What is your fav alcoholic drink in the am?

sorry to hear that.

Ive never drank in the morning in my life, the thought makes me want to puke.
The earliest I have ever started drinking was 5 am for a Hawkeye game. Good times.

Actually, last year while ice fishing we were stuck out on the ice in permanent shacks for a a couple days in a 2 day blizzard. When you have no concept of time you just kind of drink, fish, sleep whenever. So I'm pretty sure I started drinking at 3 or 4 am some days.
A spicy bloody with celery or a pickle and grated parmesan cheese and a really hoppy beer like Pompeii.
Yeah... that wasn't the best way to phrase that. Our physiology isn't conducive to alcohol.

I have a family history of extreme alcoholism on both sides. I saw my great uncles drink paint thinner and perfume, to give you an example of what I mean.

So perhaps you meant YOUR family's body isn't capable or able to consume. Seems the rest of us don't have a problem.

Some people don't react well to sugar, I'm not giving up chocolate because of their issues.

And I'm in for a couple of mimosas, not much AM booze in general though.
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I'll often start my tailgating with an Irish coffee. Otherwise a really spicy bloody mary with a deer stick and a beer back (an IPA works well with the spice), and then several more beers after that.
So perhaps you meant YOUR family's body isn't capable or able to consume. Seems the rest of us don't have a problem.

Some people don't react well to sugar, I'm not giving up chocolate because of their issues.

And I'm in for a couple of mimosas, not much AM booze in general though.
Yes, my family has different human bodies. We're a unique species. :rolleyes:

Alcohol is not cohesive with our physiology.
Don't care, I like to drink.

Oh, and as to the OPs question, a tomato beer with a couple olives and maybe a dash of Frank's Red Hot is pretty good in the morning.
I'm not arguing that people "like to drink." Hell, I loved to drink before I stopped drinking. Most people can drink sociably and with moderation. But, alcohol, itself, is not conducive to our physiology. I am fully aware that certain chemicals and substances enhance our mental state! lol... The substances haven't been around for all these millennia if people didn't enjoy them. However, none of that changes the fact that it's not something we should ingest.
I don't see the point of drinking in the morning, wouldn't you feel tired and shitty throughout the day.

The whole point of drinking at night is you have fun, possibly get laid then go to sleep.
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what is a tomato beer with olives and franks red hot ?
About 85% beer, 15% tomato juice, drop in a couple of olives, add a dash of hot sauce if you want a little spice.

You seriously have never had a tomato beer?

Some people use Clamato juice. A tomato beer is a version of a Michelada. You can buy them premade by Bud Light in a can.
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odd as it may seem, ive never had a bloody mary or a martini. Beer, shots, gin and tonic vodka and its assorted mixes...that's it
Eh, sounds like a slight variation on what they called in Virginia a Rebel Cocktail that elsewhere is called a Michelada or Redeye. They're perfectly fine, in fact in the right hands they're tastier than a Bloody Mary.

I know what they Nebraska they are so uniquely named a Red Beer. And they’re gross.
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The name Red Beer is not unique to Nebraska.

I haven't heard it called that before today, but when I lived in Virginia Rebel Cocktails were common and in Florida most restaurant bars call it a Michelada. I have seen it called a Redeye when traveling.
Have heard it call Red Beer in the Dakotas and Minnesota.

Having myself a Red Beer right now. Slipped in a couple dashes of Cajun seasoning (Slap Your Mama!) along with a dash of salt and a couple olives. Nice little kick.