What's everyone doing this Daylight Savings Sunday?


HB Heisman
Jan 27, 2023
I'm sheltered in place slowly recovering from covid. I just changed my bed sheets, watched Mass at the Vatican on EWTN, ran vinegar through my Mr. Coffee machine and scrubbed it.

Now, I'm binge watching Jeopardy and cable news.


How about you?
Pic of park?

How's the weather?

It will be about 60 degrees soon.

Put a scratch coat on a fire place that I’ll be sticking stone to next week. That only took 3 hours. Started a few wildflower seeds inside. Had to screw down some tin on one of our old sheds. A couple pieces were about to blow off, fvcking wind! I still need to fix a gate and our walk in garage door. Other than that, try to get 20,000 steps in.
When I had the flu in January, I had zero energy to post on HBOT. I slept like 18 hours a day.

I guess all those vaccine doses made your COVID mild, Brian.

Did you get the flu shot?

I'm about 20% better. My fever is gone. Please continue the healing prayers. 👍
Really strange out here in “MST” Arizona! Now I “lost” another hour to Ioway and I am on the same time as California!
That means next Saturday, I will have to adjust my time TWO hours ahead ax I start my trek home!
With the weather forecast a little shaky for the mountains, a longer, “southern route” trip becomes a possibility…(which means I will pass within 100 yds of the #17 hole of the New Mexico State golf course outside Las Cruces…a hole that I triple bogeyed the last time J played it…it cost me $1 bet back in 1969….this old man has a memory for useless information!)
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I'm sheltered in place slowly recovering from covid. I just changed my bed sheets, watched Mass at the Vatican on EWTN, ran vinegar through my Mr. Coffee machine and scrubbed it.

Now, I'm binge watching Jeopardy and cable news.


How about you?
I’m rehabbing our gas grill and getting the pool area cleaned up. Will reverse sear some steaks here soon.
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Put a scratch coat on a fire place that I’ll be sticking stone to next week. That only took 3 hours. Started a few wildflower seeds inside. Had to screw down some tin on one of our old sheds. A couple pieces were about to blow off, fvcking wind! I still need to fix a gate and our walk in garage door. Other than that, try to get 20,000 steps in.

It’s nice to get shit done.
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