What would Trump do to the RNC if he somehow lost to Haley?

I think he’d create some new 3rd party and run on that new ticket asking for write-in votes. He’d name it something unassuming like “The Trump Party”.

This is the only reason he’s been endorsed by other GOP politicians since 2015. Because if he’s not the candidate, he takes the stupid 50% of the GOP voters with him.
The only way something like this would happen is if he’s convicted before the convention and the RNC chooses someone else - they won’t.

But if they did, he would announce a third party run and destroy any chance the R’s have.

But it’s not gonna happen.
He's already destroyed the GOP, how much more could he destroy things it if he isn't given the nomination? Ronna Romney McDaniel stopped using the Romney part of her name because Trump told her to, how much more subservient could he make the RNC?