"Why bother having nuclear weapons if you’re afraid to use them"?


HB King
Gold Member
Aug 16, 2005
Hell, Michigan
A spokesperson for Donald Trump’s front running GOP presidential campaign lashed out at his fellow Republican candidates for saber-rattling about war — inferring that they are all talk and no action — before wondering whether it does the U.S. any good to have nuclear weapons if our leaders are afraid to use them.

Appearing on The O’Reilly Factor, Trump spokesperson Katrina Pearson hammered at the other candidates while covering for her boss who, in a recent debate, was stumped when asked the country’s nuclear strike capability known as the “nuclear triad.”

“What good does it do to have a good nuclear triad if you’re afraid to use it?” Pierson asked. “And that’s where we are today and we need to fix these problems. Not just complaining and name-calling about who started this and who started that.”

Pierson’s comments stunned conservative columnist and Desert Storm veteran Kurt Schlichter, who got into a contentious argument with Pierson over her boss’s ignorance on nuclear matters.

“The point of the nuclear triad is to be afraid to use the damn thing. You want to scare the hell out of the other side,” Schlichter excitedly yelled. “And frankly, my side will be more scared if Donald Trump gets his finger on the button.”

In a previous television appearance, Pierson defended Trump’s much-criticized proposal to ban Muslims from entering the country, telling a horrified S.E. Cupp of CNN: “So what? They’re Muslim.”
Part of me wants Trump to win so that he will have to sit down in the Oval Office in January 2017 and be responsible for things. He'll have no actual plans, just insults slogans, and he'll destroy the Republican brand for two decades. Then I realize he'd destroy the country and not just a party.
Here is food for thought. What good is a nuclear weapon if the other side knows u will not use it. Why do u think we worry about Russia, China, or North Korea. It's because all of those countries are crazy enough to us a nuke.

Maybe trump is playing mind games to get the upper hand.
What would absolutely prompt you to use a nuke as President? An attack on America with nukes? An attack on Israel?
A spokesperson for Donald Trump’s front running GOP presidential campaign lashed out at his fellow Republican candidates for saber-rattling about war — inferring that they are all talk and no action — before wondering whether it does the U.S. any good to have nuclear weapons if our leaders are afraid to use them.

Appearing on The O’Reilly Factor, Trump spokesperson Katrina Pearson hammered at the other candidates while covering for her boss who, in a recent debate, was stumped when asked the country’s nuclear strike capability known as the “nuclear triad.”

“What good does it do to have a good nuclear triad if you’re afraid to use it?” Pierson asked. “And that’s where we are today and we need to fix these problems. Not just complaining and name-calling about who started this and who started that.”

Pierson’s comments stunned conservative columnist and Desert Storm veteran Kurt Schlichter, who got into a contentious argument with Pierson over her boss’s ignorance on nuclear matters.

“The point of the nuclear triad is to be afraid to use the damn thing. You want to scare the hell out of the other side,” Schlichter excitedly yelled. “And frankly, my side will be more scared if Donald Trump gets his finger on the button.”

In a previous television appearance, Pierson defended Trump’s much-criticized proposal to ban Muslims from entering the country, telling a horrified S.E. Cupp of CNN: “So what? They’re Muslim.”
Every rational thinker knows nukes are now only good for preventing large scale wars. Once we were no longer the only kid on the block with nukes it became a case of 'the only way to win is not to play' as stated in the movie "War Games".

I don't worry about China or Russia trying to take us out. I worry about Israel doing a pre-emptive strike against Iran when they perceive the Persians have the capability of launching nukes against them. Thanks for that BHO. Not!

I also worry about the spoiled brat over in North Korea trying to leave a legacy.
Here is food for thought. What good is a nuclear weapon if the other side knows u will not use it. Why do u think we worry about Russia, China, or North Korea. It's because all of those countries are crazy enough to us a nuke.

Maybe trump is playing mind games to get the upper hand.
So, which parts of his message am I supposed to believe and which parts are for show? Is he doing the same thing with Mexicans to make them afraid of coming here?
Alright so another post that if you don't vote Left, you are wrong.
Only by default.

There used to be smart, intelligent Republicans and conservatives who had different views but not necessarily dishonest or dangerous views. But the GOP has pretty much run them out of the party. The few who remain - if, indeed, there are any - don't run for the presidency. They know they have no chance in today's GOP and with today's GOP base.
A spokesperson for Donald Trump’s front running GOP presidential campaign lashed out at his fellow Republican candidates for saber-rattling about war — inferring that they are all talk and no action — before wondering whether it does the U.S. any good to have nuclear weapons if our leaders are afraid to use them.

Appearing on The O’Reilly Factor, Trump spokesperson Katrina Pearson hammered at the other candidates while covering for her boss who, in a recent debate, was stumped when asked the country’s nuclear strike capability known as the “nuclear triad.”

“What good does it do to have a good nuclear triad if you’re afraid to use it?” Pierson asked. “And that’s where we are today and we need to fix these problems. Not just complaining and name-calling about who started this and who started that.”

Pierson’s comments stunned conservative columnist and Desert Storm veteran Kurt Schlichter, who got into a contentious argument with Pierson over her boss’s ignorance on nuclear matters.

“The point of the nuclear triad is to be afraid to use the damn thing. You want to scare the hell out of the other side,” Schlichter excitedly yelled. “And frankly, my side will be more scared if Donald Trump gets his finger on the button.”

In a previous television appearance, Pierson defended Trump’s much-criticized proposal to ban Muslims from entering the country, telling a horrified S.E. Cupp of CNN: “So what? They’re Muslim.”

Holy schniekies!!!

How refreshing...a candidate who speaks his mind and knows absolutely nothing on a whole range of issues. I can see why his poll numbers are so high :rolleyes:
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What would absolutely prompt you to use a nuke as President? An attack on America with nukes? An attack on Israel?

A nuclear attack on the United States or a nuclear attack on a NATO ally.

Certain other non NATO allies may apply in this instance as well. Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea would also apply. Israel I would put as a maybe.

But I'm scared as hell that a person like Trump would have access to the nuclear launch codes.

This isn't a game of Civilization here. If we where playing civilization I might ask why build nukes if you arn't gonna use them. . . But this is real life here.
Who, exactly?

Here is food for thought. What good is a nuclear weapon if the other side knows u will not use it. Why do u think we worry about Russia, China, or North Korea. It's because all of those countries are crazy enough to us a nuke.
