What impact does the President of the United States have on your life?

What level of impact does the President have on YOUR life specifically?

  • A great deal

    Votes: 8 17.4%
  • A decent amount

    Votes: 11 23.9%
  • Not much at all

    Votes: 20 43.5%
  • None whatsoever

    Votes: 7 15.2%

  • Total voters

FAUlty Gator

HB Legend
Oct 27, 2017
How much of a difference does the person in the White House actually make in your life?

I consider a "great deal" would be for someone living on a border, or wanting to get an abortion or has close family members in the military, etc.
Day to day? Not much. For me it's more about probabilities of black swan events Whether he intended or not, Trump had a pretty big influence on a bunch of lunatics curb stomping our national government's main digs. That's pretty darn scary. The repubs will say Biden allowed Minneapolis to burn. I got news for ya - unfortunately, Derek Chauvin's actions didn't depend on who was sitting in the oval office.
I remember in 2000 there was a lot of talk that Gore vs Bush didn’t matter, it was all the same. Couple years later my best friend was heading to Iraq to go to war for “reasons”. It matters just not obvious at the time.
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In my lifetime Presidents (sometimes alone, sometimes with Congress or the Court) have gotten us into wars, and ended them; launched health care advances, and stymied them; advanced civil rights, education, trade, and environmental protection, and blocked those measures; got us to the moon, and turned our backs on that adventure.

So, yeah, maybe not always alone, but Presidents can matter a lot - for good or ill.
I remember in 2000 there was a lot of talk that Gore vs Bush didn’t matter, it was all the same. Couple years later my best friend was heading to Iraq to go to war for “reasons”. It matters just not obvious at the time.

So vote for the administration who has a record of peace in the world.
As a teenager in the '60's decisions LBJ made about Viet Nam had a big impact on my life. As a septuagenarian in the '20's?
It's my grand kid's future I worry about.
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A few years ago a would have voted for “very little.” Now, the way Orange acts and talks, if he gets in, I am afraid it will affect a ton. If it was Haley, Christie, etc vs Harris, I would say very little….
The risk of another Trump term certainly raises the bar.

If you look back over recent history, how many Presidents were NOT consequential? Most did something big. Even those who didn't seem to accomplish much may have set the tone or blocked things (again, for good or ill).
I remember in 2000 there was a lot of talk that Gore vs Bush didn’t matter, it was all the same. Couple years later my best friend was heading to Iraq to go to war for “reasons”. It matters just not obvious at the time.
The hawks had Lieberman on the ticket to champion that whole project.
Depends on whether the parameters of this test changes. :)

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Day to day? Not much. For me it's more about probabilities of black swan events Whether he intended or not, Trump had a pretty big influence on a bunch of lunatics curb stomping our national government's main digs. That's pretty darn scary. The repubs will say Biden allowed Minneapolis to burn. I got news for ya - unfortunately, Derek Chauvin's actions didn't depend on who was sitting in the oval office.
And Biden wasn't even in government when Minneapolis "burned."
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I am 39.....normal middle to upper middle class white I am sure there has been a lot of indirect or unknown impacts behind the scenes I never thought of (so must not have been that big a deal then?), but the three times I can think of that the president directly affected my life was:

1) Obama's $8,000 first time buyers credit back in like 2009 I think it was. I definitely didn't need that 8k to buy my house, but I gladly took it.

2) At my first job out of college, my employer paid 100% of my health insurance, even for a family coverage plan. We had just had our first little OV and it was not too far after Obamacare rolled out and a few months later or whenever, the company sent out an email (I am paraphrasing here) that stated they were now going to have to start taking a portion out of our checks for our healthcare plans to cover the rising costs of healthcare due to how Obamacare affected their premiums and all that stuff.

3) The COVID stimulus checks. TBW and I never lost a paycheck or had much of anything change workwise, but we gladly took that money too.

Other than that, yes we complain about rising property taxes and the price of fuel, but I can't think of anything else in my life that has ever changed enough to alter how we live (i.e. gas is too expensive so no vacation this year, etc.)

In the last 17 years of post-college adult life I have pretty much just woke up and gone to work and tried to be happy with what life gives me.
I'm voting for the administration who has the better record for domestic peace.
So, not the ones decriminalizing shoplifting, bailing out rioters and looters, defunding the police and allowing MS13 members to wander through our border the Dolphins defense?