony Perkins had a pretty good season but again not as consistent as you would expect for a senior.
Fran again made lots of mistakes at the beginning of the season that put Iowa in a deep hole that was impossible to get out, but players regrouped and made it interesting by the end of the season.
Can't wait to see who's added to next years team to go along with the returning players.
It was be no means a throwaway season, Sandford brothers, Dix, Freeman, Harding, Dembele, all got valuable minutes and yes I'm throwing in Mulvey, everyone's target to fail. We'll see by next year how much you all know about how different players develop and some take more time then others.
Whether Fran stays or leaves, I'd like him to add another new assistant, Dillard should retire, but that's my opinion, not necessarily what will happen. Finishing five hundred in the Big Ten was unexpected, so I gave the team a C+ OK, let the off season begin.
Grades can be partially based on expectations but in year 14 it doesn't matter who he had coming back unless it was an unforeseen situation. By year 14 you are dealing with situations you helped create good or bad.

I expect that in the 14th year a coach can recruit and teach/demand execution on defense/offense, can manage a game, and can get his players to reach their potentials over the course of 4 years. Fran can teach his offense (i personally hate how he uses the PG, which is why none of them will come here)

Recruiting: C . A pg will never come here because of how fran uses (better doesn't use them) and lack of defensive expectations. I used to think pg's were crazy for not coming and playing in Fran's uptempo offense, I now see the leash he puts on pg's prevents any from ever coming here. He has had some luck with Luka and the Murrays (The murrays I think are frans greatest success story for actually taking them). Fran is likely a middle of the pack big 10 coach in obtaining talent.

Offensive execution: A-. Fran's greatest talent, maybe outside OOB plays.
Defense: F. Potentially one of the worst in D1. Certainly for any coach at the same school for over 10 years.

In game management: D. Probably being nice here. Can't use time outs or sub. Certainly has little feel for who plays well on both ends of the court. Can't sub o for d at the end of games. Hard line on 2 fouls is odd.

Reaching potential: C: To reach your potential you have to physically be ready to play 35 games. I don't know that we have bodies capable of that. We have skinny/weak players that plateau.

Didn't expect much this season, which they delivered on. However the + vs - was for the 3 week run that made Feb somewhat exciting.
I gave the season a C-.

But if I graded THIS teams performance it might be as high as a B-. But, the roster is a D.
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a 'C'... same stuff every year it seems under this coach.

take your pick:
meh expectations, decent conf record, lose first round in the tourney... C
low expectations, better than expected conf record, chance to get into touney, 2 flops in a row: NIT... C
high expectations, win conf tournament, pummelled in second round while your guards score 0 points... C
rinse and repeat.
C- they started and ended the BIG regular season was enough to warrant an F. However, this was me-

low expectations, better than expected conf record, chance to get into touney, 2 flops in a row: NIT...

Didn't expect much this season, which they delivered on. However the + vs - was for the 3 week run that made Feb somewhat exciting.
I am in your court Triton. I did not think we had any chance at winning 10 Big Ten games. A lot of new faces, especially freshmen. Dix was the most improved. Sandford was streaky good, sometimes exceptional. Perkins was not consistent enough. Freeman was a pleasant surprise and Dembele got better. Hardy is a serviceable point but his size is a detriment. Krikke good offensively but bad defensively. PMac, gave it his best, now time to move on.
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Going into the season I was hopeful of a .500 team. Of course we want to see a high performing/NCAA tournament team each year, but that is just not realistic as evidenced by so few having an extended string of invitations to the Big Dance. I think this team performed much better than most anticipated it would.
I know it was supposed to be a bit off an off year, but those last few games of the season (except the NIT 1st round game with K State) were definitely loud thuds. Crappy start, improved for a while, and then went off the cliff late.

C- overall.
They never showed any improvement on defense. Probably regressed defensively. Krikke & Pmac gone, could see improvement next year. But I doubt it. Harding is a defensive liability. PS rebounds well for his size, but his defense is suspect. Dix gets an A+ for defense & offensive improvement. Freeman, did well for a frosh but needs to get stronger. Lil Sandfort needs to play the 2 guard exclusively & needs to gain strength. Dembele needs to be a defensive and rebounding specialist & get garbage offensive rebound putbacks.

Incoming freshman need to be good 3 & D players. Portal need a quick, strong PG who can also be 3 & D player.
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On the whole an average or slightly below average performance. Normally an instructor giving that grade would say the student is capable of doing better. With its roster, coaching and coach’s approach to the game I’m not sure this team can do better.
So many hawk fans go with the "the team beat expectations..." BS without stopping to think about what they're really saying and the closed-loop nature of expectations. You have 25 years of no sweet sixteens and minimal tournament success, you become the source of your own low benchmark. /rant
The poll is about the season, not 25 years of the Iowa program. I thought we were a borderline bubble team going into the season and after the first few games I didn't think we had a chance. I actually think this was one of Fran's better years coaching, getting to 10-10 in the Big and in the discussion for a NCAA tournament bid until the final game was impressive given the talent this team had.

The big criticism I have is that Fran didn't construct and manage the roster very well. Bless Krikke, he was an absolutely terrible pick up, not that he's a bad player but he didn't fit our needs. I think we would have been better without him and playing Dembele more. I also think I would have gone smaller and started Harding by the 2nd half of the season.
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F for Fran. The players were not put in positon to succeed. If a coach relies on a players only meeting to spark a brief upturn, that does not count, in fact lowered the grade from a D to an F.

There was enough minimal talent on this team to get an NCAA birth, given the B1G was not strong this year except for Illinois, and Purdue.
They never showed any improvement on defense. Probably regressed defensively. Krikke & Pmac gone, could see improvement next year. But I doubt it. Harding is a defensive liability. PS rebounds well for his size, but his defense is suspect. Dix gets an A+ for defense & offensive improvement. Freeman, did well for a frosh but needs to get stronger. Lil Sandfort needs to play the 2 guard exclusively & needs to gain strength. Dembele needs to be a defensive and rebounding specialist & get garbage offensive rebound putbacks.

Incoming freshman need to be good 3 & D players. Portal need a quick, strong PG who can also be 3 & D player.
Mostly agree. I do think we will see a lot of defensive improvement purely by subtraction. I don't think Harding was as bad defensively as we expected him to be, he can be very disruptive at times. Also, I'd rather have a strong combo guard who can guard 3 positions instead of a point. I really like Harding's game and I think Dix backs up the point well enough.
Any intelligent basketball fan could look at this roster and see that we were not going to be a contender for the conference title or the NCAA's. Given that fact, finishing at .500 in the conference is actually overachieving. I gave them a C as I believe that the effort given by the players and coaching staff was at least average given the circumstances.
The big criticism I have is that Fran didn't construct and manage the roster very well. Bless Krikke, he was an absolutely terrible pick up, not that he's a bad player but he didn't fit our needs. I think we would have been better without him and playing Dembele more. I also think I would have gone smaller and started Harding by the 2nd half of the season.
Fran never built a team to complement the few star players he managed to bring to Iowa City — Dev Marble, Garza, the Murray twins. Those individuals were put on the floor to try to carry the team with little integral help or being part of a system. He brought in talent but also squandered a lot of it. I’ve always wondered about his ability to put things together without his sons being part of it.
The question asks for a season grade. I gave it a C- and I think that's being generous.

This was a down year big time for the B1G and we only managed to get to .500. The only reason we were listed on the bubble towards the end of the year is because the bubble was so bad this year. There's a reason why the combined seeding of the remaining Sweet 16 teams is the lowest it's been in years.....because only the Top 15-20 teams are worth a shit.

Carver was barely half full most games.

There was absolutely no defensive improvement during the fact, if it's possible, I think we got worse.

There was no signature wins of any kind.

And of course, no NCAA Tournament.

Rinse and repeat unless/until Beth makes a change.
I gave the team a C. They finished the Big Ten conference
season with 10 wins and 10 losses. That deserves to be
considered average and therefore rates a C.

I would also give Coach Fran a C. To achieve a 10 win
and 10 loss Conference record is average. Fran was
an average rated coach and nothing more this season.

The real question is: Are Hawkeye Fans satisfied with average?

To be complete, the Hawks actually were 10-11 in All B1G games as they lost their 1st game in BTT (again).

I suppose getting to 0.500 ought to be a C, but we are lowly Iowa so I gave the season a C+ to account for fact we don't get to be good at Iowa.

Last year with Kris Murray we were 11-9 in B1G regular season and of course lost 1st game in 11-10 last year in all big10 games including BTT.

Its all kind of blurring into a long stretch of being okay.
Well I gave a c- they did play the games and didn't forfeit any.
I did not think they're was anything special about this team and still don't.
Next season is true judgment day for Fran
ABOUT WHAT I EXPECTED….A LITTLE BIT ABOVE .500, a weaker than expected finish to the season drug the final grade a bit.
There is some serious work to be done next season or Fran’s seat will be “officially” getting warmer……
I’m not going to worry about lowered expectations. There’s no reason we should be forced to have lowered expectations for a coach approaching a decade and a half with the program who had no extenuating circumstances impacting the season like Football did with injuries or Wrestling did with losing half the starters to an illegal underage gambling investigation.

To me we should expect competing for an NCAA tourney bid, anything less than that gets a D. Getting a bid pushes you up into the B or higher range. We were on the bubble, but were we really? I didn’t see anything during the season that showed me we were a legitimate tourney team. We won maybe two games that really mattered in Wisky and NW. Finished 10-10 against a pretty poor Big Ten this season. That screams pretender status.

I’m going to say C-. My heart wants to say D+ though because I really just didn’t care throughout most of the season, but maybe that was because of preoccupation with the women’s team.

Oh and anyone that says B+ or above should have their access to this site revoked.
I had pegged them to win 6 or less in the BIG after non- conference season.
They went 10-10 so based on my expectations they overachiever...B-
I’m not going to worry about lowered expectations. There’s no reason we should be forced to have lowered expectations for a coach approaching a decade and a half with the program who had no extenuating circumstances impacting the season like Football did with injuries or Wrestling did with losing half the starters to an illegal underage gambling investigation.
Yeah, does anyone here think Tom Izzo lower's his expectations? HELL NO! He's working his team's ass off to improve. Not pampering them like their his children for F"Sake...