What Will Happen to Mixed Nuts?

Nov 28, 2010
I like almonds. Not my favorite nut, but one of the good ones. I'm finishing off a big jug of Costco mixed nuts (salted, no peanuts) and notice - as I heve noticed before - that I'm mainly down to almonds. This is not because I have picked out the cashews and pecans - although I do pick them out, because those are my favorites. It's because the jug is probably half full of almonds. Maybe 2/3 or 3/4 almonds.

So my question is, what will the mix look like when the water crisis in CA - where 82% of the world's almonds are grown - hits the price and/or availability of almonds?

BTW, for those who don't know, the Costco mix also includes macadamia and Brazil nuts,. That's for the salted mix. The unsalted mix substitutes pistachios for macadamias, I think.
So.......this is all code for the republican presidential nominees.......right?

Originally posted by Torg:

So.......this is all code for the republican presidential nominees.......right?

Are you suggesting that we water-deprive GOP nominees? Or just that they won't do well in California?

You can't be saying Republican nominees are like mixed nuts. They are exclusively blanched almonds. Which I pick out and give to the squirrels.
Almonds are the "base nut" in the deluxe (no peanuts) packages, it seems. I think they're OK, but far from my favorite, so I sometimes wonder if it's worth it to get a ton of almonds instead of a ton of peanuts. I've taken to getting individual packages of nuts I really like (walnuts, brazil nuts) and adding those to the mixture. Another unhappy thing for me is that a year or two ago Planter's substituted pistachios for filberts.

Any brand suggestions from the nut experts on here?
Originally posted by dandh:
Almonds are the "base nut" in the deluxe (no peanuts) packages, it seems. I think they're OK, but far from my favorite, so I sometimes wonder if it's worth it to get a ton of almonds instead of a ton of peanuts. I've taken to getting individual packages of nuts I really like (walnuts, brazil nuts) and adding those to the mixture. Another unhappy thing for me is that a year or two ago Planter's substituted pistachios for filberts.

Any brand suggestions from the nut experts on here?
My favorites are cashews. I sometimes get a jug each of mixed and cashews and combine them. Still a bit shy of pecans but otherwise about right.

I really like good Brazil nuts, too. But it's tough to get good ones in a salted mix.
Sorry, I thought this thread was about the
children of Arab men and Jewish women.
Smoked almonds are right up there with cashews in my book.

Sad that it's come to this, but with the bee population struggling and now the water challenges, California might as well slide into the Pacific.
Originally posted by LuteHawk:

Sorry, I thought this thread was about the
children of Arab men and Jewish women.
You're trying way too hard.
Had an interesting experience at a swanky patio bar a few weeks ago. Four of us had drinks, and the waiter brought small bowl of mixed nuts. We had eaten them by the time we ordered a second round, so he brought another bowl....this time all peanuts.

This is a place where those two rounds cost $132. A martini was $21. But they saved money on that second bowl of nuts.
Originally posted by MN.HAWK:
Maybe a third bowl would have been mixed nuts again? Maybe the waiter didn't pay much attention and has both to choose from and just grabbed a bowl and brought you?
Posted from Rivals Mobile
At this place, they shouldn't even have a bowl of peanuts.
I love this place. Guys complain at every opportunity about too many political threads. A guy starts a non political thread and gets complaints it's not more political. HROT is a sociologist's wet dream.
Why not? Many people like peanuts. I have friends who don't like mixed nuts because of the mix, and would rather just have peanuts.

Can I ask if you asked for another bowl of mixed nuts or simply went to just making sweeping generalizations about how profitable they are based on prices and nothing else?
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Mixed nuts will go the way of bacon a couple years ago. Remember everyone said bacon prices would skyrocket yet you can get a pkg of OM bacon for 4-5 bucks about anytime.

Don't worry. Your almonds will be fine. For me, the highlight of the OP was learning that Costco had such a product. Renews my faith in Costco as anything more than a headache to navigate.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by MN.HAWK:
Why not? Many people like peanuts. I have friends who don't like mixed nuts because of the mix, and would rather just have peanuts.

Can I ask if you asked for another bowl of mixed nuts or simply went to just making sweeping generalizations about how profitable they are based on prices and nothing else?
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Good Lord.

We had better things to do than worry about the nuts. We just kinda chuckled about it.
Originally posted by Hawk in SEC Country:

Originally posted by naturalmwa:
I love this place. Guys complain at every opportunity about too many political threads. A guy starts a non political thread and gets complaints it's not more political. HROT is a sociologist's wet dream.
Freud would have a field day with this place.
Speaking of a bowl of nuts......
I have always wished for a deluxe mixed nut option sans almonds.

My wish may soon be coming true.

Originally posted by Lone Clone:

Originally posted by MN.HAWK:

Why not? Many people like peanuts. I have friends who don't like mixed nuts because of the mix, and would rather just have peanuts.

Can I ask if you asked for another bowl of mixed nuts or simply went to just making sweeping generalizations about how profitable they are based on prices and nothing else?

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Good Lord.

We had better things to do than worry about the nuts. We just kinda chuckled about it.

And yet you found time to bitch about it here. Again. I'm less than shocked.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by MN.HAWK:
Originally posted by Lone Clone:

Originally posted by MN.HAWK:

Why not? Many people like peanuts. I have friends who don't like mixed nuts because of the mix, and would rather just have peanuts.

Can I ask if you asked for another bowl of mixed nuts or simply went to just making sweeping generalizations about how profitable they are based on prices and nothing else?

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Good Lord.

We had better things to do than worry about the nuts. We just kinda chuckled about it.
And yet you found time to bitch about it here. Again. I'm less than shocked.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
You really don't understand the way this board, and the world in general, works, do you?
Originally posted by Lone Clone:

Originally posted by MN.HAWK:
Originally posted by Lone Clone:

Originally posted by MN.HAWK:

Why not? Many people like peanuts. I have friends who don't like mixed nuts because of the mix, and would rather just have peanuts.

Can I ask if you asked for another bowl of mixed nuts or simply went to just making sweeping generalizations about how profitable they are based on prices and nothing else?

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Good Lord.

We had better things to do than worry about the nuts. We just kinda chuckled about it.
And yet you found time to bitch about it here. Again. I'm less than shocked.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
You really don't understand the way this board, and the world in general, works, do you?

This is a board (and it isn't the only one) where people will not only open a thread they aren't interested in but will compose a lengthy comment about how stupid and boring the tread is and how only losers would even open such a thread, much less comment upon it.
I dropped $400 at Costco last Thursday, including a jug of the OP's nuts. So to speak. I thought it was a little almond heavy.
Damn filberts and Brazil nuts. Nice ratio of cashews.
Brazil and filberts are just part of life. Gotta take the bad with the good some times.
Originally posted by What Would Jesus Do?:
Originally posted by Lone Clone:

Originally posted by MN.HAWK:
Originally posted by Lone Clone:

Originally posted by MN.HAWK:

Why not? Many people like peanuts. I have friends who don't like mixed nuts because of the mix, and would rather just have peanuts.

Can I ask if you asked for another bowl of mixed nuts or simply went to just making sweeping generalizations about how profitable they are based on prices and nothing else?

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Good Lord.

We had better things to do than worry about the nuts. We just kinda chuckled about it.
And yet you found time to bitch about it here. Again. I'm less than shocked.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
You really don't understand the way this board, and the world in general, works, do you?

This is a board (and it isn't the only one) where people will not only open a thread they aren't interested in but will compose a lengthy comment about how stupid and boring the tread is and how only losers would even open such a thread, much less comment upon it.
You are correct. Parser. That's have fulfilled your quota for the spring quarter

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