What is wrong with the Clinton Foundation?


HB King
Gold Member
Jan 30, 2008
Seems like there is a lot of angst out there over the Clinton Foundation. What evil acts does it participate in that get right wingers so riled up? Is it the initiatives to educate impoverished children. The initiatives to feed people and provide better health care to the impoverished? Is it the empowerment of women around the world? Is it that Democrats have proven themselves to be effective bundlers of money?
I'll ask again, because it has not been answered. Didn't this George guy work in the Clinton administration? So why are people so shocked that he donated money to them?
I'll ask again, because it has not been answered. Didn't this George guy work in the Clinton administration? So why are people so shocked that he donated money to them?

I don't think the problem is that he worked with them before, the problem is that now he is supposedly a neutral journalist and to name one thing...he had no problem asking tough questions of the author of Clinton Cash a couple of weeks ago, but if he is also a donor to the foundation, is he really as unbiased as he should be?

If I saw him get equally tough with Hill or Bill in an interview, well then you could give him the benefit of the doubt and say he is just a tough journalist. But I doubt he does anything other than lob softballs to Hill in the future.

When the "neutral" media is on one side, the "news" that we get is slanted and distorted...that's the problem.
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I don't think the problem is that he worked with them before, the problem is that now he is supposedly a neutral journalist and to name one thing...he had no problem asking tough questions of the author of Clinton Cash a couple of weeks ago, but if he is also a donor to the foundation, is he really as unbiased as he should be?

If I saw him get equally tough with Hill or Bill in an interview, well then you could give him the benefit of the doubt and say he is just a tough journalist. But I doubt he does anything other than lob softballs to Hill in the future.

When the "neutral" media is on one side, the "news" that we get is slanted and distorted...that's the problem.
Okay, So you're expecting him to ask tough questions to his former employers? I don't think he should do the interview anyway as it does show bias, but to be shocked about a donation, is something I don't get.
Seems like there is a lot of angst out there over the Clinton Foundation. What evil acts does it participate in that get right wingers so riled up? Is it the initiatives to educate impoverished children. The initiatives to feed people and provide better health care to the impoverished? Is it the empowerment of women around the world? Is it that Democrats have proven themselves to be effective bundlers of money?

I'm just lobbing this out there, but I assume you haven't sat down and read a single word of "Clinton Cash". If you had, you'd be appalled at what they've done and who they've associated themselves with.

They really should be in jail for the crap they've done.
Seems like there is a lot of angst out there over the Clinton Foundation. What evil acts does it participate in that get right wingers so riled up? Is it the initiatives to educate impoverished children. The initiatives to feed people and provide better health care to the impoverished? Is it the empowerment of women around the world? Is it that Democrats have proven themselves to be effective bundlers of money?

Because it is little more than a tax-exempt travel agency and a conference organizing business. According to their own IRS 990 tax filings, in 2012 and 2013, which are the last two years filed, the organization spent exactly $0 on the "better health care to the impoverished" that you speak of. While at the same time $4.8 million was spent on office supplies and $9 million on personal travel for the Clinton family and foundation staff. According to their 2013 tax filings about 10% of the Foundation's donations received actually went to IRS qualified charitable causes. 33% went to salaries, including salaries to both Bill and Chelsea Clinton, and 34% went to miscellaneous expenses such as publicity and "fringe benefits" to staff. So when the Clintons say that 88% of the funds "go directly to our life-changing work", they are lying, or use a broad interpretation of what qualifies as "life-changing". Either that or they are lying on their Tax returns. Based on their past narcissistic and sociopathic behavior, that are probably doing all three.

So anyone with the common sense of a 10-year old can see that their foundation is a complete fraud and has been for a number of years. It's been little more than a personal travel and lifestyle fund for their family, close associates, and political allies. And Oh by the way, they've accumulated this wealth without paying any taxes on it while in the same breath demagoguing their wealthy political opponents who accumulated their personal wealth through legitimate business activity and through corporate taxes, personal taxes and capital gains taxes, paid more than 50% of their wealth to the government before they were able to access it for personal use. The IRS is responsible for auditing the 501(c)3 status of a charity. If a conservative 501(c)3 organization was reporting on their Form 990 that they were only giving 10 cents on every donation dollar received to an actual charitable cause, they would get their 501(c)3 status yanked in a New York minute.

Just another example of the Clintons feeling entitled and operating under their own set of rules. Also probably a good reason that they are going back and re-filing 10 years of tax returns due to errors and omissions that they just so happened to detect immediately following the release of the book Clinton Cash.

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Because it is little more than a tax-exempt travel agency and a conference organizing business. According to their own IRS 990 tax filings, in 2012 and 2013, which are the last two years filed, the organization spent exactly $0 on the "better health care to the impoverished" that you speak of. While at the same time $4.8 million was spent on office supplies and $9 million on personal travel for the Clinton family and foundation staff. According to their 2013 tax filings about 10% of the Foundation's donations received actually went to IRS qualified charitable causes. 33% went to salaries, including salaries to both Bill and Chelsea Clinton, and 34% went to miscellaneous expenses such as publicity and "fringe benefits" to staff. So when the Clintons say that 88% of the funds "go directly to our life-changing work", they are lying, or use a broad interpretation of what qualifies as "life-changing". Either that or they are lying on their Tax returns.

So anyone with the common sense of a 10-year old can see that their foundation is a complete fraud and has been for a number of years. It's been little more than a personal travel and lifestyle fund for their family, close associates, and political allies. And Oh by the way, they've done so with out paying any taxs. The IRS is responsible for auditing the 501(c)3 status of a charity. If a conservative 501(c)3 organization was reporting on their Form 990 that they were only giving 10 cents on every donation dollar received to an actual charitable cause, they would get their 501(c)3 status yanked in a New York minute.

Just another example of the Clintons feeling entitled and operating under their own set of rules. Also probably a good reason that they are going back and re-filing 10 years of tax returns due to errors and omissions that they just so happened to detect immediately following the release of the book Clinton Cash.


(the left's Kryptonite)

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