When was the last time Woodbury successfully made a lay up?


HB All-State
Sep 18, 2010
Anyone remember? I'm not making this thread to complain, I'm just genuinely curious. Seems like it's been a while since he made one.
Originally posted by Servbot24:
Anyone remember? I'm not making this thread to complain, I'm just genuinely curious. Seems like it's been a while since he made one.
Kind of a dramatic way to make your point. Instead of trying to be clever.......why not just come out and say that you think Woody is playing soft around the rim? And you are right by the way.
Originally posted by bdcolt45er:
You have to go all the way back to our last game.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Hmm I could be forgetting one but it seemed like he missed them all against NW as well

And I don't really care either way since my life doesn't revolve around watching students play basketball
Something is off with Woody. He does not look like he's enjoying playing the game at all. You use to be able to count on him for some emotion. Even when he played well against NW, there was nothing from him, just kinda blank. He looks like his confidence is shot. I like Woody and this team needs him.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Adam was really tough around the rim vs. NW but tonight he couldn't buy a bunny. That said, Penn State undercut him on several attempts which the ref did call once. The kid needs to get the lead out of his shoes. Really has a tough time taking it up with authority.
Originally posted by Servbot24:

Originally posted by bdcolt45er:
You have to go all the way back to our last game.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Hmm I could be forgetting one but it seemed like he missed them all against NW as well

And I don't really care either way since my life doesn't revolve around watching students play basketball

You're joking, right? Woodbury had one of his best offensive games of the year against NW. 5-8 from the field, 13 points.
Seems the calls made against him this year have definitely altered his agressiveness. I posted an earlier thread about this and i stand by my thought: He absolutely is one of the weakest 7ft big men in the country. No explosion to the rim, every move seems labored and uncoordinated, and he brings the ball down way to often and gets swatted by the 6ft guards underneath the basket. It has been a dissapointing career thus far IMO. For a guy recruited by so many powerhouses one has to wonder if It was only the competition he faced that made him such a recruit.
He may clog up space but that is about as good as it gets for Woody. Will not be sorry to see him ride off into the sunset for sure.
I've defended Woody since day one. But it's getting harder and harder to do that.

He played about as poorly as I've ever seen yesterday. 7'1'' junior starting centers should just never play that bad
Seems like he is regressing.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Woody's average against a 4 win B1G team:

Minutes: 15.5 minutes
Points: 2 points
Boards: 3 boards
FG Percentage: 12.5%
Steals: 0.5
Blocks: 0.5
Turnover: 1
Fouls: 4

4 fouls in 12 minutes in the conference tournament game? Wow

Hate to wreck on the guy but we could really use him getting it done.
The shortest 7 footer I've ever seen.

Right now, I'd take senior versions of Les Jepsen and Erik Hansen over him.

I want him to succeed big time and I think after Olaseni leaves he'll improve knowing he's The Man in the Middle...but I still maintain, he isn't made for Fran's system. He's just not mobile (period) and not strong enough to make up for that lack of mobility.
Purdue's 7 foot center Hammons against PSU: (one game)

33 minutes, 21 points, 64% field, 78% free throw, 12 rebounds, 0 steals, 3 blocks, 7 turnovers, 4 fouls...

I think Woody's numbers should be "at least" a half of these...
I don't want to slam Woody, but I am puzzled. What I don't understand (since I am not over 7 feet tall) is why Woody would not be able to gather and dunk most of the time when he gets the ball near the basket. I assume Woody's hands are big enough to palm a basketball, and he probably doesn't need to jump much, if any, to touch the rim. This seems like it should be a coachable skill, but he still cannot finish a shot at the rim after 3 years in the program.
Originally posted by HoustonREDHawk:

I don't want to slam Woody, but I am puzzled. What I don't understand (since I am not over 7 feet tall) is why Woody would not be able to gather and dunk most of the time when he gets the ball near the basket. I assume Woody's hands are big enough to palm a basketball, and he probably doesn't need to jump much, if any, to touch the rim. This seems like it should be a coachable skill, but he still cannot finish a shot at the rim after 3 years in the program.
Yup. Yesterdays dagger was the second half clank off the back of the iron as he stood in front of the basket with no contention and couldnt throw it down at point blank range. Couldnt lay it in either at 7'1". The silly tough guy persona conflicts greatly with his actual productivity.
Gabe was terrible around the rim, Gissel could only hit a lay up, Jok only hit 1 of 7, Clemmons consistently turned the ball over to compliment his 0 for 5 shooting, Josh a goose egg. Not a good night for any Hawk other than White; yet, only Woody gets called out. Weird.
Your right all of those players had bad games but this thread was about Woody and his constant problems and his lack of athletic ability.