What have you been banned from?


HB Legend
Sep 11, 2002
I can think of three things for me. Nebraska rivals board for something petty. Kansas rivals board for something I don't remember. And a go kart track in Monmouth Illinois for bumping other go karts one too many times. I'm sure there are more, but those are the only three that currently come to mind.
I have been banned from working. I don't know if that counts since it is a self imposed ban.
Nebraska board for having a counter opinion.(weak sauce by their mods)

Blue and White Illustrated during the Sandusky drama.

I earned that one fair and square.:cool:
BWI from way back in the day. I can't recall ever getting kicked our or banned from a place in real life.

My high school considered banning me from dunking.
Anyway, I'm in Atlantic city sitting there and I'm playing blackjack, right? They bar me. They bar me!
I'm out! I'm barred! I can't get in now.
Right? You know why? Being too good a player.
They looked at me and threw me out. They bar me.
So they deal me off the bottom. I can tell.
So I yell at the dealer. He goes to the pit boss.
So I throw my complimentary watered-down drink in his fat face!
So they barred me for being too good a player.

Think I'll go to Vegas next week.
Is there anyone here who isn't banned from BWI? I got banned shortly after the Sandusky story exploded simply because my account said HawkeyeReport. I went out of my way to be reasonable and made sure I didn't attack anyone or even come close to breaking any forum rules. One of their resident hotheads made a blatant personal attack against me and the mod immediately banned me instead of the other guy. I emailed him to ask what rule I broke, but naturally the pussy never responded. They're a special brand of stupid over there.
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First time I ever got on the internet. Was sitting in the Computer Lounge at Seashore Hall and the guy running it signed me in to this thing...showed me a place with "rooms" to post things. I went right to the "Star Trek" room and posted, "Captains log, hands off Spock!" It got deleted and I got banned. First post....ever!!!! :mad:

And Peegs threw me out the week that Assembly Hall was failing apart when I suggested that Indiana was worrying too much about the fans and that the game should be played with just a one night delay and at a different venue which had already been offered. But since the new style of Rivals board...I can post there again! :)
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Is there anyone here who isn't banned from BWI? I got banned shortly after the Sandusky story exploded simply because my account said HawkeyeReport. I went out of my way to be reasonable and made sure I didn't attack anyone or even come close to breaking any forum rules. One of their resident hotheads made a blatant personal attack against me and the mod immediately banned me instead of the other guy. I emailed him to ask what rule I broke, but naturally the pussy never responded. They're a special brand of stupid over there.

Yes they are. "Hey guys nice weather we're having huh..." BAN. "You all the salt of the earth people..." BAN. "I once ..." BAN.
I'm curious about this one...

Campus law told myself and a friend we were banned and never to return because of the partying and un-Christian behavior we were inciting on our once-a-year visit in the fall to see a friend who played football there. We would stop at the Hy-Vee in Cherokee, load up on a couple hundred bucks worth of beer and booze, show up and basically give it away and get wild on campus and the bar in Alton. By junior year they had us figured out and didn't want to see what senior year would bring.
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Does kicked out and told I shouldn't come back count? A lot of these happened over 20 years ago and I'm sure the statute of limitations is up or incidences long sense forgotten.

Choir in college.
A Holiday Inn, Mankato, MN
Iowa Braille School, Vinton, IA
Jon Miller's HawkeyeNation website
Strip Bar in DSM (can't remember the name of it)

Surprised nobody did the old "Cub Scouts for eating a Brownie" joke.
Does kicked out and told I shouldn't come back count? A lot of these happened over 20 years ago and I'm sure the statute of limitations is up or incidences long sense forgotten.

Choir in college.
A Holiday Inn, Mankato, MN
Iowa Braille School, Vinton, IA
Jon Miller's HawkeyeNation website
Strip Bar in DSM (can't remember the name of it)

Surprised nobody did the old "Cub Scouts for eating a Brownie" joke.

You reminded me! Yes, I got kicked out of Cub Scouts. The Scout Leader's kid was annoying me and I cracked him over the head with a cap gun. Seemed like the thing to do at the time. He got stiches and I got thrown out.
I can think of three things for me. Nebraska rivals board for something petty. Kansas rivals board for something I don't remember. And a go kart track in Monmouth Illinois for bumping other go karts one too many times. I'm sure there are more, but those are the only three that currently come to mind.
Nebraska Rivals board for something petty. Duke Rivals board for something even pettier.
This establishment.

Apparently riding the dog like a small horse is frowned upon.
I can think of three things for me. Nebraska rivals board for something petty. Kansas rivals board for something I don't remember. And a go kart track in Monmouth Illinois for bumping other go karts one too many times. I'm sure there are more, but those are the only three that currently come to mind.
I've been banned from ending a title sentence with a preposition.
Here for a couple of weeks and I deserved it. Acted like a 12 year old and needed a reset. Otherwise no place.
BWI, and proud of it! Sensitive Sallys over there. Since they became relevant they have gotten pretty arrogant. I actually wear the banhammer with pride.
I've been banned from ending a title sentence with a preposition.
I disagree. I think I'm okay ending the sentence with a preposition. "From what have you been banned?" seems too formal for a message board. I know we were told you can't end a sentence with a preposition when we were children but I think this is a myth and you can end a sentence with a preposition in situations.
I disagree. I think I'm okay ending the sentence with a preposition. "From what have you been banned?" seems too formal for a message board. I know we were told you can't end a sentence with a preposition when we were children but I think this is a myth and you can end a sentence with a preposition in situations.
It would have been perfectly acceptable if you had simply entitled the thread "What have you been banned from, bitches?"