What does making one's self more vulnerable even mean?


HB King
Jul 9, 2003
Someone explain that to me. I was told I need to make myself more vulnerable. More vulnerable to what I am not sure. Attack?
You arent risking anything. Probably not sharing your opinion in case someone calls you wrong
Someone explain that to me. I was told I need to make myself more vulnerable. More vulnerable to what I am not sure. Attack?


Sure, that's one consideration.

Without having surrounding context on comment, can't say exactly what was implied, but a few thoughts...

Maybe think of it along the lines of openness.

You're guarding something or are generally very guarded around certain topics or emotional content. Opening up means being less guarded in your expression, communication or thought, which means being more vulnerable, ultimately.

But... I wouldn't associate that with weakness.
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To make one's self more vulnerable is a
code means to share your
true feelings with other people. It means
to share your own shortcomings in life
with others.
It is a nice way to say you are an unbearable asshole and no one likes to be around you.

I don't know why this surprises you.
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