White House Briefing 7/2/25 UPDATED

This is so much worse than they’re letting on.
The “this was a bad night” is such a bad excuse haha. Then they follow up with “yes we all know he is old, not as smart, can’t walk as good, etc..” basically admitting what we are all saying haha.

This is not good for the left at the moment. This summit with the governors will be interesting with what they tell him
She just brought up the watch party and has mentioned the SOTU 5 times so far. You’d think they’d have more to pull from in 4 years.
she does the best job I've ever seen of covering up, dodging, projecting, and all the while never saying anything. it's fantastical. she deserves a raise after the debate.
Not to mention how much Joe tells the truth, then in the next breath blatantly lying about something.