What the hell is this announcer talking about with the shot clock

Those guys were complete morons, just because it says 3 does not mean it has exactly 3.0 seconds on the clock. Have they ever watched a game before? They realized their mistake immediately when the ref said 3.9, and then they quickly stopped talking about it and said "That's great officiating" lmao. What a joke, it's like they were trying to lose the game for us. In what reality does the ref even need to consult the announcers on what happened? Completely surreal moment.
Got home from the football game just in time to catch this. That was so painful listening to those two idiots discussing the clock, I immediately said look at the f'ng game clock morons. My wife just shook her head and said something about now knowing how she feels trying to correct me sometimes 😆
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That was one of those moments where you're thinking "am I the one that's wrong?" Happy to see the degree of diligence the officials displayed. Took time to get the facts right, applied the correct rule and supported it with the tech and the synchronized clocks. Genuinely the right way to do it.
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Why did the one ref have them go review it again?? Crazy. The horn did not go off. Wasnt sure if the clocks are synced or seperate.
He got so bogged down with the game clock having tenths so it started moving right away. He saw that the 3 on the shot clock didntove right away and thought it was stuck. It would not move to 2 until the game clock moved from 40.1 to 39.1.
Kudos to the ref that mentioned the 3.9 on the clock instead of just blindly agreeing.
i don't understand how they could have sett it at 3.9 when there isn't any tenths on the clock. And didn't they reset it at 3 on the previous play? The correct answer was that it wouldnt move to 2 until the game clock already started and moved down to 39.1.
This. The announcers were looking at the tenth of a second number but the shot clock started exactly right.
They were looking at it but somehow not grasping what the numbers were saying.

They were claiming more than 3 seconds elapsed without even realizing the clock started at 40.1 and clearly read 37.2 when he relased the ball.

It was an amazing feat of stupidity.
Can someone post a clip if that part of the tape? When the refs came over? Love to see it all again.
Good lord. I don’t watch a ton of Hawkeye hoops games but happened to be watching this broadcasting debacle. I was openly questioning my non-caring family members as to why these Mensa candidate announcers could not grasp the fact that the game clock was reflecting down to the tenth of a second while the shot clock was not. What a couple of maroons. I about lost it when the refs came over to explain this to them.
Hawks held on and won, so easy to laugh it off.

But if the refs had allowed the stupidity of the announcers to influence the change of the call and Iowa lost because of it - especially after the fball game right before - oh man. There would be a call for those announcers (& refs!) heads to roll.
One commentator: “They reset the shot clock again” as you hear the horn go off…. No they didn’t dummy.

The other commentator: “Did you hear the horn go off before” (meaning the before the shot got off)?
The other dipshit: “I heard it on the replay”. 😂 😂 damn clowns
One commentator: “They reset the shot clock again” as you hear the horn go off…. No they didn’t dummy.

The other commentator: “Did you hear the horn go off before” (meaning the before the shot got off)?
The other dipshit: “I heard it on the replay”. 😂 😂 damn clowns
There needs to be a way to combine emojis, because it was funny but also ticked me off that they were SO stupid and seemed to want things to go Clemson's way!