Which administration lied the most?


HB Legend
Feb 4, 2004
Fort Lauderdale

Libs will say Bush because of Iraq. Some will say clinton because of the Monica stuff. Conservatives will say Obama because of the numerous issues the past 6 years.


Least transparent administration in history. After promising the exact opposite. But the "junior" members of HROT will tell you all the indicators are up. Click on the first sentence.
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President Franklin D. Roosevelt and his administration
lied the most. They were in office longer than anyone
else and hid the truth from the American people about
WWII. Roosevelt had to lie in order to get our nation
into the war. He crafted many lies to get his own
domestic policies through congress. Probably the
biggest liar to sit in the oval office. Obama only comes
in second to Roosevelt.
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President Franklin D. Roosevelt and his administration
lied the most. They were in office longer than anyone
else and hid the truth from the American people about
WWII. Roosevelt had to lie in order to get our nation
into the war. He crafted many lies to get his own
domestic policies through congress. Probably the
biggest liar to sit in the oval office. Obama only comes
in second to Roosevelt.

So us fighting in WW2 was a mistake. Sounds reasonable.
Roosevelt had advance warning about the attack on
Pearl Harbor, but he lied about it. He wanted the attack
to happen, so it would guarantee our entry into the war.
He could have saved some lives by being honest with
the American people and saying that we needed to
help England in the war effort.
Roosevelt had advance warning about the attack on
Pearl Harbor, but he lied about it. He wanted the attack
to happen, so it would guarantee our entry into the war.
He could have saved some lives by being honest with
the American people and saying that we needed to
help England in the war effort.

As a general rule I agree with much of what you say on HawkeyeReport. But you're going to far with this Alex Jones line of thinking. The one thing you got right is that the American people didn't want to enter WW2. FDR was never going to "talk them into it" cuz he had been trying for a long time and failing. It took PH to get the majority on board. If America stays out of the war someone else likely develops the first atomic bomb. You don't want to know what happens after that.

Libs will say Bush because of Iraq. Some will say clinton because of the Monica stuff. Conservatives will say Obama because of the numerous issues the past 6 years.

Nixon. In a landslide.
I am glad that America joined the effort in WWII to defeat
Germany and Japan. Personally, I feel that Roosevelt
could have got us involved without the Pearl Harbor disaster.
American Generals like Eisenhower, Patton, MacArthur
made a big difference for the Allies.

Bottom Line: I have never heard of Alex Jones
I am glad that America joined the effort in WWII to defeat
Germany and Japan. Personally, I feel that Roosevelt
could have got us involved without the Pearl Harbor disaster.

American Generals like Eisenhower, Patton, MacArthur
made a big difference for the Allies.

Bottom Line: I have never heard of Alex Jones

We were involved and that's one reason why we got attacked. But just to be fair to your argument, tell me what FDR would've done to get boots on the ground without PH?
Roosevelt had advance warning about the attack on
Pearl Harbor, but he lied about it. He wanted the attack
to happen, so it would guarantee our entry into the war.
He could have saved some lives by being honest with
the American people and saying that we needed to
help England in the war effort.
Thank you Eleanor!!
1. Obama
2. George W. Bush
3. Bill Clinton

Whoever the current president is will always be the answer to this question, assuming a fair mount of time has been spent in office. It is the nature of the information age. More information is available to more parties so more lying will have to be done when questions are asked. And the constituency is no longer in awe with the position; and in fact many look at it with a great amount of disdain. Where in the past presidents could often get things done/passed without explanation, now there is often a "massaging of the facts" in an effort to get what they want done.
Which lie or lies led to the most fatalities ?
Good question.

Clinton presumably comes out looking best on this measure. Which is not to say that Clinton isn't at least indirectly responsible for hundreds of thousands and possibly over a million deaths in places like Iraq (the sanctions) and Indonesia (supporting the long-running genocidal efforts there). And that isn't even counting the deaths from poverty and starvation and violence resulting from US trade policies and the War on Drugs.

Bush is clearly the worst, but Obama is doing his best to catch up before his term ends. To be fair, though, most of Obama's deaths aren't really down to lies. He's been moderately straight-forward about why he's killing so many innocent people.
As a general rule I agree with much of what you say on HawkeyeReport. But you're going to far with this Alex Jones line of thinking. The one thing you got right is that the American people didn't want to enter WW2. FDR was never going to "talk them into it" cuz he had been trying for a long time and failing. It took PH to get the majority on board. If America stays out of the war someone else likely develops the first atomic bomb. You don't want to know what happens after that.
He got a lot right actually. Admirals testified to the fact that they had warned DC about Japan's imminent attack. It was ignored. FDR lied, period. Only the foolish proud deny this fact.
Hitlers rise to power had Western help, also a fact.
He got a lot right actually. Admirals testified to the fact that they had warned DC about Japan's imminent attack. It was ignored. FDR lied, period. Only the foolish proud deny this fact.
Hitlers rise to power had Western help, also a fact.

Nice job!

It's funny how people presume that America always hated Hitler. Well, some people did, sure. Some people made a fortune, or extended their fortunes from his being in power. We became allies with Soviet Russia. I have a hard time distinguishing between the vulgarity of those two, as to which was worse!

It's interesting how Lute and HR both eagerly endorse our involvement in a combat sense, even with the knowledge that our own President, and his administration KNEW it could be avoided. I'm not even sure why Lute bothered to go anti-FDR in the thread if he was just going to support the military involvement anyway. Probably because he hates anything with a D beside it. Most on here are that easily distracted or led.

FDR and his administration withheld their knowledge of attack. They lied. That's a big f*cking lie! That cost conceivably millions of lives (American and foreign). If that attack is thwarted, does Germany declare war? We don't go to war with Japan because of Pearl Harbor, at least. Some people just need for history to "make sense" in hindsight so the justification will come no matter what they hear or find out that might challenge that.
Nice job!

It's funny how people presume that America always hated Hitler. Well, some people did, sure. Some people made a fortune, or extended their fortunes from his being in power. We became allies with Soviet Russia. I have a hard time distinguishing between the vulgarity of those two, as to which was worse!

It's interesting how Lute and HR both eagerly endorse our involvement in a combat sense, even with the knowledge that our own President, and his administration KNEW it could be avoided. I'm not even sure why Lute bothered to go anti-FDR in the thread if he was just going to support the military involvement anyway. Probably because he hates anything with a D beside it. Most on here are that easily distracted or led.

FDR and his administration withheld their knowledge of attack. They lied. That's a big f*cking lie! That cost conceivably millions of lives (American and foreign). If that attack is thwarted, does Germany declare war? We don't go to war with Japan because of Pearl Harbor, at least. Some people just need for history to "make sense" in hindsight so the justification will come no matter what they hear or find out that might challenge that.
The "Black Helicopter"crowd is out in full force I see.
Plenty of Americans loved fascism. Then, just like today. A partnership between business and government. What's not to like? Time Magazine promoted "Handsome Adolf" through much of the 30s although they had cooled (slightly) when they declared him 1938 Man of the Year.
Nice job!

It's funny how people presume that America always hated Hitler. Well, some people did, sure. Some people made a fortune, or extended their fortunes from his being in power. We became allies with Soviet Russia. I have a hard time distinguishing between the vulgarity of those two, as to which was worse!

It's interesting how Lute and HR both eagerly endorse our involvement in a combat sense, even with the knowledge that our own President, and his administration KNEW it could be avoided. I'm not even sure why Lute bothered to go anti-FDR in the thread if he was just going to support the military involvement anyway. Probably because he hates anything with a D beside it. Most on here are that easily distracted or led.

FDR and his administration withheld their knowledge of attack. They lied. That's a big f*cking lie! That cost conceivably millions of lives (American and foreign). If that attack is thwarted, does Germany declare war? We don't go to war with Japan because of Pearl Harbor, at least. Some people just need for history to "make sense" in hindsight so the justification will come no matter what they hear or find out that might challenge that.
Hitler is one thing; there's no question that a lot of influential Americans liked what Mussolini was doing, and also what was happening in the Soviet Union.

The idea that FDR knew about Pearl Harbor ahead of time has, of course, been thoroughly debunked over the years. Some conspiracy theories simply will never die.

An entirely different issue is whether FDR considered war with Japan inevitable. He did.

One thing that America DOES have is a tradition of presidents swearing to avoid wars that they know we will be fighting. Wilson won re-election on the slogan "He kept us out of war!" despite knowing full well that we were going to get in it. FDR has been discussed here already. LBJ ran on a promise that American boys would not be fighting in Vietnam.....again, knowing it wasn't true.
Lone....this is a failed poll. WE all know the correct answer is "Nixon"........the man lied every time he moved his lips. Cons and GOPers will never admit this...there best defense is to "rewrite" history as time goes by but as much as LBJ lied (about Viet Nam in particular), Nixon lied more about everything (especially about how everyone was out to get him)...........and in comparison, William Jefferson Clinton was a minor leaguer compared to Johnson and Nixon. When it came to lying about things that really mattered....Clinton wouldn't even be on the list.
The idea that FDR knew about Pearl Harbor ahead of time has, of course, been thoroughly debunked over the years. Some conspiracy theories simply will never die.

You mean, some people refuse to believe that their leaders could ever knowingly lie to us? Nothing has been debunked. If anything, it's become crystal clear that he knew and that the administration willingly forced Japan's hand to have no choice but to attack... somewhere.
You mean, some people refuse to believe that their leaders could ever knowingly lie to us? Nothing has been debunked. If anything, it's become crystal clear that he knew and that the administration willingly forced Japan's hand to have no choice but to attack... somewhere.
No, what I mean is that sufficient evidence has been produced to convince any rational person that FDR did not know about the Pearl Harbor attack in advance.
Lone....this is a failed poll. WE all know the correct answer is "Nixon"........the man lied every time he moved his lips. Cons and GOPers will never admit this...there best defense is to "rewrite" history as time goes by but as much as LBJ lied (about Viet Nam in particular), Nixon lied more about everything (especially about how everyone was out to get him)...........and in comparison, William Jefferson Clinton was a minor leaguer compared to Johnson and Nixon. When it came to lying about things that really mattered....Clinton wouldn't even be on the list.
1. I am no Nixon apologist. Mrs. LC and I observe "Nixon Abdication Day" every Aug. 8 to honor the day he quit.
2. What did he lie about in addition to Watergate?

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