What led to Saturday's shooting

What led to Saturday night's shooting?

  • Security was incompetant

    Votes: 5 62.5%
  • It was a set up intended to take out Trump

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • it was a hoax set up by the Trump camp

    Votes: 2 25.0%

  • Total voters
A hoax would be absolutely insane. Killing someone for a stunt. What if he actually hit Trump? I understand the dude has lied so much that the first thought is to say it was a hoax, but that would absolutely nuts.

My thought is the most simple. A rogue child that was crazy enough to try it slipped through the Secret Service cracks.
Me personally, I think it was a very troubled young man who really didn't fit into any part of society that decided that he wanted out permanently, but simply wanted to be remembered for something.

The climate of today with Americans and life (HIS life in particular), the types of people running for President, security issues, etc...all that rolled into one merely helped him with his wishes.

I just don't believe it has to be some vast conspiracy. What's the old saying, sometimes the simplest explanation is actually the correct one? That's kind of what I'm mostly believing what it was - and actually very hopeful that it was exactly all that.