What is the Republican Policy that will stop inflation?

No, they won't.

But their opponents will do it worse.
Well now you’re getting to why I feel entirely unrepresented by our gov. I am claiming Dems are a bigger economic problem than republicans but neither are good.
Why are the Dems worse? The Dems just cleaved the deficit in half. The Dems are already slowing the rate of inflation. The Dems are slowing the price increases for housing.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the deficit go up every year under Trump?
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Why are the Dems worse? The Dems just cleaved the deficit in half. The Dems are already slowing the rate of inflation. The Dems are slowing the price increases for housing.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the deficit go up every year under Trump?

I don’t care. I don’t give a crap about a political party. I care about efficiently running a business that leaves everyone satisfied in the end. Right now- everyone isn’t satisfied. Abortion! Guns! 1/6! are all meaningless to me. This country runs on businesses. And this administration has left me in a shitstorm from hell. first mistake is thinking a government should be run "like a business"......If "1/6" is meaning less to you, you truly are a pathetic member of the United States....1/6 was indeed an organized plot to overthrow the orderly transfer of power of the was a treasonist act! Those responsible need to be tried, convicted and hung. Pretty simple.....Those responsible for the insurrection of 1/6 are enemies of the state.
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Reactions: Ree4 and nelly02 first mistake is thinking a government should be run "like a business"......If "1/6" is meaning less to you, you truly are a pathetic member of the United States....1/6 was indeed an organized plot to overthrow the orderly transfer of power of the was a treasonist act! Those responsible need to be tried, convicted and hung. Pretty simple.....Those responsible for the insurrection of 1/6 are enemies of the state.
Groceries are starting to come down. HyVee has 85% lean burger for 2.49/lb along with 5lbs potatoes for 88 cents this week.

Any suggestion that tax cuts are deflationary is ridiculous.
Govt spending is down significantly this year.
And the IRA reduces the deficit which is deflationary.
As for energy independence the oil corps have repeatedly said they like high oil prices,stock buybacks and dividends ...they have zero interest in increasing production...just like OPEC+.
Why are the Dems worse? The Dems just cleaved the deficit in half. The Dems are already slowing the rate of inflation. The Dems are slowing the price increases for housing.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the deficit go up every year under Trump?
I don't recall the exact numbers, but under President Trump the private economy was growing at a rate that could support a larger deficit as time went on. He was supporting the domestic oil industry and this was good for the currency by keeping the trade deficit in line.

Under Trump, we had wiggle room ... mostly self-created, which in turn was setting things up for either more tax cuts or more government spending down the road. The Democrats (under Biden) exploited this wiggle room and took spending beyond the breaking point. They wanted to ensure that the wiggle room was exploited by the government and took spending way too far. They also pursued a strategy of buying oil internationally rather than relying on North American production.

I think they thought they could actually get away with this ... They did not seem to think anyone would notice when inevitably, things would start to go downhill.



Would someone please explain why buying oil from Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, or Kuwait ... instead of using our own benefits us in any meaningful way? There is a mindset behind this that defies logic.
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This is bullshit. You dummies act like Republicans don’t spend. We tell you what you’re going to say ahead of time. Democrats are the only ones who ever balance the budget. You’re literally wrong about every one of your political takes.
Btw, in the 90s, a Republican Congress w Clinton as president balanced the budget. The last time the budget was balanced was 2001 under HW.
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I don't recall the exact numbers, but under President Trump the private economy was growing at a rate that could support a larger deficit as time went on. He was supporting the domestic oil industry and this was good for the currency by keeping the trade deficit in line.

Under Trump, we had wiggle room ... mostly self-created, which in turn was setting things up for either more tax cuts or more government spending down the road. The Democrats (under Biden) exploited this wiggle room and took spending beyond the breaking point. They wanted to ensure that the wiggle room was exploited by the government and took spending way too far. They also pursued a strategy of buying oil internationally rather than relying on North American production. **

I think they thought they could actually get away with this ... They did not seem to think anyone would notice when inevitably, things would start to go downhill.


** Would someone please explain why buying oil from Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, or Kuwait ... instead of using our own benefits us in any meaningful way? There is a mindset behind this that defies logic.
Nice spin, Titus.
The “secret” to Trump’s economy was a plentiful supply of CHEAP money. Certainly by late in the Obama presidency, a tax increase might have been considered to counter the inflationary pressures being felt in the American economy. Certainly the Fed should have allowed interest rates to find their market levels. Obama chose not to do either, in his attempt to get Hilary elected President.
Trump understood the need to keep the economy booming once he took office, so he convinced the Fed to keep rates low and keep printing the money. Cheap and plentiful money encourages investment over savings...and naturally, the stock market boomed...but not so much because the economy was strong t because “saving $$” was foolish ( loosing money). Trump’s economy was built upon sand. The ride came in and the sands shifted.
What did Trump in was Covid and his administration’s reaction to it. Like Carter and the hostages, there was no graceful way out and people had enough and made a change.
Nice spin, Titus.
The “secret” to Trump’s economy was a plentiful supply of CHEAP money. Certainly by late in the Obama presidency, a tax increase might have been considered to counter the inflationary pressures being felt in the American economy. Certainly the Fed should have allowed interest rates to find their market levels. Obama chose not to do either, in his attempt to get Hilary elected President.
Trump understood the need to keep the economy booming once he took office, so he convinced the Fed to keep rates low and keep printing the money. Cheap and plentiful money encourages investment over savings...and naturally, the stock market boomed...but not so much because the economy was strong t because “saving $$” was foolish ( loosing money). Trump’s economy was built upon sand. The ride came in and the sands shifted.
What did Trump in was Covid and his administration’s reaction to it. Like Carter and the hostages, there was no graceful way out and people had enough and made a change.
Tax increases seem like a heavy handed approach to controlling inflation. I’d think interest rate shifts more reasonable. Also, decreasing entitlement spending. We had Biden and trump sending people checks every month even if they were gainfully employed. That was unnecessary, expensive, and inflationary.

Meanwhile, Dems are out there shouting:

- free healthcare!!
- free college!!
- free housing!!
- universal basic income!!
- kill oil!!

then, if someone opposes anything dem, we get a lot of equity talk and republicans are racist for not wanting to kill capitalism. That’s not even addressing the defining of having voting rules as a “threat to democracy” and the party advocating for less government as “fascist.” Incoherent babble from the left seems to be at an all time high.

How you people think this is reasonable whilst simultaneously ripping republicans as ridiculous with a straight face is mind boggling. I know you’re not all stupid. Well, at least I think you probably aren’t all stupid. But then, I see people like Reed and Paris calling me delusional for advocating fiscal responsibility. And, I wonder.
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Tax increases seem like a heavy handed approach to controlling inflation. I’d think interest rate shifts more reasonable. Also, decreasing entitlement spending. We had Biden and trump sending people checks every month even if they were gainfully employed. That was unnecessary, expensive, and inflationary.

Meanwhile, Dems are out there shouting:

- free healthcare!!
- free college!!
- free housing!!
- universal basic income!!
- kill oil!!

then, if someone opposes anything dem, we get a lot of equity talk and republicans are racist for not wanting to kill capitalism. That’s not even addressing the defining of having voting rules as a “threat to democracy” and the party advocating for less government as “fascist.” Incoherent babble from the left seems to be at an all time high.

How you people think this is reasonable whilst simultaneously ripping republicans as ridiculous with a straight face is mind boggling. I know you’re not all stupid. Well, at least I think you probably aren’t all stupid.
Tax increases will work, though. Aren’t we looking for solutions....or are we only for solutions you are comfortable with?
You list “what Dems are shouting”.....Bandit....the noise I saw every bit as loud from the Republicans....

Dems opposes anything proposed by Repubbers are then subject to “woke” dammit Bandit, both sides have issues here...As tribal as American politics is now, solutions are hard to find and extremely narrow.
“How you people” verbage is no way to construct any type of meaningful solution.
Tax increases will work, though. Aren’t we looking for solutions....or are we only for solutions you are comfortable with?
You list “what Dems are shouting”.....Bandit....the noise I saw every bit as loud from the Republicans....

Dems opposes anything proposed by Repubbers are then subject to “woke” dammit Bandit, both sides have issues here...As tribal as American politics is now, solutions are hard to find and extremely narrow.
“How you people” verbage is no way to construct any type of meaningful solution.
I agree that there’s a both sides issue.
Also agree that tax increases would potentially decrease inflation. But, not if Dems turn around and implement their plans for various increased spending programs. Also, taxes are hard to unroll. And, when you try to cut taxes, Dems scream racism. And, favors to “the rich.” Ie. I’d rather the fed than pelosi et al have the reins on fine grained control of monetary policy. But, Congress needs to stop with the crazy spending.

I agree that there’s a both sides issue.
Also agree that tax increases would potentially decrease inflation. But, not if Dems turn around and implement their plans for various increased spending programs. Also, taxes are hard to unroll. And, when you try to cut taxes, Dems scream racism. And, favors to “the rich.” Ie. I’d rather the fed than pelosi et al have the reins on fine grained control of monetary policy. But, Congress needs to stop with the crazy spending.
Bull shit. Taxes are NOT difficult to “unroll”...we have been doing nothing but “unrolling” taxes since the 1980’s! Gimme a phuquin’ break!
Dems scream “racism”.....why wouldn’t minorities (Dems) point it out? It is more subtle than it was 50 years ago but it is still there in many ways.
The Fed does control the nation’s monetary the hell do you wired-assed MAGAt right-wingers seem to place Nancy Pelosi at the center of most things wrong with America? Nanny is the Speaker of the House...a position selected by the majority party...and when she loses her majority, she won’t stage a power play to rewrite the Constitution....unlike another politician.
Bull shit. Taxes are NOT difficult to “unroll”...we have been doing nothing but “unrolling” taxes since the 1980’s! Gimme a phuquin’ break!
Dems scream “racism”.....why wouldn’t minorities (Dems) point it out? It is more subtle than it was 50 years ago but it is still there in many ways.
The Fed does control the nation’s monetary the hell do you wired-assed MAGAt right-wingers seem to place Nancy Pelosi at the center of most things wrong with America? Nanny is the Speaker of the House...a position selected by the majority party...and when she loses her majority, she won’t stage a power play to rewrite the Constitution....unlike another politician.
Nope. I’d rather not give Dems more crap they can scream racism about it. If it were me I’d freeze the tax policy as is, bake it into the constitution. Take it away as an issue to f with. No more crappy “pay their fair share” arguments. When the default logic is a simple tax increases = not racist nor a handout to the “rich” and tax decreases = racist and a handout to the rich, I’m voting against any policy and any candidate advocating for tax increases. The Dems just increased taxes fairly dramatically. That’s bad. Makes me poorer.

I know the fed controls monetary policy. I’m saying let them do it. Don’t do it indirectly futzing with taxes.
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Nope. I’d rather not give Dems more crap they can scream racism about it. If it were me I’d freeze the tax policy as is, bake it into the constitution. Take it away as an issue to f with. No more crappy “pay their fair share” arguments.

I know the fed controls monetary policy. I’m saying let them do it. Don’t do it indirectly futzing with taxes.
Why does the Dems claiming “racism” bother you so much? Are you one of those folks who think it doesn’t exist. Or are you one who thinks racism is tolerable? How do you “bake” current tax law into the Constitution? The current law is confusing and vague as hell. How could you think this is a good solution to any thing?
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Why does the Dems claiming “racism” bother you so much? Are you one of those folks who think it doesn’t exist. Or are you one who thinks racism is tolerable? How do you “bake” current tax law into the Constitution? The current law is confusing and vague as hell. How could you think this is a good solution to any thing?
I’m one of those who thinks the dems argue unfairly. And, accuse republicans of racism, sexism or being anti poor as a knee jerk to build their coalition. I don’t respect people who argue that way. Pisses me off. But more, I think it directly fuels division in the country and is actively unhealthy for our culture.
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Let me get back to you.
Inflation is just transitionary.
I’m neck deep trying to solve the airline seat crisis.
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Republicans spend like crazy. They just spend in different areas.
More than 50 percent of our national budget goes to ss and health. Look at the pie chart. And, even in the defense budget a lot of that is make-work and healthcare. Dems are the bigger spending problem. Also, look at what they’re proposing and their rhetoric. If you had one party dem rule today for too long, you’d have our economy sinking to third world status and no economic mobility as we worked to crush capitalism. We’d have gov redistribution of wealth at a micro level and you’d end up like East Germany Soviet era with bread lines and supermarkets with no food.
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Nice spin, Titus.
The “secret” to Trump’s economy was a plentiful supply of CHEAP money. Certainly by late in the Obama presidency, a tax increase might have been considered to counter the inflationary pressures being felt in the American economy. Certainly the Fed should have allowed interest rates to find their market levels. Obama chose not to do either, in his attempt to get Hilary elected President.
Trump understood the need to keep the economy booming once he took office, so he convinced the Fed to keep rates low and keep printing the money. Cheap and plentiful money encourages investment over savings...and naturally, the stock market boomed...but not so much because the economy was strong t because “saving $$” was foolish ( loosing money). Trump’s economy was built upon sand. The tide came in and the sands shifted.
What did Trump in was Covid and his administration’s reaction to it. Like Carter and the hostages, there was no graceful way out and people had enough and made a change.
You make a couple of good points relating to interest rates and money. I would observe however that savings and investment is basically the same thing. What people save eventually gets invested or goes into housing which many count as investment.

You posit that easy money caused the wheels to come off. I posit that a delicate balance was created between growth and inflation. The truth is that inflation was hidden (by being limited to rising housing prices? ... which was being counted as investment returns) and went unrecorded by government survey type measurements such as the CPI. It was showing up somewhat in the GNP deflator, and in relative weakness in the currency ... but barely, and certainly it went unnoticed.

Eventually, and in combination with the hue and cry from the crazy liberal class, (laid out ever so nicely by @Banditking) it spread like wildfire when government spending exploded.

And yes, it started with the Trump stimulus. My point was that we were able to absorb the initial inflationary impact since it was really just a rebalancing of spending by private v. public sources. This program was more like a tax cut for the poor than a spending program per se. Compare it the idea of a universal basic income, a liberal-conceived basic truth. I am surprised the liberal politicians hated it so much.

The crazy libs, at this point seemed to panic and decided to overspend, partially to ensure that President Trump's notion that personal spending packed more punch than government spending would be damned forever. Partially, they wanted to make sure such a program would never be available to government again by strangling government with exorbitant debt.
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Why does the Dems claiming “racism” bother you so much? Are you one of those folks who think it doesn’t exist. Or are you one who thinks racism is tolerable? How do you “bake” current tax law into the Constitution? The current law is confusing and vague as hell. How could you think this is a good solution to any thing?
He's one of those voters who doesn't find racism to be a dealbreaker.
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More than 50 percent of our national budget goes to ss and health. Look at the pie chart. And, even in the defense budget a lot of that is make-work and healthcare. Dems are the bigger spending problem. Also, look at what they’re proposing and their rhetoric. If you had one party dem rule today for too long, you’d have our economy sinking to third world status and no economic mobility as we worked to crush capitalism. We’d have gov redistribution of wealth at a micro level and you’d end up like East Germany Soviet era with bread lines and supermarkets with no food.
This is all nonsense. You've bought into the lies, Yuri.
He's one of those voters who doesn't find racism to be a dealbreaker.
No. I’m one of those who doesn’t appreciate the exploitation of demographics relative to current finances to argue that every fiscally relevant policy is racist or not based on said demographics. I also don’t appreciate the dig up history of candidates for various posts you oppose and label them rapists or misogynists, etc strategy. See Kavanaugh.
No. I’m one of those who doesn’t appreciate the exploitation of demographics relative to current finances to argue that every fiscally relevant policy is racist or not based on said demographics. I also don’t appreciate the dig up history of candidates for various posts you oppose and label them rapists or misogynists, etc strategy. See Kavanaugh.
Understood. Those childish, school-boy pranks are all just part of growing up, right?
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Housing is going to be an issue- because of Corporate investment into the middle class housing budget. I don't know the solution, but companies need to quit gobbling up the inventory.

I think a freeze on spending, and realistic look at cutting back military budget
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Understood. Those childish, school-boy pranks are all just part of growing up, right?
Democratic political meeting.

Republicans have a candidate in place that may cause us trouble. Quick, we need a minority or woman with a personality disorder to say something bad about the candidate, preferably racist or sexist, or an action that can be considered abusive in that regard. Make sure it’s not falsifiable. Doesn’t have to be true. Don’t worry about that. Fortunately, personality disorders and mental illness are at elevated rates on the progressive left. We shouldn’t have a problem finding sometime to do this.

Hours later. We didn’t find anyone in those categories on Mitt. But, we did find someone who was willing to make up a story about how he treated a dog when he was 16.

perfect! Let’s get it on the 24 hour cycle. Call Andy at cnn.
More than 50 percent of our national budget goes to ss and health. Look at the pie chart. And, even in the defense budget a lot of that is make-work and healthcare. Dems are the bigger spending problem. Also, look at what they’re proposing and their rhetoric. If you had one party dem rule today for too long, you’d have our economy sinking to third world status and no economic mobility as we worked to crush capitalism. We’d have gov redistribution of wealth at a micro level and you’d end up like East Germany Soviet era with bread lines and supermarkets with no food.
Good lord this is a dumb post.
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So, increase refining capacity, building more refineries if necessary. Even if this isn't an immediate fix, the willingness to add product to the market will lower prices on the futures market.
Doing so would add to inflation.
More than 50 percent of our national budget goes to ss and health. Look at the pie chart. And, even in the defense budget a lot of that is make-work and healthcare. Dems are the bigger spending problem. Also, look at what they’re proposing and their rhetoric. If you had one party dem rule today for too long, you’d have our economy sinking to third world status and no economic mobility as we worked to crush capitalism. We’d have gov redistribution of wealth at a micro level and you’d end up like East Germany Soviet era with bread lines and supermarkets with no food.

