Who Had Serious Side Effects from Covid 19 Vaccine?


HB Legend
Nov 30, 2011
Do you know anyone who had serious side effects after
receiving Covid 19 vaccine? Are there any serious risks
that nobody is talking about? Are doctors endorsing the
Covid 19 vaccine wholeheartedly?
My mom is a front line worker and got it right away. After the first shot The whole left side of her face went numb for 12(ish) hours. She had the other shit like a sore/stiff arm but that sounded like a tetnis shot but worse. She didn't tell us about it until later but I was freaked when she did. Tough old bird.
It seems that for some folks they get some pain, redness,
and swelling in the arm where they got the shot.
My wife was out sick the day after with a 103 temp and weakness. Of course I have no idea if it was the vaccine or not. A friend's 90 year old mother supposedly had a pretty bad reaction. Hallucinations and delirium.
My wife was out sick the day after with a 103 temp and weakness. Of course I have no idea if it was the vaccine or not. A friend's 90 year old mother supposedly had a pretty bad reaction. Hallucinations and delirium.
YOu have had to had your second by now. How did it go?
7AM tomorrow I get round 2 of moderna. In the words of Gordon Lightfoot, "Fellas, it's been good to know ya."

Plan on having a rough Saturday night and Sunday, but you'll be feeling better by Sunday night if it's like mine was.
No issues with either of mine other than a little fatigue the day after. My elderly mother did fine as well. Only friends of mine that had issues are those that had covid already and got the vaccine. Probably triggered a bigger immune response in them.
My parents got both shots (Moderna) . First one was nothingburger maybe a tad sore in arm. Second one knocked them on their ass for two days fatigue wise. Slept 14 hours the second day after. Then just fine.

I have heard from two people that i know that have had two shots that there was nothing on the first but just like you said, the second one produced a 48 hour wipeout. I don't know the brand of the vaccine. But those two, and your parents, sound identical.
Both vaccines have a higher rate of side effects with the 2nd shot. Think of the first as a primer and the second really kicks it in. And remember, getting a fever and chills is a good thing, it’s your body producing an immune response.

A doctor friend just got his 2nd dose and he said it made him feel pretty crappy for about 24 hours. One piece of advice he shared....if you’re a side sleeper, don’t get the shot in the side you sleep on because it’ll make it hard to sleep for a night or two.
Friend had the 1st shot and next day began 3 days of stomach issues. I have my doubts it's related but anyone hear of that?
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First shot, arm was sore. Got the 2nd on a Friday morning. I was sick all day on Saturday with fever, chills, nausea; fever broke Saturday night and I was feeling much better on Sunday. My lymph nodes in my left armpit were swollen and swore for about 3 days
My sister (no pic) got her ass kicked by the shot. Almost went to the ER it was so bad- swelling, couldn't breathe, rash, extreme fatigue. She's a nurse and has had Covid and the side effects of the shot were much worse than the virus in her case. The consensus around her clinic was that the people who had already been infected with the virus had the worst side effects from the vaccine.
I'm about 12 hours in and I have a mildly sore arm and I had significant fatigue, although that could also be because it's the end of the week and I am always exhausted. Not sure if that is vaccine related. Other than that, nothing.
My sister (no pic) got her ass kicked by the shot. Almost went to the ER it was so bad- swelling, couldn't breathe, rash, extreme fatigue. She's a nurse and has had Covid and the side effects of the shot were much worse than the virus in her case. The consensus around her clinic was that the people who had already been infected with the virus had the worst side effects from the vaccine.

There's actually some science to back this up. Basically, it's not "new" so a much stronger immune response gets triggered by it. It's why more people are having reactions to the second dose than the first. I'm guessing since studies show that vaccinated people prove to be less susceptible to infection for a longer period of time than people who have recovered from the disease is why people who were already sick are still recommended to get vaccinated.
First shot on December 30. Felt rough for about 2 hours December 31. Laid down for two hours and felt great. Got second on January 27. No problems. Moderna.
A number of people I know were advised to pre-treat themselves with aspirin for 12 hours before the second shot and then continue regular doses for the 12 hours after. That seemed to reduce some of the issues.
First shot, arm was sore. Got the 2nd on a Friday morning. I was sick all day on Saturday with fever, chills, nausea; fever broke Saturday night and I was feeling much better on Sunday. My lymph nodes in my left armpit were swollen and swore for about 3 days
Swore for 3 days huh? Hopefully no little kids were around.
Got the Moderna. 2nd shot was not fun. Flu like symptoms for a day and a half or so and then asthma amplification for a weeks. Fatigue was bad enough that I had to exert the will power of what I normally do pushing it in runs to walk a mile.
A number of people I know were advised to pre-treat themselves with aspirin for 12 hours before the second shot and then continue regular doses for the 12 hours after. That seemed to reduce some of the issues.

thats not advisable as there are data that suggests that reduces efficacy.
Both vaccines have a higher rate of side effects with the 2nd shot. Think of the first as a primer and the second really kicks it in. And remember, getting a fever and chills is a good thing, it’s your body producing an immune response.

A doctor friend just got his 2nd dose and he said it made him feel pretty crappy for about 24 hours. One piece of advice he shared....if you’re a side sleeper, don’t get the shot in the side you sleep on because it’ll make it hard to sleep for a night or two.

Well F, I sleep on both depending on which side I just rolled over from because my arm was asleep.