Which one of you ...

Lets see what the medical folks on here have to say about blood transfusions.....
Actually a lot of surgeons will tell you bloodless surgeries are more successful and have far less complications post surgery. Maybe there are some doctors on here who care to weigh in …
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There is letter writing territory , so if you are in rural area it’s possible that’s the easiest way to try and reach people.
During COVID it was the only way we could do our ministry, as the door to door ministry was put on halt.
In addition some of the older folks who can’t do as much door t door ministry use letters as a way of participating in the ministry as well.
We try and reach as many people as possible by many means, letters, there is business witnessing, public ministry carts, phone witnessing , the door to door work etc… it’s all about love of neighbor and following Jesus command to “make disciples of people of all the nations” Matthew 28:19,20

1.) Do you have any data on how many doors you have to knock before you make a convert?

For example, do you have to knock on 1,000 doors per new convert?

2.) What happens to non-Jehovas Witnesses when they die?

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1.) Do you have any data on how many doors you have to knock before you make a convert?

For example, do you have to knock on 1,000 doors per new convert?

2.) What happens to non-Jehovas Witnesses when they die?

All I can tell you is worldwide there is 5-6k per week that are becoming Jehovah’s witnesses. I’ve never looked at is an a competition to see who makes the most disciples but a collective effort.
Regardless if one person ever does become one of Jehovah’s witnesses I’m happy knowing I just followed Christs command to preach . Besides God is the one who draws people to him.
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Actually a lot of surgeons will tell you bloodless surgeries are more successful and have far less complications post surgery. Maybe there are some doctors on here who care to weigh in …

Just give your data about "a lot of surgeons". I'm seriously not trying to pick on you. I just don't buy it.
I'd love to look into every religion's CRM and see their sales conversion rate. You cath's on SalesForce?

The only data I know is that for every 1 person that converts to Catholicism in America, 6 Catholics leave the Church.
All I can tell you is worldwide there is 5-6k per week that are becoming Jehovah’s witnesses. I’ve never looked at is an a competition to see who makes the most disciples but a collective effort.
Regardless if one person ever does become one of Jehovah’s witnesses I’m happy knowing I just followed Christs command to preach . Besides God is the one who draws people to him.

In your mind, why are JW's divined over other Christians?
All I can tell you is worldwide there is 5-6k per week that are becoming Jehovah’s witnesses. I’ve never looked at is an a competition to see who makes the most disciples but a collective effort.
Regardless if one person ever does become one of Jehovah’s witnesses I’m happy knowing I just followed Christs command to preach . Besides God is the one who draws people to him.


What happens to non-Jehovas Witnesses when they die?
In your mind, why are JW's divined over other Christians?
I don’t claim Jehovahs witnesses are infallible . We “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”(Romans 3:23)
I do however know we try to practice what the Bible teaches. We do not support worldly politics, stay neutral in the world’s wars and social issues and try to be advocates of Gods Kingdom. We also strictly adhere to God’s commands in regards to morality .
Thankfully only God can read hearts and He will be the judge .
I don’t claim Jehovahs witnesses are infallible . We “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”(Romans 3:23)
I do however know we try to practice what the Bible teaches. We do not support worldly politics, stay neutral in the world’s wars and social issues and try to be advocates of Gods Kingdom. We also strictly adhere to God’s commands in regards to morality .
Thankfully only God can read hearts and He will be the judge .

Fair enough. I just never felt comfortable doing living wills / Medical Power of Attorneys for JWs. I did them. But I thought they were not sane.

What happens to non-Jehovas Witnesses when they no m
They end up just like those who are Jehovahs witnesses ..they sleep in the common grave of mankind, awaiting Jesus promise of a resurrection.
A small group are given immortal life in the heavens to rule with Christ in his heavenly kingdom. (Revelation 14:1; Revelation 5:9,10)
As to who is given a resurrection , God is the judge, and he decides who’s worthy. Jesus and Paul both said there would be a resurrection of the righteous and the unrighteous.
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Fair enough. I just never felt comfortable doing living wills / Medical Power of Attorneys for JWs. I did them. But I thought they were not sane.
They’re sane I assure you . They just value loyalty to God in the highest way possible. His command that we abstain from blood is a central point to the faith We want the best care possible as long as it doesn’t interfere with Gods clear command to abstain from blood .
They’re sane I assure you . They just value loyalty to God in the highest way possible. His command that we abstain from blood is a central point to the faith We want the best care possible as long as it doesn’t interfere with Gods clear command to abstain from blood .

Where in the old or new testament does it say you can't have blood transfusions?
They end up just like those who are Jehovahs witnesses ..they sleep in the common grave of mankind, awaiting Jesus promise of a resurrection.
A small group are given immortal life in the heavens to rule with Christ in his heavenly kingdom. (Revelation 14:1; Revelation 5:9,10)
As to who is given a resurrection , God is the judge, and he decides who’s worthy. Jesus and Paul both said there would be a resurrection of the righteous and the unrighteous.

Thanks for the info!

So, one doesn't need to be a Jehovah's Witness to go to Heaven?

Why become a Jehovah's Witness then?
Thanks for the info!

So, one doesn't need to be a Jehovah's Witness to go to Heaven?

Why become a Jehovah's Witness then?
I said a small group of individuals would be given the privilege of going to heaven. The Bible states it as 144,000(Revelation 14:1)
The rest of faithful mankind, including those who died centuries ago , like the prohets await the earthly resurrection to live here under paradise conditions. (Revelation 7:9,10;13-17)
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I said a small group of individuals would be given the privilege of going to heaven. The Bible states it as 144,000(Revelation 14:1)
The rest of faithful mankind, including those who died centuries ago , like the prohets await the earthly resurrection to live here under paradise conditions. (Revelation 7:9,10;13-17)

117 billion people have lived on earth.....but yeah.....only 144,000 go to heaven
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Genesis 9:4 - nobody is eating flesh - GTFO
Leviticus 17:10 - same
Act - s 15:28,29 - same
It’s the principle here.
God’s ancient people the Israelites and later Christian’s were commanded to abstain from eating for sure but by extension medical use as well. So we avoid taking blood not only in obedience to God but also out of respect for him as the Giver of life.
I said a small group of individuals would be given the privilege of going to heaven. The Bible states it as 144,000(Revelation 14:1)
The rest of faithful mankind, including those who died centuries ago , like the prohets await the earthly resurrection to live here under paradise conditions. (Revelation 7:9,10;13-17)

When will the earthly resurrection happen?
117 billion people have lived on earth.....but yeah.....only 144,000 go to heaven
Not my number .
Just going by what the good book says.
Besides the part people forget is the hope of the “great crowd” an unknown number of faithful humans who will live on earth forever in paradise. I’m ok with that being a consolation prize as I don’t consider myself as one of those with the heavenly hope
When will the earthly resurrection happen?
Begins after God’a war of Armageddon
After the destruction of Satans system of things and those who support his ruler ship, including all man’s earthly governments that oppose God’s Kingdom, and His chosen ruler Jesus Christ
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It’s the principle here.
God’s ancient people the Israelites and later Christian’s were commanded to abstain from eating for sure but by extension medical use as well. So we avoid taking blood not only in obedience to God but also out of respect for him as the Giver of life.

No. Nothing in the scripture you provided any explanation. This is what happens when cult culture listen's to someone's extrapolation of the "word".

You are making up stuff at this point.
No. Nothing in the scripture you provided any explanation. This is what happens when cult culture listen's to someone's extrapolation of the "word".

You are making up stuff at this point.
So you think the command to abstain from blood is made up ? Paul making that up in your opinion? Abstaining to me mean abstaining in all forms m, consuming it either orally or intravenously.
Begins after God’a war of Armageddon
After the destruction of Satans system of things and those who support his ruler ship, including all man’s earthly governments that oppose God’s Kingdom, and His chosen ruler Jesus Christ


Do you know when that will happen?
Jehovah's Witnesses don't believe in Hell.
angry ligue 1 GIF by Toulouse Football Club

Do you know when that will happen?
No. Jesus himself said only God knows the day and hour. As you know however he did provide clues that we would be living in the last days for us to know that times very near.
Matthew chapter 24 is a good place to start , and 2Tim 3:1-5 describes world. Conditions and attitudes we would see in the last days .
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Hell is the common grave of mankind.
Not a place of fiery torment. Such a place would go completely contrary to God’s dominant quality of love , not only that but would make him a liar, as you know he told Adam his penalty for disobeying was death . Not a place of unending torment
Hell is the common grave of mankind.
Not a place of fiery torment. Such a place would go completely contrary to God’s dominant quality of love , not only that but would make him a liar, as you know he told Adam his penalty for disobeying was death . Not a place of unending torment

Jesus said Hell is eternal fire.


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So you think the command to abstain from blood is made up ? Paul making that up in your opinion? Abstaining to me mean abstaining in all forms m, consuming it either orally or intravenously.

Come on man, Paul couldn't comprehend the idea of transfusions
This is where I have problem with organized religion. To think that folks 2000 years ago are more intelligent than what is proven factually now.